
[END] I chased after him for years, and he beat me in my right ear until I became deaf for the sake of Bai Yueguang

author:A small bok choy
[END] I chased after him for years, and he beat me in my right ear until I became deaf for the sake of Bai Yueguang
[END] I chased after him for years, and he beat me in my right ear until I became deaf for the sake of Bai Yueguang
[END] I chased after him for years, and he beat me in my right ear until I became deaf for the sake of Bai Yueguang
[END] I chased after him for years, and he beat me in my right ear until I became deaf for the sake of Bai Yueguang
[END] I chased after him for years, and he beat me in my right ear until I became deaf for the sake of Bai Yueguang


Ji Jia heard Ye Sheng mention my mother, and a dark color crossed his eyes.

"Competition? Xie Tingwan can afford to buy now, she is a poor sour when she is separated from the Ji family.

"It's not like I can't buy it for you."

Jiga looked back into my eyes, full of mockery.

Ye Sheng called his name, unbelievable.

"Later, you kneel in front of the piano and give Sheng Sheng a song, and I will buy it for you."

My knuckles turned white and my throat tightened.

The piercing humiliation sparked a monstrous resentment and anger in me.

Almost without thinking, I picked up the red wine next to me and poured it hard.

In Ye Sheng's exclamation, Ji Jia was splashed by me.

The drink soaked his hair and dripped down the bridge of his tall nose.

It blends in with the splash of red on the white suit.

The hall was silent, and Ji Jia lifted his eyelids with a gloomy expression.

He reached out and pinched my arm: "Thank you Tingwan, are you crazy?"

A slender jade hand in the stab grabbed Jiga, forcing him to let go of me.

"You're the crazy one, she has a hand injury, and you forced her to kneel and play the piano?"

I looked at the face of the person who came up and called out in surprise, "Doctor Xu?"

Xu Zhenting is not as gentle as when he met him in the hospital.

He took off his white coat, and his suit made his eyebrows and eyes a little wanton and wild.

"Also, please be more respectful to my patients."

Hearing the word "mine", Ji Jia's face suddenly changed, and his eyes burned with rage.

"Doctors still need to take care of their patients' private affairs?"

He put the accent on private matters, and his voice was chilling.

Xu Zhenting grabbed my wrist and held it gently, and Shi Shiran raised his hand to call security.

"The doctor can't control it, but the host of this dinner can."

It was the top Xu family in the circle who held this dinner.

And Xu Zhenting, so to speak, is the medical genius of the Xu family.

A glimmer of light flashed in Ye Sheng's eyes.

She smiled perfectly and held out her right hand.

"You are the medical genius of the Xu family, Jiu Yang."

Xu Zhenting avoided Ye Sheng's hand, turned around and pulled me away.

Countless eyes looked at this side, and my eyes drooped and landed on the big bony hand on my wrist, and my cheeks were slightly hot.

Behind him, Jiga kicked over the chair in a fit of rage.

With a bang, he shook off the security guard and Ye Sheng and strode out.

I just feel refreshed.

Jiga, you really look like a grumpy clown now.

Sitting next to Xu Zhenting, I unconsciously rubbed the finger cuffs on my hands.

"I'm sorry for disrupting this dinner."

Xu Zhenting turned his face, and the small light fell on his eyes, adding a bit of brilliance.

"Don't be sorry, if I were you, I'd slap him."

I pursed my lips and curled the corners of my lips quietly.


Back downstairs in the apartment, Jiga's car was already arrogantly parked there.

I walked straight past without squinting, and he rudely honked his horn behind me.

A shrill whistle pierced my eardrum, and I instantly clutched my right ear in discomfort.

The headlights dazzled my eyes, and Jiga lowered the window: "Thank you for listening late, get in the car."

He pushed his back molars, "My dad wants to see you."

Uncle Ji wanted to see me, and I obediently got into the car.

Ji Jia saw the box of the necklace through the rearview mirror, and his eyes were gloomy again.

Two taps of his index finger on the steering wheel, a micro-movement of his irritation.

"What is the relationship between you and Xu Zhenting?"

I closed my eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Ji Jia's eyes were dark, and his brow furrowed imperceptibly for a moment.

"Thank you for listening to the night, why don't you just grow his eyes on him tonight?"

He let out a long sneer.

"People like Xu Zhenting, you can't afford to climb high."

I couldn't bear it anymore and sneered: "Jiga, if you have rabies, you like to bite people indiscriminately, so you can treat it."

Ji Jia's face was gloomy, and he slammed the throttle in a negative mood, as if he was filled with jealousy.

It's ridiculous, he doesn't have any qualifications to judge my relationship with Xu Zhenting.

Uncle Ji opened a dusty box in front of the two of us.

Inside is an old sheet music.

Clipped on it were pictures of my mother when she was younger.

It turned out that my mother was so beautiful when she wasn't sick.

Uncle Ji's illness was not yet complete, he coughed twice, and his breath eased.

"Your mother told me to wait until the right time to give you this sheet music.

"After so many years, today is the time."

Uncle Ji stared at me softly, as if he was looking through me to see a similar old man.

Jiga's fists clenched and gurgling.

His face turned blue and his eyes widened with rage, and he rose from the couch with a bang.

"After staying for so many years, is it the wrong time, or is it your own selfishness?"

He leaned over and frantically swept the box, the sheet music, and the photographs on the ground.

I quickly crouched down to pick it up, and a roar exploded in my ears.

"Don't pretend to be sanctimonious, aren't you divorcing my mother just for this woman!"


The room was silent, and you could hear pins falling.

I maintained a half-squatting position, my fingertips tingling and trembling slightly.

Uncle Ji coughed violently, and compassion flashed in his eyes.

"You misunderstood me.

"I divorced your mother because she had mental illness, never because of someone else."

In Jiga's pale face, I heard the truth.

Mrs. Ji suffers from severe paranoia and mania.

When she was most ill, she fantasized about her husband's cheating, and even used a knife to harm herself and attack others.

Jiga overhears her parents arguing.

Through the crack in the door, he heard Mrs. Ji screaming hysterically, accusing her husband of falling in love with his friend's wife, and taking his friend's daughter to his side.

Mrs. Ji took the initiative to divorce, left her husband and children, and went to a nursing home abroad.

Jiga staggered, his face full of disbelief.

He grabbed the corner of the table to stabilize his body.

Pale lips, trembling muttering, "Impossible, this can't be ......"

Ji Jia's eyes sharpened, "You lied to me, my mother is mentally ill, why don't I know!"

Uncle Ji let out a long sigh.

"This disease is likely to be inherited from you, and in order not to cause you psychological stress, your mother and I have decided to hide it from you.

"I didn't expect you to misunderstand it until now."

The pale hand grabbed his forehead, and Jiga's eyes were scarlet.

"She clearly said that she hates you, hates Xie Tingwan's mother, hates her failed marriage, how can this be, how can this be!"

Tears welled up in the corners of Uncle Ji's eyes: "That's because she wasn't awake when she got sick."

He dug through the desk drawer and pulled out the medical certificate and diagnostic records.

Jiga trembled and tried to catch it, but almost didn't catch it.

I listened to this long-overdue standoff between father and son.

Ye Sheng didn't tell me why Ji Jia hated me.

Today, I finally found the answer.

Why did he change his attitude and hate me so much?

Why was it that day that day I had prepared a gift for him, but he pushed me to the ground.

"Get out of here! Don't come near me from today!"

Why is it that every time I mention my mother, he is so cold.

But at this moment, I don't care anymore.

I just think it's ridiculous that my heart is full of irony.

Bent down to pick up something on the ground, nodded with Uncle Ji, and I walked out without looking back.

A hand grabbed my arm, and Jiga whispered my name behind me.

"Listen to the ......"

There was pain in his voice.

I tilted my head and calmly looked directly into his bloodshot eyes.

"Jiga, from the beginning to the end, you are an out-and-out idiot."

The hand let go of it.

I lifted my foot and rubbed shoulders with him.


I heard that that night, Jiga smashed his room to the ground.

It was Ye Sheng who pestered me first.

"Thank you for listening late, don't be complacent."

has discovered the truth, Ye Sheng is no longer calm, and looks a little flustered.

"What if it's a misunderstanding, I'm his white moonlight."

I took a sip of my coffee and looked her in the eye with my hands around my chest.

Ye Sheng was emotional, "It was I who accompanied Ji Jia when he was in the most pain! It was I who wrote him a letter! We're going to get engaged, and you'll never be able to replace me......

I pinned my hair behind my ears and smiled with a hint of sarcasm.

"Does he know that you stole the letters from me?"

During the period when Jiga's parents quarreled and divorced all day long, Jiga's whole person was surrounded by decadence and pain, and I wrote him letters one after another.

He refused my approach, and I asked Ye Sheng to hand it over, so the letter was stolen.

Jiga was so disgusted with me that he wouldn't believe anything I said.

The expression on Ye Sheng's face went blank for a moment, and I spoke immediately.

"Ye Sheng, do you really love Ji Jia?"

This sentence ignited the most unbearable thought in Ye Sheng's heart, and she suddenly became like an explosive barrel that exploded: "What if you don't love? You thank Tingwan for what you have, why can't I have it.

"Mansions, luxuries, Jiga, I will snatch what you have!"

There was a click, and it was the sound of the phone ending the recording.

I stood up in Ye Sheng's frightened eyes.

"You've calculated me so many times, and you've got to get me back."

A rickety figure dangled from the screen behind him.

Ji Jia, whose eyes were scarlet, could barely stand steadily, he was against the sharp horns of the screen, and the eyes of the Yin Owl were staring at Ye Sheng.

I sneered and walked out, Ji Jiatong's eyes were red and his lips were pale.

A line of water slipped from the corner of his eye, and Jiga turned his head sideways, trembling in my way.

He called my name, and his trembling voice contained a humble retention.

"Jiga, whoever does something wrong should pay the price."

My eyes were raised, and I admired his pain without wavering, and mocked lightly.

"That's what you said that day."

Ye Sheng's mournful cry came from behind him, mixed with Ji Jia's roar.

Leaving the box, Fang Cai's fingers pinched his palm, leaving traces of crimson.

I'm going to force myself to be sober.

I need to be calm and calm enough.

I'm going to condescendingly watch the rout of Jiga.

This is what you owe me, Jiga.


When I went to Xu Zhenting for a follow-up visit, I brought a piece of Chopin's vinyl.

"Thank you for last time."

I handed the vinyl to my hand, "I don't know if Dr. Xu likes the piano or not......

Dr. Xu's pupils were clear, but at this time he was staring at me secretly.

"I used to be a person who liked the piano very much."

I still wanted to continue listening to him, but Xu Zhenting diverted the topic.

"Hospitals don't allow doctors to accept gifts from patients."

Probably refused, I was a little embarrassed, slightly embarrassed.

The hand holding the vinyl froze in the air, and it was neither a gift nor a receipt.

"But last time, it was our private business, right?"

His white hand rested on the edge of the vinyl, and it was lined like jade.

Looking forward to my answer, and even say, decided.

His gaze was oppressive, like substance falling on my face.

I unconsciously felt a dry throat: "Yes...... It's a private matter."

Xu Zhenting smiled at me and took the vinyl.

At the end of the follow-up visit, I couldn't help but ask again.

"Dr. Xu, is there any chance that I can be cured?"

Xu Zhenting avoided answering, he stopped the pen in his hand, and our eyes staggered.

"Listen to the night—"

The first time he called me that, the air was hot, and something was fermenting.

"Hearing is one step later than the heart.

"That's what your name means."

This sentence is like a morning bell at dusk, and it suddenly caused a torrent in my heart.

From the chaos, split a strip of light for me.

Xu Zhenting smiled again, with a happy look.

As soon as I got home, I was stopped downstairs by Jiga.

His face was pale, his eye sockets were deep-set, and under his bloodshot eyes, there was a deep blue black.

It's like I haven't slept well in a long time.

Jiga trembled and stopped me and told me to look at what was on my wrist.

Oh, it was the Buddha beads that were thrown into the fountain on the day of his birthday feast.

I grinded for half a year, and the beads were thrown away as garbage.

"Thank you, I spent the night in the fountain.

"There are eighteen in all, and I picked them up quite a lot."

I turned a deaf ear and turned sideways to avoid him.

Jiga took my left hand without refusal, forcing me to open it.

A cold necklace was shoved into my hand, his eyes were scarlet, and his throat was almost choked.

"I drained the pond and turned over the silt for three days to find it.

"Thank you for listening to the night, keep wearing it for me, okay?"

I shook his hand away, and the necklace landed at my feet.

The silver that had been clean was stained with dust again.

As if he had lost all his strength in an instant, he knelt at my feet and reached out to pick it up.

"Jiga, it's all in the past."

My words made him stiffen his back and freeze in place.

In a few moments, two drops of water fell into the dust.


Jiga began to beg me for forgiveness almost in a frenzy.

He grabbed Ye Sheng's hair and forced her to kneel in front of me.

Ye Sheng no longer has the flying and domineering he used to be.

Judging by her look, she has had a hard time these days.

The face that used to be arrogant is now full of humility and cautious flattery.

Ye Sheng's family conditions are far inferior to the Ji family, and Ji Jia is very easy to rectify her.

She cried tears all over her face and fell to her knees in front of me.

From those deliberate approaches, to covert provocations, to stolen letters, deliberately spilled tea, and deliberately tumbling down stairs.

Pile by pile, come out of her mouth one by one.

Before I could react, Ji Jia kicked her to the ground, and Ye Sheng crawled at my feet with her messy hair and grabbed the corner of my skirt.

"Listen late, I know it's wrong, please forgive me!"

Jiga's eyes were red and he was about to make another drastic move, and I took two steps forward to stop him.

"Ji Jia, you are much more hateful than Ye Sheng."

Seeing him stunned in place, his face turning pale little by little, I added a few more words.

"That's always been what I've always thought.

"Ye Sheng is at fault, she provides a catharsis point for your emotions, but it has always been you who really hurt me.

"Ji Jia, you are the same now, using Ye Sheng as a container for your emotional catharsis.

"You and her, I will never forgive."

Actually, Jiga and I are the same kind of people, very tough.

If you decide what to do, you will never look back.

After that day, Jiga became cautious, and he was paranoid about begging me for forgiveness, but he did not dare to come near my side again.

Even when it snowed, he stood downstairs all night, standing up for me.

Uncle Ji called me, and his words were full of sighs.

The recovery period slowly passed, and I picked up the piano again under the guidance of Xu Zhenting.

There is a dark wound on the phalange, and it takes a little bit to get used to.

I've been practicing for three months, and it's already late winter outside.

I went from being choppy at the beginning to gradually regaining my old feeling.

Jiga had been listening downstairs.

The sound of the piano reached outside, into his ears.

The blade he had pierced me was like a boomerang into his own heart.

I don't know how long he stood outside and listened to me play.

When I went out the next day, his black coat and hair were covered with a layer of snow, and his face was paler and thinner than snow.

"Jiga, stop torturing yourself, and don't appear in front of me. You know, there's no way I'm going to go back."

He was so struck by this sentence that his face was almost transparent, and he reached out to cover his heart.

Tonight is the day I'm back in the orchestra and I'm back on stage.

I invited Xu Zhenting to be the audience, but he insisted on coming to pick me up.

In the cold winter, Xu Zhenting bought a bouquet of lily of the valley from nowhere.

When he handed me the fragrant and white bouquet of lily of the valley, he whispered a word of flowers.

"Happiness 归来."

I smiled and took the flowers.

also received Xu Zhenting's best wishes.


Jiga was tacitly ignored by us.

"You and Listen to the Night...... What's the relationship?"

This dumb and cautious inquiry made me notice that Jiga's lips were cracked and peeling, and one of them was still oozing blood.

Xu Zhenting looked at Ji Jia coldly, and he replied coldly and indifferently.

"I'm pursuing her unilaterally."

On the night of the charity dinner, Ji Jia said disdainfully that Xu Zhenting couldn't climb high.

Now Xu Zhenting stands in front of him and tells him that he is pursuing me.

"It's time, get in the car."

Xu Zhenting turned to the other side and thoughtfully opened the car door for me.

He and Jiga are two personalities.

In fact, on the day of the charity dinner, Jiga's headlights pierced my eyes arrogantly.

What appeared in front of my eyes was the first time I met, I was dazzled by the sun, and Xu Zhenting got up to close the back of the blinds for me.

My colleagues in the orchestra pulled up banners to welcome me back.

During the chat, I heard that during my absence, Ye Sheng was fired for bullying other colleagues in the workplace, which made a big fuss.

She quit the group and will not appear again.

Don't think about it, this is Jiga's handiwork.

If Ye Sheng still appeared in front of me, he would only keep reminding me and reminding Ji Jia of the things that the two of them had done to me.

The spotlight that I haven't seen for a long time shines on me, with a hint of warmth.

I closed my eyes, stretched my fingers, and the sound of the piano poured down like water.

The mind and body are in the clouds.

The audience fell silent for a long time, and then burst into thunderous applause.

Backstage, I took a photo with Xu Zhenting holding the bouquet of lily of the valley.

The colleague who helped take the photo couldn't help but exclaim, "What a match."

The coda is awkwardly choked in the throat.

Jiga appeared behind us, and under the tips of his eyes, there was a faint flush.

The frost of winter spread, and the others left the theater with a look of concern.

Jiga handed over a crystal trophy.

"Listen to the night, congratulations on your successful performance."

His throat twitched up and down twice, as if he had swallowed a choked throat.

"I have recovered the fragments of your trophy and restored them to their original ......."

I thought it was snow falling on top of him.

Now that the lights are flashing, I find that he has gray hair at a young age.

I sighed and didn't pick it up.

"Jiga, this trophy doesn't mean anything to me anymore.

"I don't like you for a long time."


At this moment, the expression on Ji Jia's face went blank.

He was like a person with a sudden tinnitus, covering his ears tightly and squatting down in pain.

As if the beast had lost its mate, Jiga asked hoarsely.

"How can you forgive me?"

His hoarse voice soaked in depression, and tears slipped down his red and swollen eyes.

"Listen late, I don't want to lose you, I can't live without you......

Uncle Ji told me that every time Ji Jia hurt me, his heart was also very painful and entangled.

A few days ago, Ji Jia was so drunk that he hugged Uncle Ji and cried for half the night.

He said that when I went to the hospital for a consultation, Jiga kept an eye on me.

even helped me to hook up Xu Zhenting's number.

As the most prestigious surgeon in the city, Xu Zhenting No. 1 is hard to find, but I easily put it up.

I never thought about it, but there was Jiga's handwriting in it.

But so what?

The damage he did to me can never be repaired.

When it comes to loving others, I always love myself first.

I think of the closeness and affection I felt for Jiga when I first met.

Sadly, I found out that I really didn't like him anymore.

"Jiga, stop pestering me."

Ji Jia stood up abruptly and walked out blankly, as if his soul had been drained.

I couldn't do it and I was relieved, and my mood was still much lower.

The theater was empty, and Xu Zhenting and I bypassed the curtain and prepared to leave.

But he held me back.

"Listen late, in fact, I can also play a little piano, do you want to listen?"

I was a little intrigued and nodded.

Xu Zhenting and I sat side by side in front of the piano, his hands white and slender, his knuckles distinct.

The hand holding the scalpel can also jump flexibly on the keys.

It's a familiar tune – Chopin's posthumous piece.

"Remember when I said that I used to like the piano because of one person?"

He asked me with a smile and a sideways face.

"The first time I heard someone play this piece was in the hospital."

There is only one hospital in the city, and a piano is set up in the hall.

It was the hospital where my mother was admitted after she was terminally ill.

I tried to retrieve the memories in my mind, but Xu Zhenting smiled.

"When I was a child, I was afraid of pain, I broke my leg and cried in the hospital, no one coaxed me, it was a girl who played this song and gave it to me.

"I forgot to cry at the time, and her parents stood not far away and clapped proudly.

"Later, when I saw her again, I recognized her at a glance......

He's describing the front edge with me.

The corners of my mouth unconsciously raised a smile.

In a trance, I remembered that time, and my memories were all white walls and the strong smell of disinfectant water.

My mother held my hand and in the last days, told me to be strong.

Mom, I did it.

I was strong enough, brave enough to get over the hurdle called setback.

But at the moment, I haven't sorted it out yet, and I like the mood of someone again.

Xu Zhenting understands this empathetically.

He told me in a gentle voice that he had said to Giga that he was serious about pursuing me.

He told me not to have a mental burden and not to have to respond immediately.

He will give me time and he will have enough patience to wait for my choice.

For now, I just need to treat him as a reliable friend.

I found that Xu Zhenting really has a kind of magic.

He can make the relationship between two people comfortable and easy.


Returning to the orchestra is just the first step.

My next step is to win the international tournament in the near future.

To everyone's surprise, Jiga did something that bordered on paranoia.

Ji's family started in the entertainment industry, and its main business is record distribution.

Jiga locked himself up for half a month, and wrote a song with the most famous production team.

A very characteristic melody that uses a lot of 88 keys.

In just a few days, it has become the hottest new song nowadays.

The name of the song is "Late".

On the night of the release, under Uncle Ji's repeated pleas, I still went to the scene.

The reporter brought the microphone to his lips: "Excuse me, why did you use a lot of 88 keys to create this piece?"

Jiga's gaze fell on my face through the crowd.

"That's because, I want to say to someone, let's say goodbye to the past and start over."

I listened to this dialogue indifferently.

The reporters smelled the atmosphere of gossip and wanted to ask, but Jiga had already sat back in front of the piano.

The melodious sound of the piano sounded, and he played much better than when we first met.

I closed my eyes and listened.

The small noise in my ears opened my eyes again.

At that glance, I could see that Jiga's fingers were already covered in blood.

He's a madman! He actually put a blade on the 88 key!

Every time he struck the 88 key, there was one more bloody wound on his hand.

He's playing in an almost masochistic way!

The snow-white keys were gradually dyed red by the blood, and everyone watched in amazement.

At the end of the song, in silence, Jiga stood up.

He took the microphone and stood in the spotlight and knelt in my direction.

"Listen to the night, I'll pay you my hand, forgive me, okay?"

Jiga is really crazy.

I was in disbelief at all of this, and a tidal wave of talk came flooding in.

I don't know who brought the microphone to my mouth.

I had a slight redden.

Everyone thought they were moved, but my words were full of emotion.

"Jiga, you're still as selfish as ever.

"I've been told that when it comes to music, the ear feels it one step later than the heart.

"So it is with love, Jiga.

"For me, you used to be a scab in your heart that bleeds and suppurates when it breaks, but now it's healed.

"Don't do anything that doesn't make sense, because you're nothing in my heart."

Jiga's hands were full of blood, and he listened to my words word by word.

All the sparkle in his eyes was extinguished in an instant.

As if his spine had been drained, he fell, tears slowly flowing from the corners of his eyes.

A staff member immediately came to the stage to help him.

I got up and left without looking back.

Everyone watched in silence.

After that day, Jiga never appeared in front of me again.

What happened that night fermented on a small scale on the Internet, and all the voices disappeared again.

It may be that the Ji family made a move, or it may be Xu Zhenting.

I don't have time for it, because I have a bigger business.


On the day I won the International Piano Competition, Xu Zhenting personally presented me with flowers.

The bouquet is still lily of the valley, I like it very much.

The winning piece was chosen from the sheet music that my mother left me.

I finally understood why she waited until the right time to let Uncle Ji hand it over to me.

The emotions in the song need to be experienced to understand.

Xu Zhenting wore a white suit, which was very eye-catching among the award presenters invited by the organizers.

The white lining makes him more handsome.

Standing with me in a white dress, it looked like I was wearing a couple's outfit.

It's hard for me not to suspect that he did it on purpose.

There are no less than three people who praise us for being right.

On the high podium, Xu Zhenting and I hugged each other.

In a trance, I saw a familiar figure flashing.

It's been a long time since I've seen Ji Jia and Ye Sheng again.

The latter heard that after leaving the group, his family went bankrupt and there was no news.

The former is tacitly avoided by us.

I still visit Uncle Ji often, he raised me, and he can be regarded as my other father.

I could clearly feel that Jiga was watching me from behind the curtains upstairs every time.

Like the day I left Ji's house.

But happily, he finally stopped torturing himself to get my forgiveness.

The figure that flashed in the audience just now, I can't be sure if it's him.

But even if it's him, it doesn't matter to me anymore.

I heard the sound of Xu Zhenting's heart beating, he was secretly shy, as well, excited.

After the awards, Xu Zhenting and I drove to the cemetery.

The bouquet of lily of the valley in his arms was placed in front of the tomb.

This is the first time I have taken Xu Zhenting to see my parents.

"This is Xu Zhenting, I like him very much."

I took the hands of the people around me, warm and warm as jade.

He was stunned for a moment, then turned his face to stare at me, the roots of his ears reddening slightly.

But he held my hand tightly into his palm.

A slight breeze blows the petals of the lily of the valley.

Then he lifted the corner of my clothes and his.

It was like someone was hugging us gently.

[End of this story]

[END] I chased after him for years, and he beat me in my right ear until I became deaf for the sake of Bai Yueguang