
Chen Tingjia: "Queen of The Wolves" was born into an artistic family

author:Polar Search
Chen Tingjia: "Queen of The Wolves" was born into an artistic family

Performance: When the movie "Painted Skin 2" was broadcast, it suddenly became popular with the new generation of actor Chen Tingjia. As the only new face in the play, the "Sirius Queen" she played gave people a bright feeling and won her many fashion awards. When walking the red carpet with the crew at the Cannes Film Festival, Chen Tingjia's performance was remarkable, she said: "As a newcomer, it is a very happy thing to participate in such a large-scale film and work with such an excellent team, and it is also a great benefit." At the same time, the director Urshan also gave Chen Tingjia a lot of affirmation, in the director's view, as a newcomer Chen Tingjia's performance in the play is very satisfactory to him, in the incomprehensible large Sanskrit, through the performance of the character's inner emotions are interpreted very well, and the queen's exotic style is displayed very well.

Chen Tingjia starred in another anti-Japanese theme TV series "Battlefield Lion Roar" was broadcast on local television stations, and the female Eight Road Qumei she played once again left a deep impression on the audience, known as the "most beautiful female Eight Road" in all the anti-war dramas. It is worth mentioning that in the play, Chen Tingjia has to experience gunfights, explosions, and a lot of emotional and inner dramas, in order to truly restore the role of Qu Mei, Chen Tingjia read a lot of information before filming to understand the heroines of that era. She changed her previous delicate image and appeared as a tough and strong hero, sometimes crawling and rolling in the trenches with scars on her face, and sometimes heroically killing the enemy on the battlefield and bravely moving forward. In addition, Qu Mei's love is also the highlight of the whole film, she and the lion Black Zhao Liu (zhang Xingzhe) met in the smoke and fire, the two experienced the war and hardships together, and have deep feelings in their hearts. Chen Tingjia's smile, frown and grievance, every slight movement will fully express qu Mei's inner joy and pain and struggle.

Chen Tingjia: "Queen of The Wolves" was born into an artistic family

Debut: As a newcomer, Chen Tingjia's luck is good, and when she was still a freshman at Chongqing University, she took over some advertisements one after another and earned a lot of pocket money. In her senior year, she was selected by the director and entered the crew of "Dahan Tianzi 3", playing Princess Ziwei, and the first "electrocution" met the big-name directors and actors, which made her learn a lot.

After graduation, Chen Tingjia's film contracts continued, and in just a few years, he filmed TV series such as "Young Yang Jiajian", "Dragon Tiger Mountain Inn", "New Water Margin", "Husband and Wife", "The Man Who Walked Out of the Smoke", "Love in the Fallen City", "Water Flower" and so on. At the same time, a few years ago, as a special talent introduced, she also entered Beijing with a hukou and bought a house in Beijing. In addition to Chen Tingjia's smoother and smoother road of acting, he also gave full play to the characteristics of Jiangyin people who are good at business and invested in a restaurant in Chongqing. Although he went to film school, Chen Tingjia's major was a host, "Most of my college classmates became hosts, and there were not many actors." In Chen Tingjia's view, filming is very fun, although sometimes it is also very bitter and tired, "Sometimes I am filming in Zhejiang, my mother wants to come to visit the class, I don't let her come, because it is very bitter, afraid that she will see the pain."

Chen Tingjia: "Queen of The Wolves" was born into an artistic family

Feelings: She said a good relationship is unattainable. Today's young people are more self-absorbed, in fact, the emotional world is the most important to this kind of "self", Chen Tingjia said: "Two people together or to tolerate each other, selfless payment can last a long time." ”

Family: Chen Tingjia was born in an artistic family, her grandmother is a national first-class bomb critic, her aunt is a famous bomb critic in the Shanghai Municipal Bomb Critics Troupe, and her father works in the municipal cultural department and plays the pipa well. "On weekends, students would come to the house for classes, and I was always woken up by the sound of the lute, and I couldn't even sleep." Subtly, Chen Tingjia gradually played a good pipa and a good piano. As for why he chose to become an actor, Chen Tingjia said that he was influenced by his cousin who studied in the drama department of the Central Academy of Drama. Therefore, in her third year of high school, she went to the Beijing Film Academy for a period of time to prepare for the film school. "My idea was to only take the exam for one year, and if I didn't pass the exam, I would give up." As a result, in that year (2001), she was admitted to the BroadcastIng Department of Chongqing University. She was proud that her college entrance examination essay scored a high score of 59 points (out of 60 points) that year, and it was published in the newspaper as an excellent model essay.

Chen Tingjia: "Queen of The Wolves" was born into an artistic family

Life motto: Chen Tingjia was born in Jiangyin, her father was from Shanghai, her grandfather was from Lijiang, and she later studied at a university in Chongqing. Therefore, in her personality, there is both the gentleness of the south and the heroism of the north, and she is both introverted and outward-looking. Although it is very hard to be an actor, Chen Tingjia still likes the current life. When filming "Young Yang Jiajun", because it is a costume martial arts drama, every time you shoot a scene, it takes 1 and a half hours to do only the headdress and makeup, and the shooting starts at 7 o'clock in the morning, and the actors get up at 5 o'clock. There are many fight scenes in the film, and the actors have to personally fight, so Chen Tingjia also practiced eighteen sets of Yang family guns. Sometimes, in order to catch the drama, I can only sleep two or three hours a day for a week. "It's tiring, but the process of filming is a pleasure for me, maybe that's what it's like to be an actor." Chen Tingjia has a motto: "Unless I am wise, I have a heart", which is a sentence from caigen Tan, which means that without high wisdom, there will be no heart that understands everything. Chen Tingjia said that in her acting career over the years, she has always maintained a simple heart and constantly pursued perfection.

Chen Tingjia: "Queen of The Wolves" was born into an artistic family

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