
In 49, a cadre was reported to be the Kuomintang, and after Chen Yi knew about it, Vice Chairman Zhou could prove his identity

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

In 49, a cadre was reported to be a Kuomintang, and Chen Yi found out: Vice Chairman Zhou was able to prove his identity, and in that turbulent era, there was an unknown Communist Party member, who was forced to hide his identity, disguised himself as a wealthy capitalist, and engaged in secret work under the noses of the enemy. He is Lu Xuzhang, an ordinary small businessman in Zhejiang, but he has an extraordinary experience. For the sake of the revolutionary cause, this "red capitalist" had to be in the company of jackals, always cautious, for fear of revealing his identity. He went through too many twists and turns, several times his life hung by a thread, and finally relied on his extraordinary wisdom and determination to finally get out of the fog and become a glorious revolutionary soldier. Do you want to know how he struggled out of the quagmire and lived to witness that great era?

In 49, a cadre was reported to be the Kuomintang, and after Chen Yi knew about it, Vice Chairman Zhou could prove his identity

Chongqing in the 1940s was the stronghold of the Kuomintang. It is a place where jackals from all walks of life gather, power, money, intrigue, and calculation. In this decaying city, there is a seemingly ordinary "capitalist" Lu Xuzhang, who controls a business called Guanghua Bank. But in fact, he is the biggest "tiger".

In 49, a cadre was reported to be the Kuomintang, and after Chen Yi knew about it, Vice Chairman Zhou could prove his identity

It all started in 1937, when Lu Xuzhang had already joined the underground party organization. Soon he was sent to Chongqing to secretly serve the revolution in the Kuomintang stronghold as a "capitalist". At the beginning, although he was poor, with his diligent and studious spirit, Lu Xuzhang soon expanded the vast number of Huaxing and became a well-known pharmaceutical company in Chongqing. But at this time, Comrade Zhou Enlai gave him a new task -- you should be like "a lotus flower in August, out of the mud without staining", and maintain the noble character of the communists in this turbid environment.

In 49, a cadre was reported to be the Kuomintang, and after Chen Yi knew about it, Vice Chairman Zhou could prove his identity

In this way, Lu Xuzhang began a "retrograde" life. In order to survive and revolution, he had to curry favor with the Kuomintang bigwigs who were in cahoots and collude with some corrupt elements. Sometimes he held banquets and entertains, and sometimes turned into a "red stick" to deal with those domineering Green Gang leaders. On the surface, he has done enough to be a businessman, but secretly he has never given up the party's cause. "My salary is the salary of the revolution," he used to say.

In 49, a cadre was reported to be the Kuomintang, and after Chen Yi knew about it, Vice Chairman Zhou could prove his identity

In 1949, when the Liberation War was about to be won, Lu Xuzhang moved back to Shanghai, where he nearly revealed his identity. Once, in public, a worker recognized him, angrily accused him of being a "comprador" and wanted to take him to the public security bureau. At this critical juncture, Lu Xuzhang said calmly: "I am a frequent customer of Mr. Chen Guofu, and he knows my identity best." Unexpectedly, this sentence made the other party immediately change his words and say that it was a "misunderstanding". Later, Lu Xuzhang learned that Chen Guofu was the leader of the CC faction of the Kuomintang Central Union, and his "vote for the name" over the years was all to get close to this "big tiger".

In 49, a cadre was reported to be the Kuomintang, and after Chen Yi knew about it, Vice Chairman Zhou could prove his identity

After the liberation of Shanghai, under the personal care of Premier Zhou, Lu Xuzhang was finally able to get rid of the disguise of a "capitalist" and become a glorious officer of the People's Liberation Army, embarking on the revolutionary road he deserved. Looking back on the past, those twists and turns and bizarre experiences were all a kind of exercise for him, and they were all training the strong will of the communists. As he often said: "Revolutionaries are as strong as steel to stand on the top of a towering mountain!"

In 49, a cadre was reported to be the Kuomintang, and after Chen Yi knew about it, Vice Chairman Zhou could prove his identity

Lu Xuzhang's legendary life shows us the unswerving loyalty and wisdom of an underground party member. For the sake of the revolutionary cause, he had to remain incognito, and even became a fellow traveler of the "jackal". But no matter how difficult the situation was, he did not give up his ideals and beliefs. On the contrary, it was through this ordeal that he achieved an indomitable iron will. Lu Xuzhang used his life to explain what it means to be "as strong as steel for revolutionaries". Such stories are timeless and worthy of being remembered and celebrated. This is also the most valuable spiritual wealth in the red traditional culture - adhere to the faith, not afraid of sacrifice, and never give up. It will always illuminate our way forward. #头条首发大赛#

In 49, a cadre was reported to be the Kuomintang, and after Chen Yi knew about it, Vice Chairman Zhou could prove his identity