
The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

author:Frank cake

A graduate slapped a professor in public at the graduation ceremony, causing an uproar, in this incident, the extreme behavior of the student caused some harm to the school and teachers, and the school dealt with it accordingly, expelling the student. In the face of such a result, public opinion has become polarized, with some people supporting the school's decision, believing that the students' behavior has seriously affected the normal order of the school and the education and teaching work, while the other part of the people sympathizes with the students, believing that the school's approach is too harsh and should be given a certain degree of tolerance and understanding.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

So, as a bystander, how should we view this incident? Is the student's behavior right or wrong? Is the school handling the case appropriate? How can we better guide students to avoid similar incidents? Let's take a closer look at this incident and explore the underlying issues.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

On June 19, an accident occurred at the graduation ceremony of Fudan University's law school, when a graduate slapped a professor in public on the stage, and denounced the school's poor conditions in front of everyone, saying that his four years of university life were spent in "hell".

This unexpected move immediately caused a commotion and onlookers from everyone present, and the school staff also rushed forward to stop it and take the students away from the scene. After the students left, there was a certain amount of chaos in the entire graduation ceremony, and the original solemn ceremony was broken in an instant, which brought great shock and impact to all the teachers, students and parents present.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

Subsequently, this incident also quickly fermented on the Internet and became a hot topic of discussion, and netizens expressed their opinions and opinions on this matter. The students' actions have also brought a certain negative impact on the school and all walks of life, and the relevant departments have also begun to intervene to investigate and deal with the matter.

In the face of such an emergency, the school also responded as soon as possible, and said that it would investigate and deal with the matter and would not tolerate any violation of discipline and law. The school also released an open letter to explain and explain the incident to the public, hoping that everyone can understand and support the work of the school.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

After the intervention of the public security organs, the students were also administratively detained on suspicion of picking quarrels and provoking troubles, and the results of such a treatment also aroused heated discussions and concerns from all walks of life, and everyone received mixed opinions about the students' behavior and the school's handling results, forming a polarized attitude.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

In this incident, the extreme behavior of the students caused some harm to the school and teachers, and also seriously affected the normal order of the graduation ceremony, and the school cannot turn a blind eye to this matter, and must make corresponding handling and response, and maintain the normal education and teaching order of the school.

In the face of the school's handling results, public opinion reactions in society are also mixed, and there is a clear polarization trend. Some people believe that the students' behavior has seriously affected the normal education and teaching work of the school, and has also brought great psychological pressure and negative impact to the teachers, students and parents present, and the school has the right to deal with them accordingly in accordance with the law, and should give them a stern educational lesson to make them realize the seriousness and consequences of their behavior.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

The other part of the people expressed understanding and sympathy for the students, they believe that the students' behavior is out of sincere concern and complaints about the current situation of the school, the school does have certain problems in the improvement of conditions and the mental health of students, which should be paid attention to and reflected, and the students are just emotional out-of-control impulses, the school should give them a certain tolerance and understanding, and cannot be treated too harshly.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

In this context, there have also been fierce collisions in discussions and comments on the Internet, with the two sides not giving in to their own views, and even some extreme remarks and emotional attacks, which have brought certain difficulties and challenges to the handling of the incident and the guidance of public opinion.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

As a bystander, how should we look at this incident objectively and rationally? We want to make it clear that as a student, you do have the right and freedom to express your views on school and education, and you can also put forward your own opinions and suggestions, which is the right of participation and expression that students should have.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

The school should also reflect and conjecture from the students' behavior, why are there such extreme complaints and dissatisfaction with the current situation of the school? Is it that in the daily education and teaching work, there are some problems and negligence, which have brought a certain negative impact and psychological pressure to students?

In addition, when students express their opinions and complaints, they should also choose a more rational and appropriate way, and should not take extreme and violent behaviors, which is a great harm and challenge for schools and teachers, and will also have a great negative impact on their own academic and future development.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

Schools and all sectors of society should also provide timely education and guidance to students, so that they can understand the inappropriateness of their behavior, and should also give more attention and help to students' mental health and stress release, so that students can spend their university years healthily and happily, and grow into responsible social talents.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

To sum up, the occurrence of this incident has indeed brought some reminders and inspiration to the school and all walks of life, and also made us more deeply aware that contemporary college students are facing huge pressure on learning and life, and the school and society should jointly pay attention to and solve the mental health problems of students, and should also give students more understanding and support, so that they can grow up healthily and contribute to the development and progress of society.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

I hope that in the future work and study, the school can pay more attention to the mental health education of students, find and help those students with difficulties in a timely manner, and also hope that the majority of students can maintain an optimistic attitude, learn to face problems and challenges in a rational and peaceful way, and believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, we will be able to create a more harmonious and beautiful campus and social environment.

The Fudan graduation ceremony was slapped in the face, the Taiwanese students were arrogant and finally self-destructed, and the school severely punished the people

I also hope that everyone can carry out in-depth conjectures and discussions on this matter, exchange their views and opinions with each other, and jointly contribute to the growth of students and the development of education, so that our education work can get better and better, and I also look forward to students being inspired by such events, becoming positive talents, and contributing their wisdom and strength to the construction and development of society.

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