
The population of the world's major religions, Taoism and Shintoism, both exceed 100 million, and the number of Muslims is the largest

author:Wanwan Youth
The population of the world's major religions, Taoism and Shintoism, both exceed 100 million, and the number of Muslims is the largest

10. Judea, with a population of 14.6 million, is one of the most important religions in the world, and Judaism has become a spiritual and cultural heritage that Jews are proud of, and has been famous in the world for thousands of years;

9. Sikhism, 26 million people, Sikhism is a young religion in India, a new type of religion formed on the basis of opposition to Hinduism, and the doctrine of equality is put forward for the establishment of a new type of society, and the establishment of an equal, casteless society is the main purpose of Sikh teachings, and it is also one of the main differences between Sikh teachings and Hindu teachings. The caste system is still rampant in India today, and the Sikh proposition has its practical progressive significance.

8. Orthodox Christianity, 60.62 million, mainly popular in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other places, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church in Western society "struggled" for more than a thousand years, becoming a "stubborn disease" on the European continent so far.

7. Shintoism, 100 million, almost all people in Japan believe in Shintoism, and Amaterasu is the highest god in Japan. Shinto Buddhism did not have an official name until the 5th to 8th centuries AD, when Buddhism was introduced to Japan via Korea, and gradually spread in Japan at that time, and the term "Shinto" was coined to distinguish it from the "Shinto" inherent in Japan.

The population of the world's major religions, Taoism and Shintoism, both exceed 100 million, and the number of Muslims is the largest

6. Taoism, 150 million people, China's largest indigenous religion, Taoist immortals constitute a spiritual world that belongs exclusively to the Chinese.

5. Buddhism, 510 million people, one of the world's three major religions, China is currently the country with the largest number of believers in Buddhism, Thailand is known as the "country of Buddhism", and Buddhism is gradually declining in India, the place of origin. The number of Buddhist believers has always been difficult to count, some say 1 billion, some say more than 300 million, this article takes the median.

4. Protestantism, 1.1 billion people. Almost all developed countries believe in Protestantism, and Protestantism is also a "product" of the Reformation in Europe.

3. Hinduism, 160 million people, the largest religion in South Asia, South Asia is also the most densely populated region in the world, and as Indians "expand" globally, the influence of Hinduism is also increasing.

The population of the world's major religions, Taoism and Shintoism, both exceed 100 million, and the number of Muslims is the largest

2. Catholicism, 1.33 billion, mainly distributed in southern Europe, South America and Africa.

1. Islam, 1.91 billion. Islam is found in places like West Asia, Central Asia, and North Africa. Nowadays, some countries in Southeast Asia also have a trend of "Islamization", Indonesia is the country with the largest number of Muslims in the world, and Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and other places also have a large number of Muslims.

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