
A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

author:Casual lobbyist


This year, the temperature in the mainland has continued to rise, and major cities have also entered the scorching heat under this burst of high temperatures.

Although this kind of hot weather has a scorching lethal effect on everything around us, with the advancement of science and technology, people's quality of life is also steadily improving.

But there is one thing that has really bothered many car owners recently, and that is the torrential rain in Shanghai.

I thought that this rainstorm was just a passerby, but I didn't expect it to keep falling.

Under the ravages of this torrential rain, I saw that the streets and alleys were flooded into small rivers, and there was water everywhere.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

Although two or three days have passed since the rainstorm, there are still many sections of the road with serious water accumulation, and after the rainstorm, some problems of new energy vehicles have also been exposed.

The car owners can be described as miserable, and even some car owners have even stripped off their underwear because of this rainstorm, and after driving the car home, they can't wait to find a 4S shop to help overhaul it.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

So what problems were exposed in this rainstorm, and even let the car owners "even have their bottoms stripped off"?

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

Problems exposed by new energy vehicles.

Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles can be said to be the most damaged by this rainstorm, because the battery life of new energy vehicles is the biggest disadvantage of new energy vehicles.

Traditional fuel vehicles can travel hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers as long as they are fully fueled, and it can be said that a performance run is very far, whether it is a short distance or a slightly longer trek, it can be successfully completed.

But new energy vehicles are completely different, and their endurance is far less than that of traditional fuel vehicles.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

Taking pure electric vehicles as an example, generally speaking, the range of a pure electric vehicle is within 500 kilometers, and this is still in good climates.

In case of rain and some driving resistance, it is normal for the battery life to decrease.

Under normal circumstances, if there are 4-5 car owners in front of you who are charging, then even if you don't have to wait for the car to be fully charged, you have to wait for about an hour.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

But in this storm, the vehicles on the road can not drive, and the car owners immediately thought that their cars may be charging before the rain, but because of the heavy rain, the charging piles are turned off, and the car is not fully charged.

The most intuitive problem is that there is not enough electricity, so you can only drive the car out of the underground garage and want to find a place to charge.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

At the same time, this also exposes the safety problem of the charging pile of the car, if the car is charging, it suddenly rains heavily, the charging pile is also a circuit, in case of soaking in rainwater, the safety of the car will be greatly reduced, not only may lead to a fire in the vehicle, the owner also has a great safety hazard.

In addition to the battery and charging station issues, car owners also found that their cars had some electrical problems during the rainstorm.

Because electric vehicles need to be charged before they can be driven, the circuit system is also a very important part of electric vehicles.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

In this rainstorm, the owners found that when their cars opened and closed the electric doors or released the car, the headlights in front of the body would light up first, and at first the owners thought it was a quality problem.

But when they drove the car to the 4S shop for maintenance, the staff told them that the headlights would be turned on after turning on to protect the car's circuit system and prevent the circuit system from being burned out.

In the rainstorm, the headlights are lit up in a very short period of time, and the owners also sighed that the protection of the car's circuit system is still very in place, after all, it will cause damage to the circuit system, and the car can only be driven to the 4S shop for maintenance.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

Why is the price of new energy vehicles so low?

Just a rainstorm makes the owners feel miserable, and the car is driven to the 4S shop for maintenance, which is the consciousness of the owners from the one hand, indicating that the problem should be solved as soon as possible, which also injects a "booster" for the quality of life of the car owners.

But this is also from another point of view, new energy vehicles have so many problems, why do car manufacturers ignore and do not solve these problems, resulting in a decline in the quality of life of car owners.

In fact, in today's environment of improving the quality of life, no car manufacturer will spend thousands or even hundreds of millions of dollars to solve the problem of emissions from one or two thousand vehicles.

Therefore, these exposed problems naturally have to be borne by car owners, which is the source of the word "consumption upgrade", in today's socio-economic level of the environment, people's requirements for the quality of life are getting higher and higher.

Therefore, this "consumption upgrade" has made the price of new energy vehicles also fall, and there is no problem with the quality of the car, just to make persistent efforts and do a few more things.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

Therefore, the decline in the price of new energy vehicles is its advantage, and this advantage is good or bad, because although the price is low, there is one thing that car owners must not forget, that is, "cheap is not good".

As we all know, anything valuable cannot be cheapened, so car owners must keep their eyes open when buying new energy vehicles, not to say which car to buy at a low price.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

High-priced cars also have the advantage of high prices, although they can't afford it for the time being, but once they are up, the maintenance cost is far from high.

And many people will ignore this when buying a car, which is "do you really need it?"

For example, a person's water consumption is 1000L, but he buys 2000L of water, just like the owner buys a new energy vehicle that exceeds his driving needs, which is the result of insufficient consideration.

Therefore, car owners must choose carefully when buying new energy vehicles, and choose according to their actual needs and financial situation.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

Choose carefully based on actual needs.

Since the price of new energy vehicles is lower than that of traditional fuel vehicles, how do new energy vehicles sell?

Why do automakers not make fuel vehicles, but make new energy vehicles?

This is because the continent's automobile market share is a new energy vehicle share, and the share is slowly growing.

In fact, people need not only cars, but also the driving experience brought by cars.

Therefore, I hope that consumers must do what they can when buying a car, not to say that the price is cheap to buy that, and the quality of the car's performance is also very important.

People choose the right model according to their actual needs, which can not only meet their own travel needs, but also choose the more cost-effective model as much as possible.

When buying a car, you must adapt to local conditions, the safety of the car can not be ignored, "cheap is not good", not to mention that because the picture is cheap, the date is long, and you don't buy it in the end, but because of the fear of buying an unsafe car.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

Because people's awareness of new energy vehicles is not so high, so when buying, people naturally do not have so many choices, and can only consider from the limited choices, which has the saying that "cheap is not good".

But now, with the development of social science and technology, people are more and more exposed to new energy vehicles, so in this case, people's choices have become more, but this choice is not necessarily right.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

The safety of your own vehicle is more important, only when the car is safe, you can be more assured when you travel, you don't have to worry about such and such problems on the road, and the car is safe, and you are more worry-free and more stretching when traveling.

Because the market share of new energy vehicles has been increasing, and the price of cars is slowly declining, car owners must do what they can when choosing new energy vehicles, not just buy if they want to.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

Only by doing what you can can you buy a car that meets your needs, and at the same time, you can save a lot of money, which is not only beneficial to yourself, but also to the mainland's transportation.

Only when the consumption of car owners is not blind, can the road become smoother, can it benefit itself, can it truly realize smart transportation, and the life of easy traffic is coming.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable


The development of new energy vehicles in the mainland is also getting better and better, but while the number of new energy vehicles is increasing, some problems have also been exposed, especially the safety of cars.

This is a problem that cannot be ignored, after all, safety is the first thing that comes to mind when people drive a vehicle on the road.

Therefore, the problem must be solved, only consumers have more choices, in order to choose the best, but also can remind major car manufacturers in the production of vehicles, to pay more attention to safety, only the car is safe enough, people can rest assured on the road.

A rainstorm tore the bottoms of the new energy vehicle to the ground, and the owner was miserable

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