
How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

author:A story gallery

In 2024, the movie "Disciple" will be quietly released, which has sparked heated discussions among the audience in a short period of time. The box office of this film exceeded 200 million, and the Douban score was as high as 8.1. What is amazing is that the 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian performed well in the film.

Nguyen Jingtian plays the role of Chen Guang in "Psychological Crime", a character who suffers from mental illness and becomes a wanted criminal, whose complexity and challenge are self-evident and become the focus of discussion among the audience.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

Chen Guang's transformation from an ordinary person to a ruthless criminal requires the actor to have extremely high acting skills.

The 41-year-old Nguyen not only accepted the challenge, but also made admirable results. His acting skills are amazing, and one can't help but sigh: a 41-year-old man can be so charming and persuasive.

At this worrying age, Ruan Jingtian has not been eroded by time, but has become more and more mellow like an aging wine.

Ruan Jingtian's face did not wear heavy makeup, but left the vicissitudes and perseverance of the years. This sense of realism makes the audience feel as if they can touch Chen Guang's inner struggle and pain. Ruan Jingtian used his performance to tell us: The real charm of a man does not need to be concealed by heavy makeup, but comes from inner strength and a deep understanding of the role.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

Nguyen Ching Tien repeatedly uses close-up close-ups to show the emotional changes of the characters in the film, without using any masking, to show off his natural skin tone and beard. This courage and self-confidence gives him confidence in his acting skills, while also adding realism to the whole character.

Ruan Jingtian's performance proves that the phenomenon of "heavy makeup" in the current film and television industry is unnecessary. With his sincere performance, he proved that true acting skills and personal charisma do not need to be disguised or enhanced by heavy makeup.

This back-to-basics approach to performance has not only won praise from the audience, but also set a new benchmark for the entire industry.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

In "Disciple", Chen Guang played by Ruan Jingtian is a complex and layered character. He suffers from mental illness, is a wanted criminal, and his inner world is full of contradictions and struggles.

Ruan Jingtian needs to show the huge transformation of this character from a gentle ordinary person to a ruthless criminal on the screen, which undoubtedly puts extremely high demands on his acting skills.

How did Ruan Jingtian complete this transformation, he did not rely on heavy makeup to reflect the change of the character, but showed Chen Guang's inner transformation through subtle expressions and body language.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

In the first half of the movie, we see a gentle-eyed and calm Chen Guangruan Jingtian with his slightly tired eyes and slightly rickety posture, showing the life of an ordinary person.

As the plot deepened, Chen Guang's heart gradually became distorted, and Ruan Jingtian's performance also underwent subtle and subtle changes. His eyes began to become sharper, the corners of his mouth often inadvertently showed a cold smile, and the aura of the whole person also became fierce.

The shift is so natural that the audience barely feels like they're "acting."

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

In a crucial scene in the movie, Ruan Jingtian performed very well in the face of Chen Guang's deteriorating condition. His eyes changed from confusion to fear, to despair, and finally to calm, wordless, but delicately depicted the inner world of the character, which can be called a model of performance.

The audience deeply felt his pain and struggle, which also confirmed Ruan Jingtian's excellent acting skills.

Throughout the transformation process, Ruan Jingtian has always maintained the coherence of the characters, allowing us to clearly see how Chen Guang slid into the abyss step by step. Even in Chen Guang's most ruthless moments, we can still catch a trace of former gentleness in Ruan Jingtian's eyes, and this complex layering makes the character more fleshed out and real.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

Ruan Jingtian's acting skills tell us that real acting skills do not need to rely on external decorations, but come from the in-depth understanding of the role and the true emotional expression of the heart. He used his performance to explore what a true tough guy image is—not a false appearance built up by heavy makeup and special effects, but a tenacity and sophistication that radiates from the inside out.

This delicate interpretation reflects the 41-year-old actor's deep understanding of the role and shows his maturity. At the same time, it left an unforgettable screen image for the audience.

In the drama "Disciple", the details of Ruan Jingtian's performance are breathtaking, and his every look and micro-expression can properly convey the inner world of the character. This extreme control of details fully demonstrates Ruan Jingtian's extraordinary strength as a mature actor.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

Nguyen's performance in close-ups is particularly impressive, and instead of relying on heavy makeup to disguise his age or portray his character, he allows his natural skin tone and beard to be displayed in front of the camera.

We can clearly see every wrinkle and beard on his face, which has become an important element in the portrayal of the character Ruan Jingtian's courage and confidence, which not only shows his confidence in his acting skills, but also adds a layer of realism to the whole character.

In this film, Chen Guang, played by Ruan Jingtian, was sent to a mental hospital for some reason, and this scene can be called a prominent performance, which makes people's blood boil. When Chen Guang was tied to the hospital bed, the fear, despair and helplessness in Ruan Jingtian's eyes made the audience seem to feel the inner torment of the character.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

His eyes twitch slightly, his lips twitch slightly, and these subtle movements accurately convey the emotional state of the character.

Ruan Jingtian's control of the character's body language is worth mentioning. When Chen Guang was an ordinary person, his movements were calm and slow; And when Chen Guang gradually went crazy, his movements became rapid and restless.

This subtle change allows the audience to intuitively feel the inner changes of the characters.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

Nguyen also makes clever use of voice changes in the role. When Chen Guang was emotional, his voice became sharp and trembling. And when the character is calm, his voice is low and powerful, and this change in voice adds more layers to the character.

The most impressive thing is that Ruan Jingtian always maintains the coherence of the character throughout the performance, even in Chen Guang's most ruthless moments, we can still catch a trace of the former gentleness in Ruan Jingtian's eyes, and this complex layering makes his character more full and real.

Ruan Jingtian's performance shows us that real acting skills do not need to rely on external dressing, but from a deep understanding of the role and the expression of true emotions in the heart.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

In his own way, he interprets the image of a real tough guy - not a false appearance piled up by heavy makeup and special effects, but a tenacity and sophistication that exudes from the inside out.

Nguyen's extreme pursuit of detail shows his maturity as a 41-year-old actor and his deep understanding of the role, while also presenting the audience with an unforgettable screen image.

Ruan Jingtian's performance in "Disciple" reminds people of the "heavy makeup" phenomenon that is prevalent in the current film and television industry. Many male stars, regardless of age, like to wear heavy makeup on the screen, which seems to attract the attention of the audience.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

This phenomenon reflects a common problem: many actors and producers seem to believe that only through heavy makeup can they create the perfect image on screen.

For example, Stephen Chow, who is famous for his funny image, often wears heavy makeup and wigs in his later works to hide the traces of time. In his films, we can often see him in this outfit, which contrasts with his early natural image.

Although Stephen Chow's performance is still excellent, this overly heavy makeup makes people feel a little regretful.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

For example, Huang Xiaoming's appearance with heavy makeup in "Langya Bang" once caused controversy among the audience. His makeup was criticized by the audience as "not like an actor, more like playing cosplay". Excessive beauty and heavy makeup do not increase the charm of the character, but instead make the audience feel a sense of distance and affect the identification with the character.

Although Chen Kun's heavy makeup in the "Painted Skin" series is in line with the character setting, it is excessive. This kind of makeup may be to create a specific character image, but it also reflects the film and television industry's dependence on heavy makeup.

William Chan is also a case in point. The makeup in many of his works is very delicate and flawless, but sometimes going too far for perfection can affect the realism and believability of the characters.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

In the current film and television industry, the phenomenon of "heavy makeup and glamorous" is widespread, reflecting the excessive pursuit and attention to appearance in the circle. Over-reliance on makeup can not only affect the authenticity of the performance, but also create a sense of distance in the audience.

However, Ruan Jingtian's natural performance in "Disciple" undoubtedly brought a resounding slap in the face to this phenomenon, and he proved with practical actions that true acting skills and charm do not need to be disguised or strengthened by heavy makeup.

In the movie "Disciple", 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian showed excellent acting skills and amazing state. His age is not an obstacle to his performance, but rather adds to the unique charm of his performance.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

Ruan Jingtian told everyone that the charm of a man is not in his youthful appearance, but in whether he can control complex roles and show a rich inner world.

When playing the role of Chen Guang, Ruan Jingtian perfectly showed the characteristics of a character full of contradictions and struggles in his heart. He needs to switch between mildness and ruthlessness, a level that is difficult for young actors to achieve.

Ruan Jingtian's every look and every micro-expression appropriately conveys the inner world of the character, showing his extraordinary strength as a mature actor.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

What's even more commendable is that Ruan Jingtian did not hide his age, but made full use of the vicissitudes of age and skillfully integrated it into the role. Every wrinkle on his face and every vicissitudes in his eyes have become an indispensable and important element in the creation of the character.

This performance not only shows Ruan Jingtian's self-confidence as an actor, but also conveys an important message to the audience: the real man's charm comes from inner maturity and understanding of life, rather than external youth and brilliance.

In the movie, there are many scenes of close-up of Nguyen Jingtian's real face. He didn't wear any makeup or cover-up, but boldly let his natural skin tone and beard show off in front of the camera.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

This courage and self-confidence not only shows his confidence in his acting skills, but also adds a layer of realism to the whole character.

Ruan Jingtian's performance showed us that 41 years old is not the end of an actor's career, but a new starting point. The rich life experience here makes the actors' understanding of the roles more profound, and the performances are more nuanced.

Ruan Jingtian proved with his performance that as long as he maintains his love for acting and respect for his role, an actor can bloom with unique charm at any age.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

Ruan Jingtian's performance in "Disciple" set a new benchmark for film and television. He touched many audiences with his real performance, proving that the essence of the actor is still a real performance. This performance has sparked extensive discussion and appreciation both inside and outside the industry.

Many viewers said that Ruan Jingtian's performance made them re-realize what real acting is. In this era of film and television, where makeup technology and special effects technology are developed, Ruan Jingtian's natural performance is like a clear stream.

He didn't use makeup to hide his age or portray the character, but let his true face show his courage and confidence in front of the camera, which not only showed his confidence in his acting skills, but also added a layer of realism to the whole character.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

This call for authentic performances reflects a shift in the audience's aesthetics, and what they want to see is a performance that is real, vivid, and has a strong vitality. Ruan Jingtian's performance caters to this demand of the audience.

His performance tells us that true acting skills do not need to rely on external decorations, but from a deep understanding of the character and the natural outpouring of true emotions in the heart.

In general, Ruan Jingtian's performance in "Disciple" is not only a peak of his personal acting career, but also points out a direction for the entire film and television industry: return to the essence of actors and impress the audience with real performances.

How many faces did 41-year-old Ruan Jingtian hit with "heavy makeup" male stars? I'll show you what a man is

The success of this performance method will undoubtedly inspire more actors to abandon their dependence on heavy makeup, return to the acting itself, and bring more excellent works to the audience.

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