
"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

author:Old drama bones those things

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play).</h1>

Recently, Zhao Yiou, who has not updated his personal social account for several months, released the news of his latest program.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

This man, known as the brother of Shenzhen Satellite TV, although not as high as the flow of fresh meat, he also has his own die-hard fans.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Just like in this dynamic comment, there is a fan comment: year... generation..... Show (gritted teeth), just show the editor the music.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

After laughing, I have to admit that the "Era Show" hosted by Zhao Yiou is indeed the memory of a generation, and its suspension is also a pity.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

But when it comes to Brother Gull, it's definitely not as simple as being a host.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Like Dong Qing, who previously became a host from a drama troupe actor to a host, and Tong Liya, who recently hosted the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Rat, he became a host across borders.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

But Zhao Yiou's cross-border history, among many cross-border hosts, is definitely worthy of two words: legend.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -
"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Don't look at the current Zhao Yiou voice is magnetic, it looks particularly stable.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

But his childhood was described in one word, and that was: skin.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

No matter how naughty the other children were, they would just go home dirty, but Zhao Yiou went home bloody.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Once he put his hand into the rudder of the yellow fish car, but he got stuck, and finally he could only saw off the rudder, and the car was still someone else's.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

But Zhao Yiou could not stop him from having artistic talent no matter how naughty he was, and when he was 4 or 5 years old, he entered the Children's Palace.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Standing on the stage, he relied on stage plays, recitations, singing and other specialties, from a bloody little fart to the focus of the audience.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Zhao Yiou did not accidentally grow up all the way, and he had confidence in himself, preparing to apply for the Beijing Film Academy after the college entrance examination.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Maybe the boys all have a dream of flying an airplane, and after knowing the news of the air force's early enrollment, Zhao Yiou took the exam non-stop.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

He withstood round after round of strict medical screening and entered the Second Aviation Preparatory School.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Later, Zhao Yiou not only became Yang Liwei's disciple, but also became China's first undergraduate pilot.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

However, later, due to the huge inertia of flight, Zhao Yiou's head was not supplied with enough blood, so that there was a phenomenon of darkness in front of his eyes.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

In desperation, Zhao Yiou was arranged to be grounded and never touched the plane again until he retired.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

During this time, he could only devote himself to various art theory books.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -
"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

The hard-to-achieve dream was shattered, zhao Yiou once said that he respected his brother Yang Liwei, but he still did not regret retiring and entering the show business circle.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Probably with the regret of not being able to fly the plane, Zhao Yiou after retiring simply turned himself into a fighter.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

He first worked as a publicity officer in a film distribution company for two years, then bid farewell to the iron rice bowl and applied for the directing department of the Shanghai Theater Academy.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Obviously, zhao studied directing, but in the same year, Zhao Yiou won the Magnolia Drama Performance Award by starring in the drama "The Death of a Black Sergeant".

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Four years later, Zhao Yiou graduated and successfully obtained a bachelor's degree in directing.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

After that, Zhao Yiou played his profession to the fullest, he directed dramas, starred in Shakespeare, directed a hundred-episode series, and also starred in short TV series.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Not only that, in the large-scale historical drama "The Rule of Zhenguan", Zhao Yiou also starred, but it was a sound performance.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

He was responsible for dubbing the big protagonist of the play, Li Shimin, the King of Qin, and added a lot of color to the whole play.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

In addition to the identity of a pilot, drama actor, director, journalist and so on, Zhao Yiou's other identity is more well known, that is, the host.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -
"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

In fact, as early as the age of 26, Zhao Yiou had already entered the literature and art department of Shanghai Television Station, serving as the choreographer and host of programs such as "Happy World" and "Drama Stage".

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

Later, Shanghai Satellite TV continued to have programs to invite him, and it was precisely because of this that his light finally shone into CCTV.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

At the age of 33, Zhao Yiou, who was photographed by CCTV, was invited to serve as the host of "Shenzhou Grand Stage".

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

The following year, he was invited to serve as the host of CCTV's "City Platform" program.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

But he has not only hosted CCTV and Shanghai TV programs, Phoenix, Sunshine, Hebei, Beijing, Hubei, Southeast, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other satellite televisions, he has appeared in the figure.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

But one of the most impressive to the editor is the "Era Show" of Shenzhen Satellite TV, which also gives Zhao Yiou the title of "Shenzhen Station Brother".

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right">—END—</h1>

Just looking at Zhao Yiou's legendary cross-border career, he has always been on the road to challenging himself, and he has never held a foolish attitude, otherwise he would not have been favored by CCTV.

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

People are like this for a lifetime, don't live in other people's mouths, don't live in the eyes of others, what you get after you fight hard, in the end, is your own things.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >—more</h1>

"CCTV quasi-first brother" Zhang Zequn: He has hosted the Spring Festival Gala for 6 consecutive years, and is now 54 years old but still single

Li Yu, who was once the "CCTV host", went out with Na Ying Sun Nan and played a husband and wife with Li Youbin

After graduation, she was assigned to CCTV, hosted the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 23, and the well-known chairman once cleaned her up for her

Note: Original works, creation is not easy! Please don't copy it! All the pictures come from the network, if there is infringement, within 48 hours, the joint will be deleted, thank you!

"Cross-border host" Zhao Yiou: Is Yang Liwei's disciple, bachelor of directing, has dubbed Li Shimin entertainment bean world, cat bean entertainment pill (entertainment fun world, cat teasing fish play) - END - more content -

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