
After the electric tricycle was "banned", there were 2 new ways to pick up the baby, netizens: It is more congested than the original

author:Three or two things about electric cars

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After the management of electric vehicles has been strengthened, many cities have also begun to focus on electric tricycles, and illegal electric tricycles are not allowed to drive on the road, which not only affects the travel of the elderly, but also brings inconvenience to picking up babies to and from school. However, after the electric tricycle was "banned", two new ways to pick up babies appeared, and netizens thought that this made the road more congested than before.

After the electric tricycle was "banned", there were 2 new ways to pick up the baby, netizens: It is more congested than the original

Electric tricycles are banned in many places

First of all, let's take a look at the management regulations on electric tricycles in various places, which are also divided into two types: compliant vehicles and illegal vehicles.

Illegal vehicles refer to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announcement directory, do not meet the requirements of motor vehicle licensing models, here some areas of vehicles set up a transition period through the way of filing and registration in the transition period to allow the road, but after the end of the transition period will be prohibited on the road, some areas are directly prohibited from the road.

After the electric tricycle was "banned", there were 2 new ways to pick up the baby, netizens: It is more congested than the original

Secondly, many cities have strict management of electric tricycles, even if they are compliant models, vehicles have license plates, and the owner has a driver's license, but there are also prohibited areas, and vehicles are not allowed to enter the prohibited areas, such as Beijing does not allow electric tricycles to enter the Sixth Ring Road.

After the electric tricycle was "banned", there were 2 new ways to pick up the baby, netizens: It is more congested than the original

Electric tricycle is a convenient means of transportation for the elderly to travel daily and pick up the baby to and from school. Some netizens have come up with two new ways to pick up babies, but what are the effects of these two methods? Netizens think it's more congested than the original use of electric tricycles.

Use a private car to pick up and drop off the baby

With the improvement of living standards, every family now has a private car, and after the electric tricycle was banned, many parents had to choose to use a private car to pick up and drop off their children to and from school.

After the electric tricycle was "banned", there were 2 new ways to pick up the baby, netizens: It is more congested than the original

Because private cars occupy more space, there will be traffic jams on several roads near the school, every time you go to school or after school, and it also increases the cost of picking up and dropping off the baby, and may even delay the time for parents to commute to work.

Use a rickshaw to pick up and drop off the baby

In addition, many elderly people do not know how to drive a private car, so they choose to use a human-powered tricycle as a means of transportation, which is a non-motorized vehicle and can be allowed on all roads in all cities.

After the electric tricycle was "banned", there were 2 new ways to pick up the baby, netizens: It is more congested than the original

After the ban on electric tricycles, the elderly in order to facilitate travel, again purchased a manpower tricycle, this vehicle is driven by manpower, for short-distance travel is still good, and can also be conveniently used to pick up and drop off babies.

After the electric tricycle was "banned", there were 2 new ways to pick up the baby, netizens: It is more congested than the original

On the one hand, the number of private cars has increased, occupying more road resources, and on the other hand, the driving speed of human tricycles is relatively slow, so every time to go to school or after school, several roads near the school are congested.

After the electric tricycle was "banned", there were 2 new ways to pick up the baby, netizens: It is more congested than the original

In addition, because it is more difficult to park near the school, many parents will set off in advance, in order to park the vehicle closer to the school, which also increases the time to pick up the baby, and there will be traffic jams on the way home after playing on the street, many parents feedback that it takes more than an hour to pick up the baby from school, which is really a waste of time.


Electric tricycle is a convenient means of transportation for the elderly, after the strict management of electric tricycles, many areas restrict this vehicle on the road, and even appear to be disabled, which also brings inconvenience to picking up and dropping off babies to and from school, but there is a new way to pick up the baby, but this has led to more congestion on road traffic, and even more safety hazards than before.

So, what do you think about the restrictions on electric tricycles on the road in various places? Everyone is welcome to leave a comment

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