
China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

author:Li min
China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Isn't it ridiculous that Chinese enjoy their own food while saying that our things are not good! It's just strange in the world! You say you can still find such a good thing? In short, we have never heard of the food of our own people while not being satisfied with picking and choosing! I don't know where in the world there is such a good thing. It's not authentic.

Recently, the Ministry of State Security of the mainland successfully cracked a spy conspiracy of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and exposed a "spy couple" who had been lurking in the mainland for a long time. In this major case, the spy couple was revealed to have plotted against a staff member of a central state organ on the mainland. They have been lurking in our land for almost a decade. This successfully cracked case demonstrates the strong ability of the mainland's national security departments in counter-espionage work.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Two people who call themselves "Domestic Agent 007" believe that they have access to key national information, so they plan to use the method of selling intelligence for personal gain. But their actions were already surrounded by an elaborate web of heaven and earth long as they made their decision, a trap tailor-made for them. They mistakenly think they can easily get their hands on it, but they don't know that they are in a predicament from which they cannot escape. In short, their greed will lead them into deeper trouble.

On the question of how the staff of the mainland had access to the British spy agencies, we need to understand first. So, what kind of organization is MI6, which has been secretly probing intelligence, looking for valuable information, and selecting the right people with the intention of rebelling? How did the mainland government personnel come into contact with them?

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

[MI6 Major Espionage Case]

The couple Wang and Zhou were implicated in the British MI6 institution, which started with Wang's experience of participating in the Sino-British exchange program and studying abroad in 2015. During this time, they seem to have made some kind of connection. At the same time, please note that the description of "Wang's collusion with British spy agencies" mentioned in the article needs to be treated with caution, as there is no conclusive evidence to support this claim. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid using words or descriptions that may be misleading.

That year, Wang actively applied for the opportunity to go to the UK for exchange and study, and the whole process was surprisingly smooth without any difficulties. However, what is little known is that behind this is actually the "green channel" laid for him by MI6.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

MI6, the British secret intelligence agency, had long known that Wang's position had access to some classified information, so they decided to take action to reach out and plot against him. To that end, they made it easier for Wang to enter the doors of the intelligence agencies. This was done out of the need for their intelligence work, not for other unnecessary considerations.

After arriving in the UK, Wang found that some people approached him and invited him to have dinner and play together. These activities made Wang's procedures in the UK much easier. It is rumored that these people who took the initiative to contact Wang were representatives specially sent by MI6.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

In order to protect their identities from being exposed prematurely, and thus avoid losing the opportunity to plot against Wang, MI6's agents chose not to directly reveal their identities, but to establish relationships as friends and other identities. The purpose of this practice is to associate with Wang in a more natural and safe environment, while ensuring that his plan of action is not revealed. They opted for a more secretive approach to keep their operations secret. In short, they did not identify themselves directly, but in a more low-key, friendly way to associate with Wang to avoid any possible risks. This was done to ensure that they were able to successfully complete the task of rebellion.

In order to be able to get close to Wang, gain his trust, and find out his potential weaknesses in order to induce them in a targeted manner, this strategy is what they are pursuing. Only after establishing a deep relationship of trust with Wang, and then identifying himself in a timely manner and trying to rebel, will the probability of success be higher. In short, their goal is to quietly approach and understand Wang, and then find the right time to act.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

After a long period of communication, the members of MI6 gradually realized that Wang had a strong desire for money, so they decided to start an investigation and strategic arrangement from this aspect.

At first, MI6's agents proposed a part-time opportunity for them in the name of helping Wang solve his financial problems. However, this so-called part-time job is not a form of part-time job as we usually understand it, but refers to providing some professional consulting services. They used this as an excuse to hope to cooperate with Wang.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Because the other party's offer was too high, Wang decided to accept it after some consideration, unable to resist the attraction of money. In addition, the consulting services provided by MI6 initially were limited to public projects, so Wang did not pay much attention to them.

As the number of times increased, Wang gradually sensed that something was wrong. Because the demands put forward by the other side have gradually involved certain situations within the state organs of the mainland.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

According to the new information, MI6's agents noticed that Wang's alertness had increased, but they were not worried. In order to encourage them to continue to cooperate, they not only maintained the original remuneration, but also increased the bonus several times. The aim is to ensure a smoother cooperation between the two parties.

Wang felt that the other party's purpose was not good, but even if he knew the truth, he still chose money. Maybe Wang also had some luck in his heart, and felt that leaking a little irrelevant information might not have serious consequences. But I still knew in my heart that this was not the right thing to do.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

In Wang's decision-making process, psychological factors played a role in fueling the fire, leading him to the wrong ending step by step. Initially, he dealt with marginal information, but as the information involved became more and more classified, the price offered by the other party also increased. However, this did not make him stick to his principles, but made his bottom line lower and lower. This state of mind eventually led to the accumulation of his mistakes, which became irreparable.

After many interactions, Wang gradually found that he was easily controlled by the other party. If he refuses in the process of cooperation, the other party will be able to spread all kinds of news, which will put Wang in a difficult situation and even lose everything. To put it simply, Wang's situation has become very passive and cannot easily get rid of the other party's control.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Driven by luck, Wang still chose to use money to do things, and he felt that he might be able to avoid inspection. But this behavior completely disoriented him. It's worth noting that MI6 isn't just targeting a certain person, both of them are on its radar. Therefore, Wang's wrong choice may have more serious consequences.

Mrs. Wang holds important positions in our country's government agencies. If Wang is discovered by her about what he has done, it may cause a chain reaction that will completely render MI6's "spy informant" buried deep in our place completely useless. This is because his actions will be known to her, and may immediately affect our secret work in our home country. In short, if his wife detects it, then what he does will become the fuse that causes the "nail" to be pulled out.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

If Wang's wife joins us, then she will provide MI6 with more opportunities to steal intelligence. However, Wang didn't want his wife to risk getting involved, so he refused MI6's request.

Wang is completely in a difficult situation, and in the complex environment of the United Kingdom, it has become impossible to get out alone. There are only two options left in front of him.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Among the choices faced by Wang, whether to give up his wealth, turn back and confess himself, or let his wife also fall into trouble, or insist on taking the dark path, he finally chose the last path. While other options may have been more ethical and legal, he decided to go his own way.

The suspected "espionage" situation of Wang and his wife has attracted the attention of relevant mainland organs. However, due to the lack of conclusive evidence, it was not possible to arrest and convict for the time being. In such cases, any inadequate action could miss them and could lead them to abscond overseas early, making subsequent apprehensions more difficult. At present, the relevant departments of the mainland are still conducting in-depth investigations and trying to find sufficient evidence so that they can carry out the operation smoothly. In the simplified case, we can say that Mr. and Mrs. Wang may be involved in espionage activities, which has attracted the attention of relevant departments. But due to insufficient evidence, it is currently impossible to arrest and convict them. So for the time being, we can only keep an eye on their movements to prevent them from escaping in advance. Make sure you have enough evidence before you can act, otherwise it may be difficult to hunt them down abroad. At present, the relevant departments are still investigating.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Our national security agencies have been secretly conducting an in-depth investigation to find evidence of the Wangs' involvement in the crime. After gathering conclusive evidence, they were successfully arrested. After a rigorous investigation process, the mainland security organs have obtained sufficient evidence to prove the criminal acts of Wang and his wife. When the evidence was conclusive, they were arrested in accordance with the law. In short, the mainland's security agencies have been secretly investigating, collecting clues about the crimes of Wang and his wife. When there was sufficient evidence, they were formally arrested.

At present, our national security agencies are conducting an in-depth investigation into the evidence of the alleged crime of Mr. and Mrs. Wang. At the same time, over the past few years, the mainland has managed to arrest a large number of lurking "spies". We have been cracking down on this type of crime.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

In this important espionage case, it was revealed that MI6 (British Secret Intelligence Service) had tried to plot against Wang and his wife, which caused a public "roll call" by the Ministry of State Security. So, what is the background and strength of this British intelligence agency?

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

[MI6's origin is not small]

MI6 is better known as MI6, which is the nickname of a British secret intelligence service. Moreover, the famous 007 series of movies was created based on this intelligence bureau.

This organization is one of the UK's oldest spy and intelligence agencies, and its intelligence gathering activities around the world have deep roots. Still, it dates back centuries. In other words, although it undertakes a variety of espionage missions in modern society, its origins are hundreds of years ago.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

In order to strengthen the governance of the country and control the information, in the 15th century, King Henry VII of the Tudor dynasty secretly set up an intelligence agency, which was the predecessor of MI6. This organization was originally used to help the king strengthen his rule, gather vital intelligence, and provide support at critical moments. Through this organization, the king could better understand the dynamics inside and outside the country, allowing him to make more informed decisions. Today, the organization has evolved into an internationally renowned intelligence agency that has become a global leader in the field of intelligence. Its function has also expanded from a single assistance to the king's rule to providing an important guarantee for the security and stability of the country. This is where the MI6 comes from.

Although before the Age of Discovery, Britain already had intelligence collection operations, but until the advent of this era, in order to better grasp the outside world, Britain established the British intelligence agency in order to better grasp the outside intelligence. This move played an important role in promoting Britain to eventually become a powerful "empire on which the sun never sets". With their effective intelligence gathering and analysis, they gave Britain a dominant position on the global stage at the time. Through the establishment of this intelligence bureau, Britain strengthened its ties and understanding with other countries, which had a positive impact on their international relations and trade exchanges. The success of this measure was later evident and laid a solid foundation for the UK's global expansion. As a result, the British Intelligence Service was one of the key factors in Britain's success at that time.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Currently, the British MI6 agency was established after the world war to steal intelligence from other countries in order to enhance their country's competitive advantage in war. The establishment of this institution was closely related to the international political and military environment at that time.

In this day and age, Britain's MI6 has become an assistant to the United States in handling relations with China. They joined forces to form the "Five Eyes Conspiracy Group" and worked together to spread a lot of disinformation about China, with the aim of bringing negative public opinion to China. This behavior has attracted a lot of attention and questions.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Over the years, our country has successfully uprooted many latent "spies", and many people have been captured every year. Among them, some people are still quite high-status, and even some people in important positions have been exposed and brought to justice. These actions demonstrate the importance we attach to national security and our determination to resolutely crack down on espionage.

The United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan are a few examples of a number of countries that have tried to gain intelligence by plotting against mainland agents. Despite the fact that the phenomenon of "espionage" has become commonplace, their presence still poses a serious threat to the security of every country. They may sell or leak sensitive information in a variety of ways, with deadly consequences for national security. Therefore, we must remain highly vigilant against any form of espionage.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Often, a few simple words of secret words can be easily leaked by spies to the enemy during important events, and such leaks often lead to serious failure of the authorizer. Therefore, both in history and in modern times, on the battlefield, "spies" have always been regarded as one of the most hated enemies. Their actions often carry immeasurable losses and risks.

Because these people will do whatever it takes for their personal interests, even at the cost of betraying the country, once exposed, they will be strongly condemned by the public and severely criticized by public opinion. Simplified version: These people will sell their country for personal gain. Once discovered, everyone will strongly condemn them.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Today, so-called "spies" pose a threat that goes far beyond simply selling intelligence. Once the enemy succeeds in reversing certain important positions, they will not only spread a lot of disinformation in the country, but will also be able to manipulate the direction of public opinion, which will cause even more serious confusion and trouble. The scope and destructive power of such an act should not be underestimated.

International influence and interference still exist, and there may be some "spies" lurking around us. They are good at camouflage, use the same language, share similar daily lives, and are hidden in the crowd and difficult to detect. Each of us should be vigilant in case something happens.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

In order to protect the integrity and security of the country, every Chinese plays an indispensable role. The responsibilities of state institutions are enormous, but each of us also bears the responsibility of safeguarding national security. At major events and critical moments, we must stand firmly on the stand of national interests and unswervingly defend our homeland. This is a shared task and the duty of each and every one of us. To put it simply, safeguarding national security is not just a matter for the government, but a responsibility for all of us.

In times of tranquility, we are all guardians of the nation. As soon as we find any suspicious person or thing, we should report it to the relevant authorities quickly, and it is the responsibility of each of us. In this way, we work together to maintain the tranquility and harmony of society.


The state security organs announced the cracking of a major espionage case on the Guangming website. News from the state security organs, published on, said that it had successfully cracked an espionage case, which was an important case.

China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Fujian's "Case Exposed! Recently, the mainland's national security organs successfully cracked an important espionage case, this time targeting the MI6 organization from the United Kingdom. The specifics of the case have been disclosed in detail.

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China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

Okay, I'm going to rephrase this issue and the subject of the news coverage in different languages. What's new: The intelligence released by the national security services has attracted public attention, this time targeting an intelligence agency based in the United Kingdom, what kind of organization is they and what is the purpose of their activities? What might we understand from this new report? Read more on this in the follow-up report.

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China has cracked another major espionage case! He has been in the core secret-related position for nearly 10 years

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