
The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

In the vast mythological system of Taoism, many gods and goddesses perform their own duties and jointly maintain the order and balance of the universe. However, just as there are hierarchical positions in human society, there are also differences in status in the Taoist system of immortals.
The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

First of all, we need to make it clear that the status of the gods is not entirely determined by the strength or influence of the immortals, but more related to their roles and responsibilities in the Taoist mythological system. In Taoist mythology, the lowest-ranking gods are often in charge of more trivial or grassroots matters.

1. Land Lord:

As a representative of the shrine gods, the land lord is the most basic existence among the many immortals. They are responsible for administering a piece of land and blessing the local people with peace and a good harvest. However, due to the relatively small scope of its responsibilities and the fact that it needs to face mortals directly in most cases, it has a low status in the entire immortal system.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

2. Door God:

The door god is mainly responsible for guarding the portal and preventing the invasion of evil spirits. Their responsibilities, while important, are relatively homogeneous and, in most cases, lack the ability to act autonomously, so their status is relatively low.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

3. 灶神:

The god of the stove is responsible for managing the family's stove fire and keeping the family's food safe. However, due to the fact that its scope of responsibility is limited to the family and lacks extensive influence, it has a low status in the immortal system.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

4. The Three Gods:

The Three Corpse Gods are one of the most special beings in Taoist mythology. They dwelt in the dantian of man, and every Gengshen day, they would go to heaven to report the sins of man to the emperor. Because they are directly related to the human body and are not seen by people in most cases, they have a very low status in the immortal system.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

5. Night Wanderer:

The Night Wanderer is mainly responsible for patrolling the world at night to prevent evil and chaos. However, due to its limited time to act and its lack of extensive influence, it has a low status in the immortal system.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

6. Day Wanderer:

Corresponding to the Night Wandering God, the Day Wandering God patrols the world during the day to protect mortals from evil spirits. However, due to its limited range of activities during the day and the need to interact with mortals in most cases, it also has a relatively low status.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

7. Chenghuang:

The city god is the god responsible for guarding a city. Although they have a certain amount of power and influence, their status is still low compared to other high-level immortals.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

8. Hebo:

Hebo is responsible for managing the rivers and lakes to ensure the tranquility and cleanliness of the waters. However, due to the fact that its scope of responsibility is limited to the waters, and in most cases it requires cooperation with other gods, so its status is relatively low.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

9. Igami:

The well god is responsible for managing the wells and ensuring that the water source is clean and safe. However, due to the limited scope of its responsibilities and the fact that it needs to face mortals directly in most cases, it has a low status in the immortal system.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

10. Land Wife:

As the spouse of the landlord, the landlord is also responsible for the management of one party's land. However, due to the overlap of responsibilities with the land lord and the lack of independent action in most cases, the status is also relatively low.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

11. Yamagami:

Mountain gods are responsible for managing mountains and forests and protecting the natural environment. However, due to the wide and scattered scope of its responsibilities and the need to cooperate with other gods in most cases, its status is relatively low.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

12. Dryad:

Dryads are responsible for managing trees and plants and protecting the natural environment. However, due to its relatively small scope of responsibilities and the fact that it needs to face mortals directly in most cases, it has a low status in the immortal system.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

13. Water Demon:

Water ghosts are ghosts that remain in the water after death and cannot be reborn. Although they have a certain amount of ability and influence, they have a very low status in the immortal system due to their special status and unpopularity.

The 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology are revealed: the grassroots patron saints from the land lord to the water ghost

To sum up, the 13 lowest-ranking immortals in Taoist mythology have their own characteristics, and although they have a lower status in the entire immortal system, they also bear their own responsibilities and missions.

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