
Zhao Ling: Is it safe overseas? Listen less to the "trail" and read more about the official announcement

Source: World Wide Web

In recent times, Afghanistan has undergone a sudden change and the situation has been turbulent, attracting the attention of the whole world. China is a traditional friendly neighbor of Afghanistan, and the domestic people are naturally particularly concerned about the situation in Afghanistan. What exactly is the security situation there, what is the impact on the Chinese, and will there soon be a huge business opportunity for post-war reconstruction? Various topics, many domestic media, experts and scholars, network big Vs have launched reports and comments, many Chinese who have lived in Afghanistan, especially some Chinese who are still in the local area have also expressed their views through online media, introducing personal experience and feelings, etc. For a time, various voices, various kinds of voices.

Zhao Ling: Is it safe overseas? Listen less to the "trail" and read more about the official announcement

However, the author found that in the case of Afghan security, the so-called "front-line reports" of some individual citizens have caused a hot spread on the Internet, but they are quite different from the actual situation, which can easily cause some misleading to the public and bring some potential dangers to those who work overseas.

For example, individual people in Afghanistan continue to be interviewed by local television stations, online media and self-media in the country, repeatedly declaring that the security situation in Afghanistan is "not so bad". Obviously, the Taliban have been in the city, active everywhere, and blindly emphasize that they have "not seen the Atta activities with their own eyes." Obviously, there are constant explosions and countless deaths and injuries, but they are still preaching here that "there are big mines in the family, and business opportunities everywhere."

Regarding the specific security situation in Afghanistan, the author notes that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued relevant security reminders four times in a row during the year, and the last two have directly called on Chinese citizens in Afghanistan to leave the country as soon as possible, and further emphasized: "If you insist on staying in Afghanistan, you will face extremely high security risks, so all the consequences will be borne by individuals." The embassy's most recent security alert in Afghanistan also came from August 27, pointing out "the great uncertainty and danger of the security situation in Afghanistan", reminding Chinese citizens in Afghanistan to "not go out unless it is a special emergency, and not to go to high-risk areas such as airports".

Zhao Ling: Is it safe overseas? Listen less to the "trail" and read more about the official announcement

In fact, thanks to the unremitting efforts of the state's diplomatic service and multi-party organizations, most of the compatriots in Afghanistan were safely evacuated and returned to China in July this year. At present, the situation in Afghanistan is still risky and volatile, and there are no security guarantees for the Chinese in Afghanistan, and the security conditions for immediate bilateral economic and trade cooperation are far from being available in the short term.

Zhao Ling: Is it safe overseas? Listen less to the "trail" and read more about the official announcement

However, there are still a small number of people who firmly believe in "seeking wealth and wealth in danger", and there are those who insist on staying in Afghanistan regardless of risk, and there are also those who are willing to go to Afghanistan to "lick the blood from the knife's edge". Some people take the opportunity to "broaden their eyeballs and rub hot spots" to carry out exaggerated propaganda and encourage others to pay attention to Afghan business opportunities and seek private opportunities. All of this also caters to the characteristics of the Internet to follow the trend and hunt. No, the false advertisement of "Chinese-funded enterprises with an annual salary of 2 million to work in Afghanistan" instantly rushed to the hot search.

Zhao Ling: Is it safe overseas? Listen less to the "trail" and read more about the official announcement

Vast overseas, thousands of people. In the era of active self-media, overseas compatriots tell overseas stories from their own perspectives, which is understandable, but some of these one-sided, exaggerated and even false narrative methods deserve our vigilance.

Not long ago, a few people bragged wildly on the Internet about their special experiences overseas, which triggered a large number of onlookers and media reprints from domestic netizens: for example, how in Pakistan they were treated by the local military and police as "supranational security treatment" of Chinese, how easily some developing countries in the Middle East and Southeast Asia "picked up their sisters", and what kind of thrilling and wonderful experiences there were in some dangerous areas of Africa.

Zhao Ling: Is it safe overseas? Listen less to the "trail" and read more about the official announcement

Some of the narratives seem to have pictures and truths, but in fact they are extremely one-sided and do not correspond to the real situation. Seemingly innocuous family words, not serious violations of the law, but will quickly get traffic spread in the Internet environment, the flow of poison is not small.

Hunting novel remarks is always a traffic treasure box. The rational and balanced view is often rarely asked.

Even if it is not a "demon", it is enough to "confuse the people". Although it seems that it cannot constitute the crime of spreading rumors, it can harvest a full "IQ tax"!

At present, China's interaction with the outside world is highly intensive and frequent, and the external security situation and public opinion environment that China is facing are also complex. What kind of mentality Chinese view the world and what kind of way to interact with foreign countries will undoubtedly have a complex and far-reaching impact on China's own social construction and China's interaction with the world. Some irresponsible propaganda and dissemination behaviors will not only make the domestic public opinion field constantly noisy, true and false, but also easily mislead the public to accurately understand and grasp the complex international environment and Sino-foreign cooperation and exchanges, and even cause security risks to the survival and development of Chinese citizens overseas, and also have a negative impact on China's foreign work and international image.

The author believes that on serious topics involving overseas security and international hotspot issues, the domestic mainstream media should pay attention to strengthening information screening and verification, reprinting cautiously, telling objectively, reporting in a balanced manner, and speaking out rationally. The competent domestic authorities should also promptly clarify some false propaganda reports and guide the audio-visual. The netizen public should distinguish between right and wrong, rational onlookers, and not be easily brought up by the rhythm and fooled. All parties should work together to create an objective, rational, peaceful and clear space for overseas security topics on the Internet.

Zhao Ling: Is it safe overseas? Listen less to the "trail" and read more about the official announcement

And those Chinese enterprises and personnel who really pay attention to and engage in front-line overseas work should follow all kinds of official information and reminders issued by various departments of the Chinese government, especially diplomatic agencies, improve their awareness and ability to prevent overseas risks, enhance their experience in foreign cooperation, rationally perceive the world, and walk the world safely.

(The author is an observer on international issues)

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