
Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"

author:Abundant spring and autumn

The red star shines in love

——Li Lijiang and his "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"

Author Faithful

In my hometown ~ Tianjin Baodi, there is an active veteran public welfare volunteer team.

The captain is Li Lijiang.

Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"

After Li Lijiang retired from the army, he organized his comrades-in-arms to set up the "Red Star (Veteran) Volunteer Service Team."

The members of the volunteer service team are veterans and caring people. They are enthusiastic about public welfare, from helping comrades-in-arms in need, to providing timely assistance to students and families in need, and in love and dedication, they carry forward the character of soldiers and always maintain the true character of soldiers.

Li Lijiang used to be a firefighter, and during his service, he bravely rescued children who fell into the water and was awarded a third-class meritorious service. After retiring, he took the lead in establishing the "Baodi Red Star Public Welfare Volunteer Team" with several comrades-in-arms, and the direction of volunteer service quickly developed from the initial veterans' mutual assistance to helping and rescuing the needy. Li Lijiang and his team members went to more than 200 villages to visit the needy households and determine the list of helpers. Over the past three years, the volunteer team has grown to more than 200 people, and has successively carried out a variety of activities such as "one help a day", volunteer security, and clothing donations, rescued more than 80 veterans and families in need, and donated more than 200,000 yuan in total.

Early in the morning, Li Lijiang, the captain of the Baodi Red Star Volunteer Service Team, came to Dongli Gezhuang Village, Koudong Town, with the team members, to visit Sun Yue, a student in difficulty, and brought her school supplies. Li Lijiang has insisted on this kind of care for several years.

Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"
Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"
Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"

Sun Yue, a rescued student

Sun Yue is a primary school student with excellent character and learning. Born into a poor family. Li Lijiang and the members of the volunteer service team went to Sun Yue's house many times.

brought beautiful clothes and stationery to Sun Yue, and Sun Yue said: I am especially grateful to Uncle Li for them. When I grow up, I want to dedicate my love and give back to society.

Several degrees of wind and rain, several degrees of spring and autumn.

Li Lijiang and his team members are silently dedicated and persistently moving forward.

Over the past few years, Li Lijiang has worked tirelessly and set an example. He is personally involved in everything and every activity in the Red Star Veterans Volunteer Service Team.

Li Lijiang said:

I feel very deeply involved in public welfare activities, and my comrades-in-arms are also very powerful together, which makes me more determined to retire from the army without fading, transmit positive energy, and repay the society with my practical actions.

On a Sunday in the middle of summer this year, Li Lijiang led his team members to my Longxin Garden to exchange experiences of dedication and love and helping rural revitalization. And let me take him and the team members to visit the home of Wang Lanfang, the orphan of the martyrs in Gezhuang Village, Xihao. and sent condolences and condolences money, and the touched eldest sister Wang Lanfang burst into tears and thanked her again and again.

Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"

The members of the public welfare volunteer team visited the martyr's orphan Wang Lanfang, and sent condolences and condolences to her

The Red Star Public Welfare Volunteer Team, formerly known as the "Baodi Veterans Public Welfare Volunteer Team", was established in February 2016. In response to the party's call to standardize public welfare organizations, the volunteer team changed its name and filed it with the Community Section of the Civil Affairs Bureau, supervised by the Charity Association of the Financial District, and supervised by the Veterans Affairs Bureau of Activities.

For a common purpose, the slogan of "retirement does not fade, transmits positive energy" brought these comrades-in-arms with a heart of public welfare together.

Captain Li Lijiang said: This is a fate that has carried a gun! Although we have been discharged from the army for many years, we are also very nostalgic for life in the army! I also want to dedicate light and heat to the society in the future.

After experiencing the natural and man-made disasters of the Wenchuan earthquake and the Tanggu explosion and floods, these veterans of the volunteer team wanted to join the rescue team very much.

Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"
Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"

Volunteers went to Longxin Garden to communicate with the authors

They also want to send a fever to those veterans of the Anti-Japanese War, veterans in difficulty, military families, martyrs' families, lonely and widowed elderly, students in need, and those in need.

The ranks of volunteers are expanding. From a few people at the beginning of its establishment, it has now grown to more than 280 people, more than 200 veterans and more than 80 caring people. There are more than 90 Communist Party members in the volunteer team. Through their own hands, they convey the party's care to the masses, which is no longer doing good deeds and doing good deeds in the ordinary sense.

Since its establishment, the Red Star Volunteer Team has done more than 200 public welfare activities:

1: "One help a day" assistance activities.

2: Security volunteers for large-scale events.

3: Donate clothes to poor mountainous areas.

4: Donations to Wuhan flood-stricken areas and many other activities.

5: Visit students and veterans of the Anti-Japanese War, and visit veterans who are living in difficulty.


"One Help a Day" campaign.

It is a charity that the team members donate "one yuan" every day to help some families in need, orphans and single-parent children, veterans, lonely elderly and other people and things in need. So far, more than 200 households have been helped. The scope of assistance is getting wider and wider. There are families in need, students in need, and veterans. On the monthly support day, I also went to different towns to visit the veterans of the Anti-Japanese War. In this way, the recruits look at the veterans and do precise help.

Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"
Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"
Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"

Author and Captain Li Lijiang

The red star is shining, and the devotion of love is extending.

The members of the Red Star Volunteer Team are also sublimating their spiritual realm in dedication......

(June 23, 2024 at the Painting and Calligraphy Institute of "Outlook China New Media" and Tianjin Baodi Longxin Garden, the creation base of "Outlook China New Media")

Red Star Shines in Love-Li Lijiang and His "Red Star (Veteran) Public Welfare Volunteer Team"

【Author's profile】Xinzhen, born in 1953. He enlisted in the army in 1973. He successively served as secretary of the Party Committee of the Beijing Military Region, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Military Region, secretary general of the Political Department of the Military Region, political commissar of a certain Division A, and political commissar of the Shijiazhuang Garrison District. After retiring from the army, he gave up the superior life in the capital, returned to his hometown to start a business for ten years, organized retired soldiers, military martyrs' families, and poor households to establish Tianjin Longxinyuan Crop Planting Professional Cooperative, founded an organic ecological orchard, and made contributions to rural revitalization. He is currently the editor-in-chief of Outlook China New Media.

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