
How many of these social troubles have you hit?



It touched on topics such as social challenges of seafood allergy, family conflicts and health problems, and the spirit of cooperation in interpersonal relationships, among which the patterns of family and social communication were of particular interest. Want to know how family members handle conflicts between each other, or how to maintain a spirit of cooperation at work? Let's look down!

How many of these social troubles have you hit?

Social challenges of seafood allergies

I'm allergic, you know, and I had to be invited to seafood, so I had to eat dessert. It's called "social friends," you know.

How many of these social troubles have you hit?

Family conflicts and health problems

My wife loves her grandson, and I agree with that. But here comes the problem, the grandson is sick and has tonsillitis, the doctor prescribes medicine, says the precautions, let's follow the doctor's instructions, but the old lady is different, she feels that her grandson is in pain, and she has to give him a little fire. So, I boiled garlic water for my grandson, but my grandson not only did not get better, but on the contrary, he often became inflamed. My wife and I tried to persuade the old lady not to anneal our grandson, but she just wouldn't listen.

How many of these social troubles have you hit?

Modes of communication between the family and society

In fact, not only in the family, but also between relatives and friends, when we gather together, if someone makes an unreasonable request, we might as well try to refuse, or have a reasonable communication. After all, everyone's physical condition and preferences are different, and some people may not be trying to make things difficult for us, but just forget about our special circumstances for a while. Therefore, when dealing with interpersonal relationships, we must not only learn to protect our own rights and interests, but also learn to empathize and understand the goodwill of others.

How many of these social troubles have you hit?

Interpersonal relationships and the spirit of cooperation at work

Speaking of which, I am reminded of a small incident a few days ago. At noon that day, a few of our colleagues made an appointment to go to dinner together. At the end of the meal, everyone checked out and found that our team leader had paid an extra dollar. This amount of money is actually not much, but everyone is surprised, after all, the team leader is usually very careful in budgeting. Just when everyone said that they wanted to find the team leader to exchange money, the team leader said: "I won't look for this money, just take it as my peace of mind." After listening to her words, everyone laughed. Unexpectedly, our usually the most shrewd team leader was willing to "feel sorry" for himself in this little thing.

How many of these social troubles have you hit?

Social misunderstandings and emotional tests

Getting along with people is a science, especially at work and in life. Some people have all kinds of "weird" behaviors and thoughts in interpersonal interactions, such as having unreasonable expectations of others' behavior, complaining that others are not doing enough, and so on. And we, as ordinary employees, need to be sober and rational in such an environment. It is not that we have to accept all requests and accusations silently, but we must learn to say "no" appropriately and protect ourselves.

How many of these social troubles have you hit?

Expectations and Realities in Heterosexual Interactions

There are also some friends who will have all kinds of strange ideas in love. For example, some people test the sincerity of girls through the "boy running test"; There are also people who will clearly tell each other that they don't like material girls before falling in love. These ideas sound plausible, but they are actually unrealistic. After all, love is mutual, and no one should give more to whom. In love and marriage, we should all learn to respect and understand each other.

How many of these social troubles have you hit?

Integrity and responsibility in interpersonal interactions

Speaking of which, I am reminded of a small incident that happened in our office the other day. At noon that day, a female colleague told us that she wanted to eat barbecue in the evening and asked if anyone would like to go with her. As a result, everyone had made arrangements, and no one agreed to her. When it was time to leave work, the female colleague suddenly said that she wanted to take the car home. Because she lives far away, everyone thinks it's quite late, so let her take a taxi back. So we packed our things and prepared to leave the office. When I reached the door, I found that the female colleague was still worried at her desk. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she forgot her phone and didn't know what to do. She usually pays for taxis with her mobile phone, but now she has no money and no mobile phone, what should she do? After listening to her words, I wondered, and I asked her, "Didn't you just tell you that you could take a taxi back?" What are you anxious about? She said, "I wanted to ask if someone could give me a ride." After hearing her words, I was speechless. Although she didn't say anything, it was clear from her complicated expression and silence that she must have disliked us and was reluctant to send her home. At that time, I was a little angry: it was obviously her own barbecue, obviously she forgot to bring her mobile phone, and now it has become our responsibility. That's not quite right, right?


In daily life, the handling of interpersonal relationships is crucial. We must not only learn to protect our own rights and interests, but also learn to empathize and understand the position of others. It is only through integrity, responsibility and understanding that we can build more harmonious social relationships. Have you ever experienced similar problems in interpersonal interactions? Come and share your story!