
Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

author:Turtle fairy board

Since work, the simple and repetitive rhythm of life can be described as no waves, looking back, many hobbies are lost and picked up, and finally only books and music accompany you.

Let's talk about music today. As an amateur who played the band in school for a few years, it is certain that I finally said goodbye to the band, but the love of rock and roll (later added folk songs) is still preserved to this day.

Back then, in order to listen to more Chinese rock music, it was painstaking to find a list of resources on the Internet. It's not that their music is bad, it's that we can't see or know. Recently, when I was free, I opened my own hard drive, looked at it, and the net was full of memories. Just sort out your favorite band and let more people listen to it, which may also be a good thing.

I listen to songs and pay little attention to the basic information of the band, such as who the lead singer is, who the members of the instrument are, where the band, gossip, etc. I don't know anything, just look at whether I like the work or not, so just by personal hobbies, everyone sprays lightly.

Walk up.

Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" >1</h1>

It's a psychedelic band with a slightly hoarse and gentle lead vocals, very good to listen to, and the arrangement is very recognizable, especially the lead guitar. That song "State of Love" as the background music of my wedding scene and electronic invitations, we must not be less irrevocable. There are many other songs, each of which can be basically listened to, "She", "Blow like the wind", "Looking for a Girlfriend", "Goodbye and Never See You Again", "Marry Me"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="110" >2</h1>

"Le Xia" made them a big fire, really moved, because more than ten years later, Pentan's voice is still clear and high. The dozen or so Dada songs on my hard disk are still downloaded when I was in college, and the computer has been changed back and forth, and the hard disk has been saved, more than ten years have passed, to be honest, because I listened to too many times, I had to throw up, and every time the music randomly arrived at Dada on the car, I would cut it (but I was reluctant to remove it from the on-board U disk, there was always a time when I was willing to listen), until my wife saw Dada because of "Le Xia", and resolutely did not allow me to cut songs, and the songs that could not be cut were "South", "Song F", "Inadvertently"

Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="111" >3</h1>

Is he a rock singer? I don't know, I think so. The current Liang Bo music is a bit similar to the feeling of road music, the rhythm is very strong, it is simply a good driver. Together with music, his music can make people intoxicated. "In the Night", "Appearing and Leaving", "Once a Couple", "Vulnerable", "Sunset Boulevard", "Boy", can be listened to.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="113" >4</h1>

Raven's song, the first time you listen to it will be very difficult to hear, used to TM to keep up with the addiction, the key is not yet aware of the point of addiction? Like he sang "So, happy." "It seems that they don't have many songs, and there are only 8 songs in the hard disk, which is cool enough." Recommended songs "Later, all this is in chaos", "Bleeding", "You say don't take it too seriously", "My lover"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="115" >5</h1>

With Dada, the same as the new pants of the columbarium punk band, is also the school will be the favorite song to listen to, ten years later, I feel that their musical style has still changed somewhat, punk is simple and direct, now also punk, but there is also a tender side, after all, the years are not spared, whether it is a new song or a long time ago old songs are liked. "Good Night Beijing", "You are my sunshine", "Growing Moments", "Return Me Blue", "Hey, Girl", "Our Song"

Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="116" >6</h1>

As soon as I listen to the voice, I know that it is a bunch of very young and sunny big boys, punk style, singing very straightforward youth lyrics, but I like it, because we have all had that time. "Goodbye 18", "Only You Understand Me in This World", "The Road", "Don't Forget Me"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="119" >7</h1>

Houhai is also a very long-standing band, a pioneer of electronic rock. At the beginning, it was also more difficult to accept, especially after listening to quiet, dull pop music, listening to this kind of music is noisy and noisy. But many times a few plates you will find the mystery of it, it is really cool. Of course, if you are sad or forget it, it will make you feel more noisy. "Mammoth", "Between Time", "Heart wants wild", "I want to hold your hand", "Run, young giant"

Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="120" >8</h1>

Another band that every song loves, as if this band has also disbanded? But it is really too classic, the lead singer's voice is naturally affectionate, the arrangement is not complicated, but I have to say that the lyrics of the previous band are too well written, and the kind of wandering, sadness, screaming, and struggle will really be contagious by him. Must be listed on the whole song list "Don't Let Me Be Alone", "Don't Say Goodbye", "Free Face", "Lost", "Yesterday", "Listen", "Joker", "Adventure Island", "Crow Boy", "Time"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="123" >9</h1>

It is also because of the fire of "Le Xia", a very unique voice. The most important thing is that the family likes, the wife likes, and the 2-year-old child will even sing two sentences "You will always be my baby, baby baby". Recommended songs "I don't want you to face the whole noisy world alone", "How you want, we will be", "Come and dance with me", "You will always be my baby"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="124" >10</h1>

Accidentally discovered this band. Sometimes I like the music that makes no sense, that is, I like the music of this tune, which is hard enough but not too irritable, but there is still a certain depth. "Against the Current", "One Morning in June", "No Longer for You", "To an Anxious Friend"

Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="125" >11</h1>

I got to know this band, started with this "Toy" and then thought it was good and listened to all of their songs. Other recommended ones are "When Everything Is Over", "8+8=8", "Island", "Shadow"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="129" >12</h1>

It's a very prolific band, and the style of music has varied a lot, but despite that, the songs are still very good. I remember Bai Yansong commented that they are what people think of as a band, a group of people who love music. "Running on the Road of Loneliness", "Life is a Marathon", "Sad Coral Swarm", "So I Don't Sing Anymore", "The Song of the Dead"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="130" >13</h1>

In the past, when I was in the school band, a song "Dancing Girl" made our band famous, at that time there were not so many resources, the brothers were their own scores, an unforgettable time. Later, the band began to turn to the disco style, you don't say, although the taste has changed, but it is still quite like. "Morrison and the Grocery Store", "Neon Sweetheart", "Everyone is playing with mobile phones", "The Wind on the Stage"

Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="133" >14</h1>

More typical light rock, the melody is good, comfortable, and never tired of listening. "Ton livonia", "Sorry", "Song for You", "After Parting", "Wings"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="134" >15</h1>

A band that sounds particularly high-class and elegant, very rhythmic, the guitar tone is also very bright, and the overall style has a sense of narrative, which is particularly good. I remember going to a far place to see you, somewhat disappointed to go home, driving until the evening, tired, unable to drive, parked on the side of the road, watching the sunset, listening to "Love Songs Only" more than a dozen times. Recommend "Morning in a Strange City", "Love Song Only", "On the Gorgeous Feast of the Times", "A Cloud in the Sky", "Beautiful Below Life"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="135" >16</h1>

There's always one of his songs with me when it's different. Driving towards the Yala Snow Mountain, turning a big bend, I saw the sun shining golden mountain, and you were next to me, and the song "Tomorrow You are still by my side" sounded. When I was confused before, the most I listened to was "Ailing", the first time I listened to this kind of poetry-like rock music, and it was up to 7 minutes, full of literary feelings, and the sentence that always stayed in my mind was "The man holds the picked flowers, leads a black horse, and takes you to harvest the crops by the sunset, he is not an amorous poet, let alone a rich man, but he can make you love him forever", the band's lyrics ability is too strong, there is depth or depth. "Ailing", "On the Street on Sunday", "Tomorrow You're Still by My Side", "Like Those People", "Your City"

Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="137" >17</h1>

Shake one hard, love this tune, basically hear their songs will not cut. "Tongzhou at Night", "Youth is a Loaded Gun", "Tear Street"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="138" >18</h1>

This is also a very early band, and the song of the iron kite must not be missed, and it is easy to fall in love with it. "This Summer", "Mother Loves Me", "Shooting at Fate", "Gulangyu Island", "Evidence"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="139" >19</h1>

The impression is that it is a punk band in Chengdu, which is also in the same city, so it pays special attention. I remember the first time I downloaded their songs, or with electric donkeys, the first time I listened to it was really amazing, how can I be punk and melodic so good, and all the songs of that album have been saved until now. Recently they seem to have pushed a new song, not so impatient, feel that the lead singer has experienced a lot, the song has become very affectionate. "Don't let me cry", "Far away", "Love Sinks", "Love Is Like a Breeze", "If We Hadn't Met"

Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="143" >20</h1>

Like the new pants below, they are already outstanding and are definitely recommended.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="144" >21</h1>

The most successful band must be highly recommended.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="145" >22</h1>

Although their songs are not many, they are also favorite and classics in every capital, not to mention those songs that are all over the Internet, the trumpet sounds, and the Universal Youth Hostel is coming. "Big Stone Broken Chest", "100,000 Hippie", "The Comedy of Not Being Omnipotent", "Shijiazhuang People"

Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="146" >23</h1>

Xie Tianxiao is also an evergreen tree, his style of music honestly sounds like a middle-aged man's story, a little greasy, hahaha, I think it is related to personal voice, but this does not affect the like of him, many songs are too classic, accompany me through many places. "The Circulating Sun", "Won't Change", "Wild Goose West Lake", "Dancing with The Sound", "Dyeing the Night Black"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="147" >24</h1>

Recently I have been listening to the songs of this band, I feel good, lighter and more sunny, rock is not just shouting and rebelling, it should be diverse, it is a true record of our life. "Habits", "Grow up", "Songs to the Future"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="148" >25</h1>

Hedgehogs, out of the circle of big fame band, like the pain, new pants, too many familiar songs, not nagging.

Want to listen to Chinese rock, these 25 bands you can't miss 1. Irrevocable 2. Dada 3. Liang Bo4. Raven 5. Mirror 6. Band Next Door 7. Houhai Big Shark 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Com's COM'Z10. Ideal Back Garden Band 11. Island Mood 12.Tour Group 13. Mosaic 14. Broken Band 15. Sound Fragments 16. Sound Toys 17. Velvet Highway 18. Iron Kite 19. Boy Scout Band 20. Pain Band 21. New pants 22. Universal Youth Hostel 23. Thank goodness for a laugh 24. Black House Band 25. Hedgehog Band

Big names like beyond, Black Panther, Xu Wei, Wang Feng, Cui Jian, Escape Plan, penicillin, etc. are not recommended one by one. In fact, there are many band recommendations, such as Antu Sound Band, 43 Baojia Street, Convenience Store, Cloth Band, Underground Baby, Used Rose, Faz Band FAZI, Sugar Flip Band, Flying Youth Band, Tell The Five, Lightspeed Flight, Fruity VC, Mr. Turtle, Seagull Band, Minus 35 Degrees Band, Reincarnation Band, Green Bus Band, Wheat Field Watcher, Trojan Horse, South No Band, Drift band, Grapes Not Angry, Shining Star Band, Skinny Band, Paradise Band, Summer Invasion Project, Hangover Band, Cobra, Wild co-ops, chair bands, recirculation bands, compass bands, finger men, left and right bands, they can all listen.