
After dressing as the vicious female partner in the sick Jiaowen, my first mission went awry

author:A small bok choy
After dressing as the vicious female partner in the sick Jiaowen, my first mission went awry
After dressing as the vicious female partner in the sick Jiaowen, my first mission went awry


I was silently doing psychological construction, and even when I opened the beating heart inside, I could probably stand firmly.

As a result, it was just a well-cut black halterneck dress.

I was relieved by the unexpectedly normal gift and started to raving about it.

For the first time, a shy look appeared on Gu Rao's face: "This is the model I designed, and I asked a designer to make it."

"And, it's a suit with me." He pointed to the angel wings on the chest of the suit outlined with dark purple threads, which resembled the waist drawstring design on the back of the skirt.

"I, I, I like it, do you want me to change it now?"

I tried my best to pretend to be excited, even though I couldn't calm down after the shock I had just had.

"Is that okay?" There was a shy, childlike look of anticipation on his face.

"Absolutely." I immediately went back to my room with my skirt in my arms, and after changing it, I opened the door a crack.

I saw him fiddling with the handcuffs and leg irons, and the cold light of the knives was dazzling.

Then he chained his ankles to his ankles!

I ran out barefoot: "You, you, why are you putting this on yourself?"

He tilted his head in confusion, his eyes as clear as a baby:

"I've heard that if you want someone to fall in love with you with all your heart, you have to give her a sense of security."

"A sense of security is the same as convincing her that you will never leave."

"I want to be loved, I want to be loved by you."

He was like a child learning to speak for the first time, solemn and firm.

"So, I handcuff myself to prove that I will never leave you."

Even though he showed that he wanted my love so much, the system showed that my strategy value was only 10%.

The system estimated his illness value, and only when my strategy value reached 60%, he was reluctant to kill me.

It's ridiculous, you want my love.

And again, kill me mercilessly.


He reached out to touch my skirt, and I half-crouched down and held on to his wheelchair.

Try to pretend to love him deeply, and pretend to tremble with joy rather than fear because of his approach.

His hand caressed the black silk tie around my neck.

"I'm a big fan of human necks," he said suddenly, something creepy, "and it's so strong that it holds the most important brain, but it's so fragile."

I looked around in fear, really afraid that he would get sick and make me sick.

But there was no one around.

I suddenly remembered that when he came to my house, the only moments of tenderness for me were outsiders, as if he were doing it for others.

Someone looks like a delicate and loveless little wife in fashion, and says some affectionate words.

Running to the door of my room in the middle of the night when no one was there, crying, and now saying something like neck like this.

Gu Rao's words changed: "Can you go on a date with me tomorrow?"

I immediately smiled expectantly and excitedly, "Of course, wow."

The next day, I walked out of the room dressed up, but there was no trace of Gu Rao in the room.

Thinking that it was still early, I went to buy breakfast first, but when I opened the door, I saw Gu Rao waiting at the door with a rose.

His hair has been carefully cared for, and his face has been rubbed with a thin layer of powder, and his complexion has improved a lot, and he is not so sickly.

He put the rose in my arms a little shyly, and turned his face away with some embarrassment:

"I've heard that when it comes to dating, guys have to wait at the door of the girls' house." He couldn't help but yawn after he finished speaking.

"I'm sorry, you must have been waiting for a long time, I thought we were going out together in the afternoon."

"But I want you to have a whole day."

He was talking about love, but I felt a creep inexplicably.

He took me to the chartered aquarium and insisted that I push the wheelchair for help.

As I walked through the narrow and deep undersea tunnel, deep-sea fish of various shapes swam over my head.

Gu Rao suddenly stopped, looked up seriously and said to me, "I really want to stay here with you forever."

The dark blue light streaked across his face, and I couldn't see the expression clearly, and I instinctively felt dangerous.

"The best way to die is to be eaten by a shark in the sea." He seemed to have suddenly fallen ill and began to babble, "If I swallow it whole, I might still be able to breathe in its stomach."

"But I want to be eaten by you." His whole body trembled, and he clenched his head with both hands, "Or, if you kill him, it doesn't seem bad."

"I'm going to eat you??? Kill ???" I was so scared that I took a few steps back.

The system shouted in my head: "Hurry up and hug him, attack him!] 】

I resisted the urge to run away, and stepped forward to hold his head in my arms: "Don't say it, Gu Rao."

He struggled violently in my arms for a few moments before he calmed down and apologized to me:

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper."

After coming out of the aquarium, we tacitly did not mention what had just happened.

There was only one moment in the whole day when he showed an unusual appearance, and when he got home, he suddenly began to sob.

He said, "Shen Ruo, don't be afraid of me...... I wasn't always like that, I was ...... Sometimes I can't control myself."

He thumped his unconscious leg in pain, and the whole person shrank into the darkness, blaming himself and aggrieved.

In order to make progress in the strategy, I could only squat in front of him and patiently say to him:

"It's okay, everyone has a dark side."

"Can you love me, then?" He is very obsessed with getting loved by others.

"I, I've loved you." I'm talking about a weak heart, but this is the character's personality, so I shouldn't be lying, right?

Suddenly, he solemnly took out a small gift box from his pocket and placed it in the palm of my hand.

Lying quietly inside was a ring shaped like a wing.

"Shen Ruo, I won't force you to wear it, I hope that one day you will take the initiative to wear it."


After that day, Gu Rao seemed to be a completely different person.

He was keen to cook all sorts of strange things for me to eat, and was very pleased with my praise for his virtue.

It seemed to me more like a compliance test for me.

"Do you want to eat durian porridge?" He spent three hours in the kitchen with his apron on, and brought me a bowl with gusto.

"Durian, porridge?" I struggled in my mind, "Hot or cold?"

"Hot." He lifted the lid, and the strong smell of durian made my eyes hot.

His look of anticipatory excitement looked to me as follows:

"If you don't eat it, you will break your stomach and stuff it in~"

I resigned myself to picking up the spoon and stuffing it into my mouth, huh? Not bad?

The sweet and fluffy durian and the hot and glutinous rice porridge go well together, and I thought only I could come up with ideas like this.

He started buying baby products in large piles, and all kinds of cute little clothes and shoes filled my home.

Even my cat, the lazy Sanhua, was forced to have a whole bunch of pet costumes and a new, huge cat climbing frame.

He also quietly replaced everything in the house with a couple's model, and he never tired of it.

Like, really looking forward to having a home with me.

He would also "do" occasionally, like a spider the size of a corn kernel crawling in, and he would shout at me to get it away, and he would shiver in my arms for a while.

I pointed to the bodyguard next to me, "Can't he do these things?"

"I am only responsible for protecting Mr. Gu's personal safety." The bodyguards are righteous and strict.

Translated, it means that things that do not harm personal safety are ignored.

When I want to refuse to go out or eat with him, he will say, "My baby and I will be sad."

However, the child in his womb had no physical existence at all.

It's just that the system uses higher-level technology to give him the illusion of "pregnancy".

How is it possible for him to have such a variety of pregnancy reactions?


The system told me that Gu Rao's favorability had risen to 25 percent.

I look back on these two weeks of cohabitation and come to the only conclusion:

He likes to be a "wife" because he is keen to cook strange meals and pretend to be weak and addicted.

Not being able to understand him makes me afraid, afraid that the scene of the heroine of the original book being imprisoned with a broken leg will happen to me.

So late at night, when I smelled the smell of blood wafting from the living room and the sound of sharpening knives, I was strangely relieved.

I looked through the crack in the door at Gu Rao in the kitchen.

I couldn't see what was on the board, only the sound of meat being cut.

As I was holding my breath and preparing to go back to bed to pretend to be asleep, I saw a motionless kitten next to his wheelchair.

It is a pastoral three-flowered cat that grew up in the wild, and has never slept so upright, always lying on its back and facing the sky.

I suddenly remembered that the original writer had written Gu Rao's habit of dissecting small animals, is it, is it?

I didn't think too much about it, grabbed the thermos next to the bed as a weapon, and shouted, "What are you doing? Put your hands up."

I was so scared that I couldn't stop shaking, and I told myself again and again that he was just a man who couldn't stand up, and that I would definitely be able to beat him.

He held the blood-stained scalpel and obediently raised his hands and turned his wheelchair to face me, his face unfazed and calm.

With two "booms", he let go of his hands, and the knife slammed into the tiled floor crisply.

And my cat, still lying there motionless.

"What did you do to my cat?" I tried my best to pretend to be strong, and physiological tears fell.

"It's so clingy, I sedated it. Just sleeping."

Gu Rao didn't seem to realize what he had done wrong at all, he just felt normal.

"You, you go back to the fridge," I picked up my broom and poked my cat.

After he pushed it away, I ran over and picked up my cat, which was okay and breathing.

"I just heard that you like to eat rabbits, so I wanted to marinate them overnight and make them for you tomorrow."

I looked at the board, and there was indeed the remains of a small animal lying on it.

Even the rabbit's skin was completely peeled off and set aside.

But who's going to deal with tomorrow's ingredients at three o'clock in the morning, it's still fur.

I tentatively reached out and touched the dismembered pieces of flesh on the board.

It's still lukewarm.

I lost strength in my legs, and I held on to the table so that I wouldn't fall.

Gu Rao's wheelchair slowly moved towards me, and I yelled, "Don't come near me."

My head ached faintly, as if this scene, I had experienced this scene when I was frightened by Gu Rao, who completely ripped off his mask.

Without thinking too much, I ran out of the house with the cat in my arms.


As a result, I had just run out of the community when I was kidnapped.

A group of men in black who didn't know where to wait suddenly appeared and dragged me into the van.

My mouth and nose were covered by a drug-sprayed handkerchief and I quickly lost consciousness.

When I opened my eyes again, I was already tied to a chair, and sitting opposite was Gu Rao's half-brother Gu Chen.

Obviously, the plot of grabbing the woman next to the male protagonist to threaten him happened to me.

He told me about Gu Rao's oppression of him like all stupid villains.

Gu Rao first pretended to be in love and had a brain attack, and he had to live with me, a fake daughter who was rejected by the upper circle.

After his father became ill, he directly created his own portal to rob his own business, and also bought the shares of the family company at a high price.

He didn't want to start with me, but he learned through the inside that Gu Rao was unusually good to me.

I rolled my eyes: "Gu Rao's bodyguard, cooking aunt, housekeeper and medical staff, which one did you place next to him?"

He laughed, "All of them, didn't you expect that?"

Gu Chen put his phone to my ear: "My brother wants to talk to you alone."

His first words were, "Shen Ruo, don't be afraid, I will save you."

But as soon as I heard his voice, I remembered him holding a blood-stained knife and dismembering pieces of flesh with an expressionless face.

I'm more afraid of him than his stupid brother, who wears countless layers of masks.

His cohesive tone made me suspect that even my kidnapping had been included in his plan.

"But I'm curious, haven't you already seen me with a knife? Why are you so scared?"

His tone was calm, as if describing the weather.

"The first time you came to this world with your idiot system."

A bone-chilling chill crept from the toes to the top of the head.

It's obviously my first time in this world.

"I remember the stab you stabbed me before you died."

"No one has ever given me that pain, and I really, love to die."

His pitch rises, as if he is really describing pleasant emotions.

I tried to calm down: "System, have I ever deleted my memory?"

[Detected that you have actively deleted a failed task memory.] 】

"Immediately, restore it."

Countless pictures poured into my mind, and I had a splitting headache, and fainted directly in front of Gu Chen.


It turns out that I have really been in this world, and I have walked the same path as now.

The identity is a vicious female partner, and the task is to raid the sick and delicate male protagonist Gu Rao.

replaced the heroine who was lying in bed on the night when the male and female protagonists intersected.

I really listened to him and climbed out of the window, and then the system used advanced technology to make me "fake pregnant".

I went to Gu Rao's father with the pregnancy test report, and naturally became Gu Rao's fiancée.

Gu Rao only allowed me to come near him when I served the food I had made myself.

The tragic experience since he was a child made him have a special stubbornness about the food at home, and even I took all the orders when I made durian porridge, yogurt, noodles and the like.

He no longer pretends to be suave and has been his possession ever since I moved into his house.

He did not shy away from dismembering animals in the yard.

I was scared every time, but I did everything I could to get him.

However, his strategy value has always stopped at 20%.

I seduced him in sexy underwear, I took care of him in every way, and I knelt at the temple gate for a day to ask for Buddhist beads for him......

None of them could cause any turmoil in his heart.

However, I only had a few words with the other men.

He became ill and locked me in his basement.

His favorite thing to do is sit in a wheelchair, through the iron door, and watch me lose my vitality due to my long loneliness.

He looks at me more like a "pet", he likes to keep them first, wait until they become dependent on him, and then take care of them himself.

He didn't take the initiative to talk to me, he just drove me crazy with that snooping gaze, enjoying the feeling of being completely in control of others.

In the end, the mission time ran out, and his strategy value remained at 20%.

I have the last twelve hours left to stay in this world.

I don't have to continue to pretend to be a vicious female partner Shen Ruo, I can completely release myself.

I don't have to act like I'm praying for love anymore, and all the hatred and resentment that I have been locked up in the basement for three months are released. Thinking about how to leave yourself with an explosive ending.

I smashed the mirror nailed to the wall with my fist, allowing the system to block out my pain in advance.

Then, cut open his stomach.

If you count from the night I spent with Gu Rao, I have already pretended to be "pregnant" for eight months.

Gu Rao didn't care about my mental state after being locked up for so long, but he cared very much about my children and my body.

Well, I'll destroy it.

When Gu Rao knelt on the ground with a pale face, he picked up the dying me from the pool of blood.

I moved my lips and said the words of my heart:

"I'm probably the only one in this world who doesn't dislike you, an illegitimate child who is rejected by my father, calculated by my brother, or disabled."

While he was stunned by my words, I mercilessly picked up the splinter and stabbed him in the chest.

- Look, the only person in the world who loves you is going to kill you.

He dipped his fingers in the blood he had shed, and licked it.

The next second, he actually lowered his head and bit my lip.

Completely undisciplined, attacking like a beast of prey.

I slowly died in his arms, but his strategy value was skyrocketing.

The second I stopped breathing completely, the strategy value reached 100%.

It's ironic. One hundred percent of his love required one hundred percent death to be sacrificed.


The system said that after I failed, none of the other raiders succeeded.

And the male protagonist Gu Rao seems to have developed a sense of self, and every time he violates the plot of the original book and takes the initiative to contact "Shen Ruo".

After learning that the person in the shell of "Shen Ruo" was not me, I quickly erased it.

"Looking for me?" I just want to sneer, "Don't lose what you love the most."

[But the current state of affairs, it seems, is indeed the case.] The system is submissive, [Gu Rao's obsession with you is so big that it disturbs the balance of the whole world. So the top got you back again. 】

The chaotic dots since the book were finally connected into a complete line.

The familiarity with the world is because I have been here before.

The fear and obedience to Gu Rao, who disguised himself as a normal person, was because he had been imprisoned and "trained" by him.

Gu Rao's strange actions also became reasonable.

I was crying outside my room because he missed me in this body.

Cooking me all sorts of weird food is because I'm starting to wonder if it's true I'm back.

When he was sure that I was the original "Shen Ruo", he found that I had no memory of the last time.

So, he picked up the knife, dismembered the animal, and did something familiar to me, trying to get me back to my memory.

The whole strategy mission suddenly became incredibly simpler.

If you want him to have 100% strategy value, then I'll just "die" again.

But this time, the ending must be even more grand and tragic than the last one.

"But," I still didn't understand, "why did Gu Rao have to find me?"

[His mother was destitute, and before he was found home by his father, she always beat him with wires, sticks, rackets, etc. After it was over, my mother would say that the beating was a kiss, and the pain was love. The voice of the system sighed, [He has believed that love should be hurt since he was a child, and he will use the depth of harm to measure the concentration of love. 】

"A selfish man who has been mentally twisted since childhood," I said, with the resentment of the last three months in captivity, "is not worth pity at all. I really can't think of creating such an unattractive man?"

However, if I stabbed him so deeply, he must have thought that I loved him badly, right? How ironic!


I woke up in the hospital, and Gu Chen, who had kidnapped me, had been imprisoned in the police station.

Gu Rao asked me if I could hear what he said before I fell unconscious.

I pretended to be ignorant, and only said that a lot of images suddenly appeared in my head, but I couldn't see or remember clearly.

He looked frustrated, and I grabbed his hand in an abrupt apology:

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have run out of the house all of a sudden, you must have worked hard to get me out."

I pretended to understand how good he was for me because I had been kidnapped.

"I had a dream when I was unconscious!" I said, "In my dream, I was pregnant with your child."

His pupils shook, and he grabbed my shoulders vigorously, "Did you have any other dreams?"

"I can't remember." I pretended to have a headache and covered my head.

But Gu Rao didn't care about this, pretended to really love me, and hugged me:

"I'm really worried about you."

Obviously, my kidnapping should also be part of his plan.

can let my brother be accused of kidnapping, and I can still play a hero to save the beauty here, maybe I fainted too early and missed other scenes.

At the same time, my body was rapidly decaying.

Without any reason or cause, all my organs are failing.

Gu Rao searched for all the famous doctors, but he couldn't treat them.

Finally he went completely berserk: "That idiot system of yours just watched you die?"

I pretended to be ignorant, "How do you know the system exists?"

"Other book-wearers told me before they died." Gu Rao said vaguely, "You're leaving me again, aren't you?"

I regretted it, "Gu Rao, you know that everyone will leave eventually."

- Yes, everyone around you can't wait to leave you.


Gu Rao began to accompany me day and night.

When his leg hurt in the middle of the night, he would grit his teeth and move himself from the escort bed to the wheelchair, and be careful not to wake me up, go to the bathroom and close the door, and knock his neuralgia leg again and again.

He got angry more and more at the doctor in front of me, and even invited a lot of foreign physiotherapy teams.

He hysterically picked up the test report and threw it at the doctor, holding his head and curling up in the wheelchair and crying:

"You saved her, why can't you save her?"

I just find it ironic.

He looked helpless and desperate now, just like the last time I was imprisoned in the basement for three months.

However, it was far less than what I suffered at that time. A closed environment makes it easier to drive people crazy.

In those days, I didn't have any entertainment facilities and couldn't do any recreational activities, so I could only sit in bed in a daze.

The only living person I saw was Gu Rao, and because it was so boring, I was even looking forward to his arrival, curious about the number of folds on his unchanging black suit.

I almost developed horrible Stockholm feelings for him.

Gu Rao has all the common problems of the boss - insomnia and stomach problems.

In the hospital, he couldn't eat or sleep well, and the whole person lost two big circles.

But he forced himself to eat it for the sake of the "child" in his belly to thrive.

He clutched the food in his hands as if he had degenerated into a primitive man, and sent it down his throat in pain.

But he couldn't swallow it at all, he could only spit it out, tears and saliva coughed up.

It was the first time I had seen him so embarrassed, but I didn't feel happy in my heart.

Eventually, he was given nutritional injections to maintain his vital signs.

But in just two weeks, I have lost 20 pounds, unable to eat on my own, and can only rely on various instruments to maintain vital signs.

I was sleeping for more and more time, and I could no longer even speak a complete sentence in one breath.

Gu Rao would put a fresh bouquet of flowers in front of my hospital bed every day.

The red roses that appear most often represent the love of love.

Bright red roses lay out in the gray-white ward, like a flame burning alone.

And the fuel is the life force that Gu Rao and I are losing day by day.

He wept silently at me almost every night after I fell asleep.

The mouth is still the same: "Love me, Shen Ruo."

It's ridiculous, he doesn't even show his love first, he wants to get the love of others.

He also has his own stubbornness, thinking that if he falls in love with me completely, my task is accomplished.

Once I've completed my mission, I'll definitely leave.

Therefore, his current strategy value is only 60%.


My departure was sudden.

In the morning, the doctor said that my health had improved slightly, and Gu Rao agreed to wait for the illness to get better and pushed me to the lake in the hospital.

I deliberately picked a loophole in his words: "You're in a wheelchair, how can you push me in a wheelchair?"

He froze for two seconds, stared down at his immobile leg, and thumped twice as hard as if it were the first time he felt it was such an eyesore. Looking up again, there was a flattering smile: "Shen Ruo, don't dislike me."

In the afternoon, I was pushed into the operating room.

When I pushed it out again, I was almost only in and out of air.

Gu Rao directly knocked the doctor to the ground with a wheelchair, and the whole person pressed the doctor.

His skinny paper-like body burst with tremendous force, and he choked the doctor's neck.

"You said she wouldn't live?!" Gu Rao had completely lost his mind, "How dare you say that?"

"You know, I'm ......," Gu Rao choked up, "How long did it take me to get her back?"

He was helped back into his wheelchair by the bodyguards, and he began to cry out heartbreakingly:

"Why, why, I bear all the suffering alone?!"

He looked up at the sky and questioned the world of fiction that made him the male protagonist and gave him countless pains.

I silently watched him go crazy, staring at his rising strategy value.

The moment he pounced on me, he finally reached 100 percent.

I came out of that body without the slightest hesitation.

Turned into a state of full transparency, floating over the ward, calmly observing it all.

Gu Rao couldn't accept it, I left without even saying my last words.

He began to frantically rip off all kinds of instruments and tubes from me, muttering, "Are they trying to hurt you?"

He laughed wildly from time to time: "Shen Ruo, shall I let you win? How about you come back?"

From time to time, he wept bitterly, "You always say that my love is wrong, so will you teach me?"

He pulled his hair like crazy: "I've changed a lot, I wasn't good enough for you last time, this time, haven't I done enough?" His tears soaked the white cloth I was wearing.

"I don't want your love anymore, and I won't tie you to me, can you survive......

He hung his head weakly and buried himself in my cold body: "Why, you have to leave?"

Finally, he cupped his lower abdomen and laughed maniacally, "It's okay, it's okay, we have another child."


He cried and fell asleep holding my corpse in spite of the obstacles.

Early the next morning, his medical staff routinely came to check his body.

Then tell him that he was not pregnant.

He was on the verge of five thunderbolts and fell directly from the hospital bed.

"What did you check out before?" His voice was hoarse, and his lips were dry.

He struggled to hunch over and try to listen to the movement in his stomach as before, refusing to accept reality.

"Mr. Gu, this, this, it's hard for me to answer, like, like haunted."

The doctor stammered, the first time in his career that something like this had happened.

"You lie," Gu Rao suddenly stroked his lower abdomen and laughed, "My child is here, he just kicked me, and said that he wants to be with his parents forever."

He suddenly picked up his voice and pretended to be a child, "Daddy, don't worry about these bad doctors, I'm still here."

Everyone present was frightened by Gu Rao's strange performance, and the dutiful doctor wanted to say something, but the bodyguard who was good at looking at eyes had already put a knife on his neck.

Hospital nurses and security guards burst into the room and tried to drag my body to the morgue.

Originally, it was not proper to store the body in the ward, but Gu Rao turned around and grabbed my hospital bed frame.

He pushed away the man who wanted to lift him up, leaning half of his body against the hospital bed, not giving an inch.

"She, she's not from our world, wait, she'll come back to life!" He moved in embarrassment with his hands on his legs, his always clean white shirt stained with ash on the ground, and he looked like a devil who had fallen into hell.

My body was dragged away anyway, and he crawled on his elbows on the cold tiled floor, rubbing blood.

He yelled in a hoarse voice, "Give her back, give her back."

The patients and family members who did not know the truth looked at him with curiosity and consciously walked away from him.

The large floor-to-ceiling windows at the end of the hallway let out a warm orange morning light, like the first morning he moved to my house.

It wasn't until my body was pushed into the elevator that he stopped, pounding his useless leg hard.

He kept his head down, not knowing what he was thinking.

He asked the bodyguard to take him back to my house and calmly opened a large jar of sleeping pills.

He drove his wheelchair and slowly touched the corners of the whole house, except for my room, just watched quietly, from day to night, he didn't turn on the lights, the only source of light in the whole house was the street lamp outside the window.

He spoke into the air, "If I die, the world will be restarted, right? Then, I'll meet you again."

I poked the system: "This man is going to commit suicide, don't care."

[It's okay, his sense of self-destruction is too strong, and there will be a new male protagonist in this world.] 】

Extra: The perspective of the male protagonist

I'm Gu Rao, and the day after I learned that I was the male protagonist of the sick novel, a supporting character named "Shen Ruo" in the book made a move that didn't match the original book.

She replaced the heroine Shen Rongrong, who was supposed to be lying next to me, with herself.

I wasn't disgusted, and I even expected her to do something special.

I asked her to climb out of the window, and she did, cowardly, weirdly funny.

But she still took the same vulgar path as other girls, and came to me with a pregnancy test report.

Ridiculous, does she think that I hate her and like her children?

I don't resent her living in my home, after all, she's mostly just a silent pendant or a chirping mosquito.

I deliberately dismembered the animal in front of her, and I saw the fear in her eyes, and she was still complimenting me on my good skills.

It's boring, she turns out to be the same as this boring book.

Then she accosted other men at a party, and I felt offended.

Everyone knows that she is my possession, how dare that man who doesn't know what to do come close? How dare you stare at my broken leg with a mocking gaze?

But I also noticed that even though she looked the same as passers-by in my eyes, A, B, C, and D.

In others, it was dazzling, and countless men rushed over just by waiting quietly.

How can it be? My things must be as disgusted forever as I am, and forever hidden in dark corners.

So I locked her up. It was satisfying to watch her lose her vitality and become as shady as I was.

The moment she plunged the glass into my heart, I suddenly understood that I could never take away her vitality.

So I bit her lip and tried to snatch something, but she became cold in my arms.

I licked my own blood, stunned.

In a trance I seemed to hear her voice again, and she said:

"Oops, I've got a psychological shadow this time, can you delete this memory?"

My eyes are back in chaos, and the timeline of this world goes back to the day before I crossed paths with her.

I was even a little expecting her to come again, only to find out that it wasn't her.

Every time I asked the girls to climb out of the windows, they either sat on the ground crying and begged for mercy, or they fell straight off the windowsill. It turned out that she was the only one who could turn over safely.

The more I interact with these book wearers dressed in the shell of "Shen Ruo", the more I realize that she is special.

I've also learned a few things from the book wearers, like, they're coming to me with missions.

When the system determines that the strategy value is 100%, they can leave the world if the mission is successful.

For another example, I'm not the first male protagonist of their strategy.

They also taught me a lot of things, such as giving a girl flowers on a first date, giving a girl a gift that can't be a beating heart, like being pestered with someone all the time to make her fall in love with you, like you have to make her remember all the past that has to do with you.

After getting the information I want, I'll kill them, and it's just Shen Ruo's shell that's dead anyway.

The world will restart again, and I am stubbornly waiting for Shen Ruo, the only one who stabbed me, round by round.

If the strongest and heaviest emotion in the world is love, then how can my stubbornness towards her not be love?

After I killed the eighth or ninth book wearer, I finally waited for her.

She obediently climbed out of the ledge and landed steadily, and then I was diagnosed pregnant.

I remembered the way she pretended to be pregnant in front of me, and I was so happy that we could have a baby.

But I can't fall in love with her too easily. If you fall in love with her, she will leave.

So every day and every night, I carefully cover my heart that beats wildly because of her usual actions.

Not yet, at least, we have to get her love and let her go.

[End of this story]

After dressing as the vicious female partner in the sick Jiaowen, my first mission went awry