
New song released By Tour Band: Write a song in Dad's name

author:Beiqing Net

In the 16 years of their existence, the tour band has always given people the image of a sunny big boy, but now they have become fathers. The transformation of identity affects the trajectory of life and creation, and the band is always looking for a suitable opportunity to express their father's love in the form of music.

Now, through the opportunity to work with the Modern Sky Kids label, this wish has finally been achieved. "Flower Son" is the first song written by the tour group from the perspective of a father, and the eighth song on the Modern Sky Kids label parent-child music compilation.

New song released By Tour Band: Write a song in Dad's name

The song sounded leisurely in the laughter of the children, abandoning the complicated organization, and the tour group used a box piano to restore the taste of the music itself, like the parents' instinct, selfless love and the child's crystal clear childlike heart, simple and beautiful.

Babies that thrive, like flowers in the eyes of their parents, sparkle in the sun. Kong Yicia's voice is as clear and sweet as ever, exuding infinite tenderness in a light melody. "Or ride the wind, or go to the waves, wherever you go, your parents will accompany you and act as an indestructible backing." This is perhaps the most precious promise made by the four fathers.

The difference is that "Flower Son" also covers a layer of calm and sanity on top of the temperature of the song itself. "The truth of life is the impermanence of ups and downs, but please believe in the path you choose, and don't forget to smile." In a restrained mood, Kong Yicia said this in a calm voice.

Although there are worries, the storms on the road to growth must be experienced and experienced by the children themselves. Relieving shocks in advance and giving unspoken support is a father's instinct and a unique way for them to express love. The protection of parents supports a world of growth for children, and the arrival of children also opens up a new positioning of the tour group as a "father".

With youthful frankness and fatherly composure, the tour band will continue to move into new areas on their own growth path.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Shou Penghuan

Editor/Cui Wei

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