
Guangxi wandering girl "Flower Sister", after giving birth to 3 children, she became pregnant again, who is the mastermind behind it? "Flower Sister" is a clever girl! Why has "Flower Sister" become an Internet celebrity? "Flower Sister" has a donation, why did she get pregnant again after giving birth to 3 children? Wisdom of life

author:Character story

Which parent can have children without asking for anything in return? Which parent does not want to be "old and dependent"? There is nothing wrong with "raising children and preventing the elderly", but if you are still young and fully capable of supporting yourself, but you use the "authority of your parents" to force your young children to "filial piety" to yourself, it is not right!

For example, guangxi wandering girl "Flower Sister", she originally had a good future, could have given her parents "more returns", just because her parents are short-sighted, eager to make quick gains, they forced a "smart girl" into a "stupid wandering girl"! That "Flower Sister" gave birth to 3 children and then became pregnant again, who is the mastermind behind it, will it be her parents?

Guangxi wandering girl "Flower Sister", after giving birth to 3 children, she became pregnant again, who is the mastermind behind it? "Flower Sister" is a clever girl! Why has "Flower Sister" become an Internet celebrity? "Flower Sister" has a donation, why did she get pregnant again after giving birth to 3 children? Wisdom of life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "Flower Sister" was originally a smart girl! </h1>

"Sister Hua" was born in a poor rural family in Guangxi, and fortunately, her parents still support her to study! "Flower Sister" also cherishes the opportunity to read, she firmly believes that only by studying hard to enter the university can she change her destiny, so she studies very hard, and her grades have always been among the best.

Heaven rewards hard work, "Flower Sister" after ten years of hard study, as desired to be admitted to the university! But when the simple-minded "flower sister" can't wait to share the joy with her parents, there is no joy on her parents' faces, why? Because of her parents, they didn't want her to go to college at all. Her parents believe that girls will marry out sooner or later, the daughter who marries out spills water, what is the use of reading so many books, it is better to make money early to subsidize the family!

Guangxi wandering girl "Flower Sister", after giving birth to 3 children, she became pregnant again, who is the mastermind behind it? "Flower Sister" is a clever girl! Why has "Flower Sister" become an Internet celebrity? "Flower Sister" has a donation, why did she get pregnant again after giving birth to 3 children? Wisdom of life

The parents' decision is like a thunderbolt on a sunny day for "Flower Sister", seeing that the dream is about to be realized, but it is forced to give up, and "Flower Sister" collapses instantly! She also resisted, even begging her parents, saying that "there is no need to spend the family's money", even if it is "loans or half-work and half-study", as long as she is allowed to go to college! But the parents who are "anxious to harvest" can't listen to the words of "Flower Sister" at all, and still insist on going their own way!

In desperation, "Sister Hua" locked herself in the room and cried bitterly, she couldn't understand why her parents would not agree to her going to college? However, in the face of their daughter's resistance and pleading, her parents only showed "indifference", and they let "Flower Sister" fend for themselves! It wasn't until a few days later that the parents realized with hindsight that the "flower sister" had become abnormal: the originally intelligent daughter instantly became a little "stupid", but still ignored it! Since then, there has been a wandering girl on the street who is sluggish- and wears a flower skirt and wanders all day, and everyone names her "Flower Sister"!

Guangxi wandering girl "Flower Sister", after giving birth to 3 children, she became pregnant again, who is the mastermind behind it? "Flower Sister" is a clever girl! Why has "Flower Sister" become an Internet celebrity? "Flower Sister" has a donation, why did she get pregnant again after giving birth to 3 children? Wisdom of life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > why did "Flower Sister" become an Internet celebrity? </h1>

Why has "Flower Sister" become an Internet celebrity? Not because she's beautiful, not because she's versatile, just because she had a baby on the street! Why does "Flower Sister" give birth to a child on the street? This has to start from the local "A Zhong", Ah Zhong took a fancy to the "Flower Sister", he proposed to the "Flower Sister", after the consent of the "Flower Sister" family, he and the "Flower Sister" got married! Not long after getting married, "Flower Sister" became pregnant!

Guangxi wandering girl "Flower Sister", after giving birth to 3 children, she became pregnant again, who is the mastermind behind it? "Flower Sister" is a clever girl! Why has "Flower Sister" become an Internet celebrity? "Flower Sister" has a donation, why did she get pregnant again after giving birth to 3 children? Wisdom of life

But Ah Zhong was not too restrained by "Flower Sister", even after becoming pregnant, he still let her go to the street according to his own wishes. And the stupid "flower sister" has no sense of safety at all, so on the street, the child was born! This matter was just casually patted by passers-by and posted to the Internet, I did not expect to suddenly burst into popularity, "Flower Sister" has thus become an Internet celebrity! After netizens learned about the situation of "Flower Sister", they expressed sympathy and extended a helping hand, and even set up a donation channel to donate to "Flower Sister".

Guangxi wandering girl "Flower Sister", after giving birth to 3 children, she became pregnant again, who is the mastermind behind it? "Flower Sister" is a clever girl! Why has "Flower Sister" become an Internet celebrity? "Flower Sister" has a donation, why did she get pregnant again after giving birth to 3 children? Wisdom of life

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "Flower Sister" has donated, why did she get pregnant again after giving birth to 3 children? </h1>

Netizens have donated money in order to help "Sister Hua", but they did not expect that these "donations" did not improve her life, but became a means for her family to accumulate wealth. Every time "Flower Sister" gives birth to a child, it does not take long to get pregnant again, and "Flower Sister" only needs to get pregnant once more, the more "donations" she receives! Even though she had already given birth to 3 babies, she was pregnant again! So who is behind it?

Some people say: It is her husband Ah Zhong, because Ah Zhong wants a boy, so "Flower Sister" has been pregnant! Someone said that her husband had long been scared away by her blood-sucking family, that no one knew who the child's biological father was, and that she had become a tool for her family to make money.

Guangxi wandering girl "Flower Sister", after giving birth to 3 children, she became pregnant again, who is the mastermind behind it? "Flower Sister" is a clever girl! Why has "Flower Sister" become an Internet celebrity? "Flower Sister" has a donation, why did she get pregnant again after giving birth to 3 children? Wisdom of life

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > wisdom of life</h1>

Not all parents love their children, and not all parents deserve to be called "parents", so please do not "morally kidnap children", and please do not "foolish filial piety"! Parents do not have "absolute authority", children do not have to be "absolute obedience", in special cases, "rebellion" may be a good thing!

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