
Chen Shi'an announced without warning that "I will not sing "Tianhou"! Kiss: I don't have space anymore

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Tsai Chenyi/Taipei Report

Chen Shi'an held a new album "The Only One Who Wants to Know" to celebrate the press conference, he was forced to touch the epidemic during the film period, first the press conference was cancelled, the follow-up publicity activities were also delayed, the activity was more than 10 affected, the original mainland had two variety show invitations can not be carried out, fortunately at the end of the year there are new performances, program invitations, he quipped: "I don't want to sing "Tianhou" at the end of the year, my performance is only 3 or 40 minutes, I have no space, every time I have been designated "Tianhou" and "Imperative", I have removed two songs, I have ten new songs to promote this time!"

Chen Shi'an announced without warning that "I will not sing "Tianhou"! Kiss: I don't have space anymore

Chen Shi'an released a new album "The Only One Who Wants to Know". (Photo/ Courtesy of Sony)

Also because of the epidemic situation, originally very unfamiliar with live broadcasting, he had to use live broadcasting to interact with fans and promote new songs, Chen Shi'an laughed and said that at the beginning he did not know how to play light, he made himself look fat, and now although he is still groping, he has learned not to hit his face too much.

Originally interested in photography, he even spent 500,000 or 600,000 yuan to buy photography-related equipment, and he was engaged in makeup work before he entered the industry, so live makeup and hair will be done by himself, "This is what I am most confident in, I can do it with one hand." However, he blew himself up, often wearing makeup on the upper body and only shorts on the lower body, resulting in him not daring to stand up during the live broadcast.

Chen Shi'an announced without warning that "I will not sing "Tianhou"! Kiss: I don't have space anymore

His MV heroine Liu Yi'er also came to the platform today. (Photo/ Courtesy of Sony)

Today his new song "We All Hurt" MV heroine Liu Yi'er appeared on the platform, but also sent a light as a gift, the two have a quite intense and passionate intimate scene in the MV, asked if there is a "reaction", Chen Shi'an smiled and said: "The scene is not very comfortable, because there is no air conditioning, so the process really did not think a lot."

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