
Ruan Jing Tianmu was shocked to see a butterfly! 3 major doubts have aroused heated discussions, and there is a mystery behind the actor's tears?

author:Qingqing said entertainment

The entertainment industry has set off stormy waves again! Ruan Jingtian's mother was shocked to find a "mysterious butterfly" at the funeral scene, is it a coincidence or another hidden story?

At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, there was a sudden traffic at the door of a funeral parlor in Taichung, and it turned out to be our "Zhou" Ruan Jingtian who held a farewell ceremony for his mother. This powerful male god who has just won the actor crown can only wash his face with tears and bid farewell to his loved ones at this moment. Tsk, life is impermanent!

Ruan Jing Tianmu was shocked to see a butterfly! 3 major doubts have aroused heated discussions, and there is a mystery behind the actor's tears?

"Ma Bao Man" under the halo of the actor

I heard that the moment Ruan Jingtian got the actor trophy, his mother died. This plot is too bloody, right? But then again, Ruan Jingtian has always been a well-known "mom treasure man".

According to his hair: "Ah Tian has been very close to his mother since he was a child, and he even has to be sent by his mother to school." Once he didn't do well in the exam, he ran ten streets crying in a daze, just to find his mother. "

Tsk, what kind of actor is this, it's clearly a little kid who doesn't grow up! However, this kind of true temperament makes people feel particularly heartwarming.

Ruan Jing Tianmu was shocked to see a butterfly! 3 major doubts have aroused heated discussions, and there is a mystery behind the actor's tears?

The red carpet became a filial son, and tears were spilled on the scene

At yesterday's farewell ceremony, Ruan Jingtian cried so badly! His eyes were swollen like walnuts, and his nose was red like a clown. Still, he insisted on greeting each guest in person, clasping his hands together and saying "thank you".

An unnamed insider broke the news: "Ah Tian is really sad this time." I saw that he was not well, he staggered when he walked, and almost fell down several times. "It seems that our Ruan Yingdi is really sad this time!

The stars help, and the friendship is full of points

Ruan Jing Tianmu was shocked to see a butterfly! 3 major doubts have aroused heated discussions, and there is a mystery behind the actor's tears?

Although it is a sad occasion, there are really a lot of celebrities! Zhang Junning, Chen Yihan, Zheng Yuanchang and others were all present in person, as well as Wang Jing, Zhao Youting and others also sent flower baskets.

Some netizens ridiculed: "This battle is even more grand than the award ceremony!" "

But then again, there can still be so many true friends in this Vanity Fair, and Ruan Jingtian can be regarded as a talent!

The "butterfly effect" arouses suspicion

Ruan Jing Tianmu was shocked to see a butterfly! 3 major doubts have aroused heated discussions, and there is a mystery behind the actor's tears?

The most surprising thing is a video posted by Ruan Jingtian on social platforms. I saw a beautiful butterfly circling and flying in the mourning hall, as if saying goodbye to relatives and friends.

Ruan Jingtian wrote: "Thank you everyone, everything is perfect, my mother has become a butterfly." "

As soon as this news came out, netizens were fried:

"Damn, this is too mysterious, isn't it? "

Ruan Jing Tianmu was shocked to see a butterfly! 3 major doubts have aroused heated discussions, and there is a mystery behind the actor's tears?

"Did Ah Tian's mother really become a butterfly? "

"I think it's just a coincidence, don't think too much about it. "

However, some attentive netizens discovered: "Wait, hasn't Ruan Jingtian been particularly fond of butterflies since he was a child?" He also has a lot of them on the balcony! "

Tsk, that's interesting. Is there really a supernatural event, or is it a play directed and acted by Ruan Jingtian?

Ruan Jing Tianmu was shocked to see a butterfly! 3 major doubts have aroused heated discussions, and there is a mystery behind the actor's tears?

What does the future hold?

The loss of a loved one is certainly not a small blow, but life has to go on. According to industry insiders, Ruan Jingtian may put off some work in the next step and concentrate on adjusting his mood. After Leslie Cheung passed away, didn't Anita Mui also use one wonderful performance after another to commemorate her brother? Perhaps, this is the fate of artists.

Everyone, what do you think Ruan Jingtian will do next? Will you take this opportunity to transform and make a movie about motherhood? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, maybe your God's prediction will come true! Parents are here, and there is still a place to come in life; When your parents go, there is only one way back in life. While your parents are still around, spend more time with them!

Okay, that's all for today's melon. Remember to like and collect, and we'll see you next time!

Ruan Jing Tianmu was shocked to see a butterfly! 3 major doubts have aroused heated discussions, and there is a mystery behind the actor's tears?
Ruan Jing Tianmu was shocked to see a butterfly! 3 major doubts have aroused heated discussions, and there is a mystery behind the actor's tears?

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