
Zhao Ling, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, supervised the embankment project of the small and medium dam of the Tsing Yi River in Jiajiang County

author:Nine factions view the world

Zhao Ling demanded that, first, fully understand the importance of the Taodu Drinking Water Source Protection Zone, and the project construction unit should fully demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the project and the relationship between the project and the Taodu Drinking Water Source Protection Area; second, according to the review opinions of the Provincial Water Conservancy Department, further refine the construction content of the project and optimize the engineering measures; third, all relevant departments should strengthen coordination, strengthen risk prevention, strictly control the impact of construction, and ensure the safety of drinking water sources.

Zhao Ling, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, supervised the embankment project of the small and medium dam of the Tsing Yi River in Jiajiang County

【Source: Jiajiang County People's Government_Department News】

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