
48V24Ah lithium battery, can the cruising range exceed 100 km? Here comes the real test data of the owner

author:Three or two things about electric cars

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Cruising range is an important technical parameter of electric vehicles, because the longer the cruising range, not only can the electric vehicle be charged less times, but also can easily run long distances, so that you have no range anxiety.

48V24Ah lithium battery, can the cruising range exceed 100 km? Here comes the real test data of the owner

At the same time, the cruising range is also an important selling point for merchants to sell electric vehicles, for example, merchants will advertise lithium batteries of the same capacity, which can run farther than lead-acid batteries, equipped with 48V24Ah lithium batteries, and the cruising range can exceed 100 kilometers, is this true? Today, let's take a look at the real test data of car owners.

Why lithium batteries run farther than lead-acid batteries

When businesses promote electric vehicles, they often say that their electric vehicles are equipped with lithium batteries, which are farther than the lead-acid batteries, why do you say so?

48V24Ah lithium battery, can the cruising range exceed 100 km? Here comes the real test data of the owner

First of all, the energy density of lithium batteries is higher than that of lead-acid batteries, so under the same capacity, the weight of lithium batteries is lighter, so that in the process of riding electric vehicles, it is equivalent to reducing the weight of electric vehicles, which can improve the mileage.

Secondly, the discharge curve of lithium battery is more stable, that is to say, the discharge power is more stable, so that the stable driving of electric vehicles is more conducive to increasing the range of electric vehicles.

48V24Ah lithium battery, can the cruising range exceed 100 km? Here comes the real test data of the owner

Finally, lithium batteries are better resistant to low temperatures, so in the cold winter, the battery life of lithium batteries is less than that of lead-acid batteries.

48V24Ah lithium battery, can the cruising range exceed 100 km? Here comes the real test data of the owner

Although a lithium battery of the same capacity is theoretically farther than a lead-acid battery, can a lithium battery with 48V24Ah really achieve a range of 100 kilometers? Let's take a look at the real test data of car owners to avoid being fooled by merchants.

48V24Ah lithium battery, can the cruising range exceed 100 km? Here comes the real test data of the owner

Some netizens ride electric vehicles, equipped with 48V24Ah lithium batteries, through their own real tests, you can see on the navigation that it lasted three hours, and the final range is 70.85 kilometers.

That is to say, the electric vehicle with 48V24Ah lithium battery did not reach the 100 kilometers advertised by the merchants, and the actual cruising range was only 70 kilometers, which is true and effective.

48V24Ah lithium battery, can the cruising range exceed 100 km? Here comes the real test data of the owner

In order to verify the results of the netizen test, we can also use the formula for calculating the mileage of the electric vehicle to make theoretical calculations, although the theoretical data is not true, but it can also roughly calculate the theoretical range of the electric vehicle, because the actual riding is affected by a variety of factors, so the actual range is much shorter than the theoretical range.

48V24Ah lithium battery, can the cruising range exceed 100 km? Here comes the real test data of the owner

According to the calculation formula of cruising range, the real range of an electric vehicle with a 48V24Ah lithium battery is 48×24×25÷400=72 km, which can also be understood as the longest range of the electric vehicle.

48V24Ah lithium battery, can the cruising range exceed 100 km? Here comes the real test data of the owner

Therefore, even if the lithium battery is configured, the real mileage of the battery with a capacity of 48V24Ah is only about 70 kilometers, which will not reach the 100 kilometers advertised by the merchant, which is the result of the owner's personal test, and can also be verified by the mileage calculation formula.


The mileage of electric vehicles is not as advertised by the merchants, as much as you want, and it is not that all electric vehicles can easily exceed 100 kilometers, which must be equipped with large-capacity batteries, even if it is a lithium battery, it also needs large-capacity support, otherwise it is impossible to achieve a range of 100 kilometers.

So, do you think it is necessary for electric cars to have a range of more than 100 km? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment

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