
Mao Weitao's latest "cover" teacher Yin Guifang's "Sister Jiang" has such a story behind it

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Ma Li Correspondent Guo Nan

On July 1, Mao Weitao posted a new work on her WeChat account , she "covered" a singing section of Mr. Tai's performance of "Sister Jiang" in the mid-1960s.

What kind of story is behind this special singing? Let's listen to Mao Weitao's story together (the following is Mao Weitao's own statement).

(1) Mr. Tai is also a party member

During that time, our group was busy performing on the theme of "Party History in Drama Texts" in the theater, and one day before going to bed, the mobile phone placed on the table suddenly rang. The sender is Teacher Yin Xiaofang, who sent a recording of Mr. Tai's Yin Guifang's performance of "Sister Jiang" in the mid-1960s on WeChat.

I clicked on the recording to listen, tears unconsciously blurred my eyes, and in an instant, my heart was like a wave, and my thoughts returned to a previous interview.

At that time, a reporter in Beijing asked, "Teacher Mao, can you tell us what opportunity you came to join the Communist Party of China?" ”

This question made me smile in my heart at the young self of more than thirty years ago.

In my twenties, I blinked mischievously, sat on the floor of the practice room of the Zhejiang Film School, which had just been relocated at the current Butterfly Theater, the site of the original group of "Little Hundred Flowers", and said in a childish voice: "They must not have guessed that the reason why I applied to join the party is because Mr. Tai, Yin Guifang, is also a party member." ”

Mao Weitao's latest "cover" teacher Yin Guifang's "Sister Jiang" has such a story behind it

"Begonias" Yin Guifang as Begonias

More than thirty years ago, in the middle of summer, it was the early days of the "Little Hundred Flowers" group, and it was also the early stage of reform and opening up. Once when I came home from vacation, I talked to my parents about my thoughts (now called career planning) about joining the party. My father, who did not think that he was usually silent, suddenly said: "Your wife is also a party member." ”

My heart was pounding. Oh, then go back and write the party application.

Then, according to the organizational procedures, when I joined the preparatory party members, I needed to be interviewed by secretary Fu Sheng, who was responsible for inspecting party members, sent by the Provincial Department of Culture. Secretary Fu Sheng asked me, "What is your motivation for joining the party?" ”

In my twenties, I blurted out: "I want to show everyone that today's party members are like this." ”

Looking back now, this statement was a bit of a mouthful. After all, at that time, when I was in my twenties, I didn't know many "former party members", I only knew the kind and lovely Mr. Tai, Yin Guifang.

Mao Weitao's latest "cover" teacher Yin Guifang's "Sister Jiang" has such a story behind it

In the early 1980s, Mao Weitao learned art from Mr. Tai's Mr. Yin Guifang

(2) Those who have their hearts in mind

"Teacher Xiaofang, this recording is too precious. I would like to ask someone to help record the score, rearrange and record it, and celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party with the art of Yin Pai's singing voice. Do you think that's good? ”

I WeChat to Teacher Xiaofang, and the teacher was very happy with my proposal and replied: Exactly what I thought, very happy.

She immediately found lyrics and told me that this singing should have been recorded by Mr. Tai in Fujian in 1965. She also informed me that in the book "Yin Guifang's Portrayal of Stage Life", there was a still, and the text next to it read: In the mid-1960s, Yin Guifang presented a modern drama "Sister Jiang" to the Fujian military and people.

I carefully watched the lyrics sent by Teacher Xiaofang: Spring silkworms to the death of silk continuously, leave others to resist the wind and cold, bees brew a hundred nectar, only wish the sweet fragrance to fill the world... Mr. Tai and Xiaofang, who is 90 years old this year, are not all like this?

The next day, I called and asked for a circle of familiar composers and arrangers, but everyone was busy creating. Although it is only a notation and recompilation, it is also a project after all, plus I do not want to be vague and anxious about things related to Mr. Tai, and I have no idea in my heart for a while.

At this moment, Teacher Xiaofang sent another message. Saying that he asked Chen Liyu, a student of Fanghuayue Theatre, he confirmed that "Sister Jiang" was created in Fuzhou, premiered on February 17, 1965, and performed at the Fuzhou People's Theater. Moreover, hearing that I had the idea of singing this section, Li Yu specially provided her own accompaniment and recording.

I was so happy to receive the most precious treasure.

Mao Weitao's latest "cover" teacher Yin Guifang's "Sister Jiang" has such a story behind it

"Sister Jiang" Yin Guifang plays Sister Jiang

A few days later, I had contacted the recording location, arranged the time, and learned to sing. In the evening, I was trying to report the progress to Teacher Xiaofang, but she first dialed me for WeChat voice.

She said she was going to help me straighten out my singing voice again. My heart warmed, and I thought: It's good to have a teacher who hurts.

So, I put down my work and talked to Teacher Xiaofang.

Through WeChat, I revisited the teacher's singing class. She also patiently guided me word by word, just like then, and told me how to rhyme and how to collect the cavity. For a few moments, I tranced myself back to my childhood.

Mao Weitao's latest "cover" teacher Yin Guifang's "Sister Jiang" has such a story behind it

Mao Weitao took a group photo with Mr. Tai Yin Guifang and Teacher Yin Xiaofang

At that time, Mr. Yin Guifang was not in good health, and many of my plays were taught by Teacher Xiaofang. When I was younger, like many students, I didn't bother the teacher.

If a student has a career, the world will say how lucky the teacher is to bring out such an excellent student. But in fact, only the students themselves know how much effort the teacher has put in for these "out-of-home" that have nothing to do with them.

How many people in this world besides our parents can have our hearts and minds? There are only teachers like this to students, and students to teachers. As the old saying goes: A day is a teacher and a father for life. Mr. Tai and Teacher Yin Xiaofang are my real and heartfelt teachers like relatives.

(3) Celebration through time and space ·

In his later years, Mr. Tai had limited mobility, but he still wrote with his left hand and left me with the four words "Art Endless". This plaque has been following me, and every time I look up at it, Mr. Tai's teachings will ring in my ears. I was afraid that when we met again, she would complain that I had failed to live up to these four big words.

Mao Weitao's latest "cover" teacher Yin Guifang's "Sister Jiang" has such a story behind it

The handwritten book given by Mr. Tai Yin Guifang "Art Is Endless"

When I walked into the recording studio, the accompaniment of the Yue opera "Sister Jiang" sounded in my ears, and I began to sing - "I was born for the motherland, I grew up for the revolution, I contributed my youth to communism..." The singer was Sister Jiang, Mr. Tai, Xiaofang's teacher, and every respectable and lovely Yue opera predecessor.

Mao Weitao's latest "cover" teacher Yin Guifang's "Sister Jiang" has such a story behind it

Group photo of ten sisters of Yue opera performing "Mountain and River Love" on the same stage (Xu Tianhong did not appear on stage due to illness on the same day)

I have not rehearsed "Sister Jiang", but I want to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the great Communist Party of China with this singing voice, with the singing art of the Yin school of Yue opera.

This is Mr. Tai's singing segment, each note is full of Mr. Tai's feelings for the party and the country, through the guidance of Teacher Xiaofang himself, through my voice again. At the celebration of the centenary of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Tai and his predecessors must not want to be absent. It was in this small recording studio, in the short time of more than 4 minutes, that I, together with my teachers, held a celebration through time and space for the centenary of the great Chinese Communist Party.

After recording the singing voice, walking out of the recording studio, the little friend Shaoqing who was working overtime for me asked me with a smile: "Teacher Mao, today you seem to have done enough homework, singing very smoothly, what is the feeling when you sing?" ”

In the quiet of Hangzhou in the middle of the night, the city lights flash behind you, and a starry sky overhead.

"When singing... I seem to have seen Mr. Too much. After saying that, my eyes were once again blinded by tears.

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

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