
50 years after Mao Anying's sacrifice in Korea, after a lapse of 68 years, Liu Siqi made the truth about Mao Anying's sacrifice public for the first time

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

50 years after Mao Anying's sacrifice in North Korea, after a lapse of 68 years, Liu Siqi disclosed the truth of Mao Anying's sacrifice for the first time, and the smoke of war may be filled again at any time, and the long river of history has never stopped. Chairman Mao made the difficult choice of sending Chinese People's Volunteers to North Korea in 1950, including his only son Mao Anying. The war was ruthless and costly, but Mao Anying joined the battle with enthusiasm and idealism. But who would have thought that this young and promising volunteer officer and soldier would die young in the smoke of artillery fire? After 68 years, the truth of Mao Anying's sacrifice has been made public for the first time, which allows us to relive that cruel but singable history, face the trauma of the past, and re-examine the sacrifice and faith of a generation. Do you mean something in the face of this little-known inside story?

50 years after Mao Anying's sacrifice in Korea, after a lapse of 68 years, Liu Siqi made the truth about Mao Anying's sacrifice public for the first time

On the Korean battlefield in 1950, the smoke of gunpowder was filled with life and death. Chairman Mao didn't close his eyes for three days and three nights for whether to send troops to North Korea, but in the end he still made up his mind to "protect his home and defend the country, resist US aggression and aid Korea." After Mao Anying, Chairman Mao's only son, learned of this decision, he was going to follow the expedition without saying a word, showing a young man's enthusiasm for revolution.

50 years after Mao Anying's sacrifice in Korea, after a lapse of 68 years, Liu Siqi made the truth about Mao Anying's sacrifice public for the first time

Previously, Mao Anying had received military training in the Soviet Union and fought with Nazi Germany in the European theater, so he can be regarded as a real "veteran". On October 7, Chairman Mao held a banquet for Marshal Peng Dehuai, who was about to go on the expedition, and during the banquet, he took the initiative to hope that Mao Anying could join the ranks of the volunteers. Peng Lao was a little uneasy at first, after all, Mao Anying had just reunited with Chairman Mao, and it was a pity that he was leaving. But Chairman Mao said: "Kishi Ying can speak Russian and English, and you will inevitably have to deal with the Soviets and Americans when you go to North Korea, so it will be much more convenient for him to communicate with him." So Peng Lao also agreed and accepted this "first volunteer soldier who signed up to join the war in Korea".

50 years after Mao Anying's sacrifice in Korea, after a lapse of 68 years, Liu Siqi made the truth about Mao Anying's sacrifice public for the first time

In this way, Mao Anying crossed the Yalu River with Peng Dehuai and others on October 19 and stepped into the Korean battlefield. As a staff officer, he participated in the first campaign of the Volunteer Army, not only as a translator for the Soviet advisory group, but also as an interrogator of American prisoners. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and in the early morning of 25 November, US planes attacked the headquarters of the Chinese People's Volunteers, and several incendiary bombs fell in the war room.

50 years after Mao Anying's sacrifice in Korea, after a lapse of 68 years, Liu Siqi made the truth about Mao Anying's sacrifice public for the first time

Peng Dehuai cried when he learned the bad news, "Anying, Anying, you are ...... at such a young age I told you to listen to me on the battlefield, but you didn't. When the news reached Beijing, Chairman Mao, who had always been calm and calm, also sighed and said, "War, there will always be casualties." Peng Dehuai later personally stated to Chairman Mao the process of his son's sacrifice and asked to be punished, Chairman Mao comforted him, "Revolution always has to pay a price, and he has fulfilled the responsibility of a Communist Party member by sacrificing for this noble cause." "

50 years after Mao Anying's sacrifice in Korea, after a lapse of 68 years, Liu Siqi made the truth about Mao Anying's sacrifice public for the first time

Chairman Mao refused to move Mao Anying's bones back, saying, "Qingshan buries loyal bones everywhere, why should the body be returned with horse leather." It wasn't until 1990 that the relevant departments accidentally found something belonging to Mao Anying when they were sorting out Chairman Mao's relics, and they knew that his father had kept his son's relics privately for 26 years.

50 years after Mao Anying's sacrifice in Korea, after a lapse of 68 years, Liu Siqi made the truth about Mao Anying's sacrifice public for the first time

The truth about Mao Anying's sacrifice was made public for the first time. Cheng Pu, director of the war room at that time, recalled that at that time, it was a critical moment in the second campaign, and "it was extremely important for staff officers to keep a close grasp of the movements of the enemy and ourselves, and it was a major matter related to the victory or defeat of the war." It was under such circumstances that Comrade Mao Anying did not leave the office with us. It can be seen that the reason why Mao Anying died young was precisely because of his duty, with the lofty ideal of defending peace and resisting aggression.

50 years after Mao Anying's sacrifice in Korea, after a lapse of 68 years, Liu Siqi made the truth about Mao Anying's sacrifice public for the first time

As the years go by, history will always be re-examined. It took 68 years for the truth of Mao Anying's sacrifice to be made public, allowing us to look directly at the ideals and beliefs of that generation again. In the revolutionary years, personal destiny was often swept into the whirlpool of catastrophe, and ideals and beliefs often became the only spiritual pillars. In the face of the smoke of war, a young life like Mao Anying disregarded his personal safety and was committed to a noble cause, and composed a swan song of youth with blood and life. Their ideals may be out of reach, but the indomitable revolutionary spirit will always shine through. While revisiting the heroic deeds, let us cherish the era of peace and make unremitting efforts for peaceful development. #头条首发大赛#