
doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

author:Flying Fish Reading Club
doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?
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doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

During the Spring Festival of 1999, on the stage of the China Disabled Persons' Federation, a short man stood in the spotlight, holding a baton, and conducting the choir to perform a touching movement.

This man named Hu Yizhou is only 1 tall. 5 meters, but exudes a stunning stage charm. The audience was surprised to find that this person, known as the "genius conductor", was actually a person with Down syndrome.

Subsequently, a documentary called "The World of Zhouzhou" was broadcast nationwide, telling the legendary story of Hu Yizhou's overcoming physical obstacles and becoming self-taught. The film not only caused a sensation in China, but also attracted the attention of overseas media.

Hu Yizhou's name soon spread all over the country and became an inspirational symbol for people with disabilities.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

However, as time went on, doubts began to rise quietly. How did this genius that shocked the music industry come to be? When the truth gradually emerges, an elaborate scam is revealed.

On April 1, 1987, when the spring flowers were blooming, Hu Yizhou was born in a family full of music. His father was a double bass player in the Wuhan Art Troupe, and his mother was also a diligent worker.

As a son in his later years, Hu Yizhou's arrival brought infinite joy and expectation to the family. Father Hu secretly hoped in his heart that this little life could inherit his mantle and become an excellent musician.

However, fate seems to have played a cruel joke on the family. As time passed, Father Hu noticed that his son was different from other babies in that he was unusually quiet and rarely cried.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

This abnormal phenomenon made Hu's father suspicious, and in order to ensure the child's health, they decided to take Hu Yizhou to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

The results of the examination were like a bolt from the blue, shattering the beautiful vision of the Hu couple. The doctor told them that Hu Yizhou had a severe intellectual disability and that his IQ was only equivalent to that of a three-year-old child.

This brutal fact made the couple almost break down, and they couldn't accept that their child had Down syndrome.

Faced with such a predicament, Hu's father decided to serve as his son's teacher himself. He began to explore how to teach a child with an intellectual disability and how to help him adapt to the world.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

Although the road ahead is full of hardships, Hu's father always believes that as long as he pays enough love and patience, he can always find a suitable position for his son.

In this way, under the careful care of his parents, Hu Yizhou began his growth road. Although his world is different from ordinary people, the love of his parents has built a warm barrier for him to avoid the harm of the outside world.

However, as Hu Yizhou grows up, greater challenges await this special family.

One day in 1995, backstage of the Wuhan Symphony Orchestra, an inadvertent scene changed Hu Yizhou's fate. At that time, Hu's father brought his son to the orchestra rehearsal as usual.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

After the rehearsal, Hu's father and his friend Zhang Yiqing had a good conversation, and they were suddenly attracted by a strange sound.

They turned their heads to look and saw the skinny Hu Yizhou standing in front of the TV, holding two chopsticks in his hand, waving freely to the rhythm of the music playing. Hu Yizhou is completely immersed in the world of music, as if he has forgotten everything around him.

His seemingly clumsy arms were striking each beat with precision, to the amazement of everyone present.

This scene deeply shocked Zhang Yiqing. As a veteran director, he is keenly aware of the uniqueness of this scene. After the music ended, Hu Yizhou returned to his usual wooden appearance, as if the energetic "conductor" just now had nothing to do with him.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

Zhang Yiqing excitedly shook Hu's father's hand and put forward a bold idea: he hoped to shoot a documentary for Hu Yizhou to show the musical talent of this special child.

Hu's father was a little hesitant at first, worried that being exposed to the camera would bring unnecessary pressure to his son. But after careful consideration, he realized that this could be an opportunity to change his son's fate, and finally agreed to Director Zhang's proposal.

In this way, Zhang Yiqing began a one-year follow-up work. He records Hu Yizhou's daily life, especially those precious moments related to music.

The filming process was not all smooth sailing, and they faced many difficulties such as lack of funds and limited shooting conditions. But both Director Zhang and Hu's father firmly believe that this documentary will not only show Hu Yizhou's talent, but also bring hope to others in similar situations.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

In 1997, after nearly two years of hard work, "The World of Zhouzhou" finally came out. The documentary was first broadcast on Hubei Satellite TV and immediately aroused an enthusiastic response from the audience.

Soon after, CCTV also took a keen interest in the work, adding some footage to it and broadcasting it nationwide.

As the most influential TV media in China, CCTV's broadcast has brought "The World of Zhouzhou" unprecedented attention. Subsequently, the influence of the documentary even broke through national borders, and television stations in many countries bought the broadcast rights.

Audiences in Germany, France and other countries were deeply moved by Hu Yizhou's story, and they were amazed at how this special child blossomed in the face of adversity.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

The success of the documentary not only brought Hu Yizhou into the limelight, but also attracted the attention of the China Disabled Persons' Federation. It is precisely because of watching this documentary that the chairman of the Disabled Persons' Federation personally invited Hu Yizhou to participate in the Spring Festival Gala in 1999, which opened a broader stage for him.

The Spring Festival Gala in 1999 became a turning point in Hu Yizhou's life. When he stood on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala of the Disabled Persons' Federation, everyone held their breath. This height is only 1. The 5-meter-old young man took up the baton with great confidence and led the choir to perform a touching movement.

His performance does not show the characteristics of a person with Down syndrome at all, but shows the demeanor of a mature conductor.

After the party, Hu Yizhou's name began to circulate in major media. People are curious about the story of this "genius conductor", and there is a lot of speculation about how he overcame physical obstacles to become a leader in the field of music.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

This performance not only allowed Hu Yizhou to get rid of the label of an intellectually disabled person, but also made him a high-profile musical genius overnight.

With the growth of fame, Hu Yizhou began to appear frequently in various variety shows. The show's producers rushed to invite this special musician in hopes of spreading positive energy through his story.

In the process, Hu Yizhou not only won the love of the audience, but also attracted the attention of some international celebrities. Hollywood superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger expressed a keen interest in his story, while Hong Kong film and television superstar Andy Lau sang for Hu Yizhou at a gala.

The support of these superstars further enhanced Hu Yizhou's popularity, allowing his influence to break through the boundaries of the music industry.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

Hu Yizhou's success did not stop at home. Just a year and a half later, he had the opportunity to step onto the international stage. In August 2000, Hu Yizhou went to the United States with the Zoomlion Art Troupe to perform.

On this tour, he took to the stage of Carnegie Hall in New York, one of the world's top concert halls. As the first Chinese conductor to perform at Carnegie Hall, Hu Yizhou's performance has attracted wide attention from the international music community.

This performance is not only the pinnacle of his personal career, but also an important appearance of Chinese disabled art on the international stage.

After returning to China, Hu Yizhou's career is even more prosperous. Especially between 2006 and 2007, he ushered in the prime of his career. The appearance fee for each performance is as high as 30,000 yuan, and nearly 170 performance invitations have been received in a year.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

This staggering figure not only proves his popularity, but also greatly improves the Hu family's economic situation.

However, with Hu Yizhou's frequent appearances on major stages, some questioning voices began to quietly appear. Some professionals are beginning to wonder if a person with an intellectual disability can really master such complex musical skills.

Despite this, Hu Yizhou maintains a busy performance schedule and seems unaffected by these doubts.

During this glorious period, Hu Yizhou's income not only changed his life, but also brought hope to his family. His mother, in particular, was able to continue to fight the disease with the financial support of Hu Yizhou and survived several difficult years.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

However, just as Hu Yizhou's career was at its peak, fate once again challenged him. As more and more professionals paid attention to his performance, the aura of "genius" began to crack.

This young man, once hailed as a musical prodigy, is about to face the biggest test of his life.

As Hu Yizhou appeared frequently in the public eye, some attentive observers began to notice some anomalies. Despite his amazing musical talent on stage, Hu Yizhou still exhibits obvious intellectual disability characteristics in his daily life.

This contrast raises questions and curiosity.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

Father Hu also seems to be aware of this. Whenever someone praised Hu Yizhou as a genius, he always humbly said that it was not the case. He even likened each of his son's performances to everyone playing with him, trying to downplay the label of "genius".

Behind this cautious attitude lies an unknown fact: Hu Yizhou is not really a musical genius, but a performer with a great talent for imitation.

As more and more professionals pay attention to Hu Yizhou, his "genius" identity is gradually revealed. In order to protect his son, Hu's father made a bold decision: to buy the art troupe in order to better control Hu Yizhou's performance schedule and public image.

However, this decision ultimately led to disastrous consequences. Due to the lack of business experience, the business of the art troupe deteriorated, and eventually it was declared bankrupt due to poor management.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

Just when his career fell into a trough, Hu Yizhou was diagnosed with lung cancer. The blow nearly destroyed the already fragile family. Fortunately, after treatment, Hu Yizhou finally recovered.

But this experience also made them realize that the previous lifestyle of relying on the image of "genius" was no longer sustainable.

After experiencing the ups and downs of his career and the test of health, Hu Yizhou's life began a new chapter. He joined the China Disabled Persons Art Troupe and regained the opportunity to perform.

Although the scale and treatment are far from the peak, Hu Yizhou has found pure happiness. Here, he doesn't need to play the role of a "genius", he just needs to be true to himself.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

In 2019, a sudden change tested the family again. Hu's father suffered a sudden stroke and could not take care of himself. Faced with this dilemma, Hu Yizhou seemed to grow up in an instant.

He took the initiative to take on the responsibility of caring for his father, showing an unimaginable sense of responsibility and maturity.

This change made Hu's father both pleased and moved. For years, he had been worried that his son would not be able to live independently, and even turned down women who wanted to take care of Hu Yizhou.

However, his son's performance allowed him to put aside his worries.

doesn't understand music but is known as a "genius conductor", what is Zhouzhou's life like after his lies are exposed?

Today's Hu Yizhou, although he has moved away from the glory in the spotlight, has found inner peace. He no longer needs to carry the halo of "genius", but interprets the value and meaning of life in his own way.

In the days when father and son depended on each other, they tasted the happiness in ordinary life and cherished the deep feelings between each other.

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