
What was the board that the minister used to take to the court for? In fact, it is a status symbol

author:Tao knowledge


Hello ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about the long board that the ministers always love to hold in their hands in costume dramas, do you know what it is?

Don't rush to say it's a numbered plate in line at the bank or a new darling in the fashion industry, haha, it's not! This thing, in ancient times, was the "secret weapon" of the officials when they went to court - the guard board, and some people affectionately called it the wat board.

What was the board that the minister used to take to the court for? In fact, it is a status symbol

Without it, the ministers want to behave well in front of the emperor, and the difficulty is even more difficult than climbing to the sky and picking up stars!

First of all, let's talk about the first power of this shield, which is simply the "super memo" of ancient officials. You think, in the ancient court, there were so many big and small things that there were like stars in the sky, and you can't count them.

What was the board that the minister used to take to the court for? In fact, it is a status symbol

The emperor wants to build a palace today, and he has to fight a war tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow he has to care about the people's food, drink, and Lazar, so many things, how can the ministers remember them all in their minds? That's where the guard comes in. The ministers can engrave the main points to be reported and the suggestions to the emperor on this board in advance, just like we now use mobile phone memos to remember things.

What was the board that the minister used to take to the court for? In fact, it is a status symbol

If the emperor suddenly asks a question, or has any important instructions, they can quickly write it down on the guard, so as not to appear like "Your Majesty, what did you just say?" I don't have a good ear and can't hear ...... clearly".

This guard, don't look at it is not big, it is about 50 centimeters long, and the width is only a few fingers wide, but it is more than enough to write a cheat sheet and draw a simple schematic diagram or something. What if there's too much content to write? Hey, people have already had a countermeasure, and there are several pieces in the bag, so you can change it if you want it, and you can add it if you want to, and it's very flexible.

What was the board that the minister used to take to the court for? In fact, it is a status symbol

Let's talk about the second great use of this shield, it is also a "small identity label". In ancient times, this guard board could not be used by any cat or dog, nor could it be made by picking up a piece of wood.

At that time, the officials were highly hierarchical, and the guard plate was a small display window of their status. For example, in the Tang Dynasty, the big guy with more than five grades used the guard plate made of ivory, with a warm luster, and at a glance, he knew that it was not an ordinary product, and he could attract a bunch of envious eyes when he walked on the road.

What was the board that the minister used to take to the court for? In fact, it is a status symbol

As for the petty officials below the sixth grade, they can only use bamboo, although it is also quite practical, but compared with ivory, it seems a bit simple and unpretentious. In the Ming Dynasty, this rule was even more elaborate, and officials above the fifth rank continued to use ivory wat as a status symbol;

Below the fifth grade? Sorry, you'll just have to watch others show off. Therefore, every time you go to the court, the ministers go to that station, you can basically guess their approximate official position, who is the pillar of the court, who is the small transparent, at a glance.

What was the board that the minister used to take to the court for? In fact, it is a status symbol

However, the most amazing thing about this shield is not only that, it also has a particularly important role - that is, "the guardian of the emperor's majesty".

In ancient times, there were so many rules in the previous dynasty that they could circle the earth several times, and the ministers had to pay attention to their words and deeds at all times, especially if they couldn't look directly at the emperor, it was a big disrespect, and if they didn't do it, they would lose their heads.

At this time, the guard plate has become their "life-saving straw". When reporting work, they can use the guard plate to slightly block their faces and cover their eyes, which not only maintains a respectful attitude, but also avoids the embarrassment of looking directly at the emperor.

Of course, this action must be natural, not too deliberate, otherwise the emperor should mutter: "Is this guy secretly scolding me in his heart?" ”

What was the board that the minister used to take to the court for? In fact, it is a status symbol

Speaking of which, I have to tell you an interesting little story. It was during the Chongzhen period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a young secretary of Honglu Temple named Dong Lingjun, who once forgot to bring the guard plate in the court, which was very bad for him.

What was the board that the minister used to take to the court for? In fact, it is a status symbol

When he was sweating profusely there, his good buddy, Song Qianmin, the editor of the Hanlin Academy, appeared, and without saying a word, he divided his guard plate into two and gave Dong Lingjun half of it.

At this moment, Dong Lingjun finally breathed a sigh of relief and didn't let the emperor see the flaws. This friendship is more precious than gold, and people are moved when they hear it.

What was the board that the minister used to take to the court for? In fact, it is a status symbol

So, friends, next time we watch costume dramas, don't underestimate those "mystery boards". They are not just gadgets used by ancient officials to keep records, but also symbols of their wisdom and status.

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