
After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

author:Bijia Minami
His heart is as clear as snow, clear as a spring, and his inner world is like a clear spring that has not been polluted by the world, flowing with compassion and kindness at all times. Every subtle movement, every blurted out of his words, shows his unique demeanor and warmth.

He is Dong Yuhui, a person who makes people feel quiet in the hustle and bustle and realize the sincerity in the glitz.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

Dong Yuhui, this name is now a household name, but when it comes to him, people's impressions are diverse and complex.

Some people say that he is thrifty and has the simplicity and tenacity of rural children; Some people praise him for his gentleness and delicate emotions, like a poet from a low background; There are also people who admire him for being very knowledgeable, but he is never ostentatious and always treats life with a normal heart.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

No matter which label it is, it reflects Dong Yuhui's unique position in people's hearts.

His appearance, like a bright light, illuminates the path of countless ordinary people, allowing them to find their way in confusion.

So, what kind of person is Dong Yuhui outside the camera? After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it, his life has a different kind of tranquility and beauty.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

[Homecoming] - the moon is the hometown of Ming

"The moon is the bright light of his hometown", for Dong Yuhui, the lamp in his hometown is always warmer than the moonlight in his hometown.

In his spare time, he will return to the familiar land of his hometown, reunite with family and friends, and enjoy the warmth and tranquility unique to his hometown.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

There, he is no longer a busy passer-by in the city, but a wanderer in his hometown, returning to his original harbor.

The neighbors' greetings made him feel the warmth of home; The fragrant tea brewed from the spring water in my hometown tastes the fragrance of my homeland; The fresh vegetables sent by the neighbors carry a strong human touch.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

It's all so real and beautiful, as if time stands still in this moment, leaving only happiness and peace.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

Dong Yuhui is deeply in love with this land and everything here. He spent his carefree childhood here and planted the seeds of his dreams here.

Now that he has returned, he finds that everything in his hometown has not changed, and the simplicity and sincerity are still the same. The melody of life becomes extraordinarily harmonious and tranquil here, like a melodious idyll.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it
After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

In this beautiful countryside, Dong Yuhui found a place for his soul. He enjoys the intimate contact with nature and feels the beauty and magic of life.

Whenever the breeze blows on his face, he seems to be able to hear the whispers of grass and trees, and whenever he walks the dog and feeds the cow, he can realize the true meaning of life; Whenever he catches fish by the stream, he can find the innocence and happiness of his childhood.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

[Travel] - Walk all over the magnificent rivers and mountains

Dong Yuhui's travel experience is also a highlight of his life.

He took the opportunity of his work to travel all over the country, and used his brushstrokes and poetry to add a different style to every beautiful scenery.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it
After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

Under the ancient city walls and among the magnificent mountains and rivers, his footprints and admiration have been left behind.

He perfectly combined the magnificent scenery of the great rivers and mountains with the charm of Chinese poetry, so that people could feel the beauty and charm of the motherland in his words.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it
After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

Every trip is a baptism and sublimation of the soul.

When Dong Yuhui walks among the green mountains and green waters, he can always find the inner tranquility and peace, when listening to the birdsong and the sound of the wind, he can always realize the true meaning and meaning of life, and when tasting the food and special snacks from all over the world, he can always feel the fireworks and warmth of the world.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

[Tea Drinking] - Life is like tea, there are bitter and sweet

For Dong Yuhui, drinking tea is not only a habit of life, but also a kind of spiritual sustenance and release.

He likes to enjoy a fragrant tea in his spare time, and let the fragrance of tea permeate the whole room, as if it can wash away the dust and troubles of the soul.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

In the fragrance of tea, he can always find that indifference and detachment, write indifference on his face, and put Qinghuan in the center of his eyebrows.

He boiled a bowl of the thick of the world's fireworks, boiling his joy and sorrow. In the fragrance of tea, he planted a flower and boiled a pot of tea, so that spring could reach his heart first, and life would bloom with a different kind of brilliance at this moment.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

Life is like tea, there are bitter and sweet, ups and downs.

Dong Yuhui realized the true meaning and meaning of life in the fragrance of tea, and also learned to face all ups and downs and changes with a normal heart. He knows that only by calmly facing the challenges and difficulties of life can he go further and more steadily.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

[Reading] - The book has its own golden house

Dong Yuhui knows the importance of reading, and he can always find that tranquility and wisdom in books. When night falls, he likes to sit quietly in front of the window with a good book in his hand and immerse himself in the ocean of knowledge.

A pot of fragrant tea boiled, accompanied by a stick of sandalwood, he seemed to be able to merge with the world in the book.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

In the book, he read all the vicissitudes and romances of thousands of sails; In the book, he tasted the ups and downs of life; In the book, he found the sustenance and release of his soul.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it

Whenever he finishes reading a good book, he can always draw endless wisdom and strength from it, which makes him more determined and confident on the road ahead.

After a year, look at Dong Yuhui again: planting vegetables in the small yard, farming in the field, coarse tea and light rice, enjoying it


Dong Yuhui used his warmth, wisdom and poetry to light up the lamp of countless people's hearts. He let us see the beauty and sincerity of life, and also let us feel the infinite possibilities and hope of life.

May we all be like Dong Yuhui, perceiving the beauty in the gentle years, maintaining a normal heart in the complicated world, continuing to move forward, and pursuing our own sea of stars.