
Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

author:Little Nana Gossip Sports

Speaking of Zhao Yiou, perhaps many people have forgotten him now, and even the current post-90s and post-00 generations do not know who he is, after all, Zhao Yiou rarely appears in front of the camera now, but do you know that Zhao Yiou was a famous CCTV host who did not lose Nigmat in that year, and was also known as a seventy-two change, an all-round host.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > wears several positions</h1>

Zhao Yiou's most talked about program is probably my "Era Show", which gathers representatives from the 90s to the 60s, spreads China's excellent traditional culture through the form of answers, and also takes us to experience the charm of different eras.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

In fact, it is not easy to host such a "hodgepodge" program, and if you are not careful, you will expose the barriers and ravines of various ages, but Zhao Yiou, as a host, handles it very well, the program atmosphere is happy and harmonious, there are many jokes, and it also promotes a lot of unknown traditional cultural cold knowledge, which is the memory of many people when they were teenagers, which shows that Zhao Yiou's hosting ability is very professional.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

In fact, Zhao Yiou's all-round ability is not known to be reflected in his hosting profession, perhaps many people do not know it, Zhao Yiou in addition to being a host, he was also an air force, also once an actor, and has several positions, no wonder Zhao Yiou knows so much knowledge, calm and atmospheric control of the scene.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

It is said that when Zhao Yiou was still young, he was not such a chubby middle-aged uncle image now, but a clean look, so with his confidence in his appearance, Zhao Yiou wanted to be admitted to the Beijing Film Academy to become an actor.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

But the plan can never catch up with the changes, Zhao Yiou has not had time to apply for the Beijing Film Academy, he encountered the Air Force enrollment, Zhao Yiou thought that he would first apply for the Air Force and would not suffer losses, so he also went to register.

Unexpectedly, it happened to be the first enrollment of Chinese pilots in undergraduate colleges and universities, and Zhao Yiou's academic performance and physical examination results met the requirements, and Zhao Yiou became the first batch of undergraduate college pilots.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

As we all know, the training of the Air Force is very strict, and it is impossible to make mistakes at all, otherwise it is easy to destroy the aircraft and kill people, so the Air Force's standards for the physical fitness of pilots are particularly high.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

Unfortunately, Zhao Yiou was unwell in a flight because of excessive use of the eyes, resulting in excessive pressure in the eyes, the head has been dizzy and swollen, the situation has not been improved, and even the symptoms of night blindness have appeared at night, which has a great impact on Zhao Yiou's physical health and his future work.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > was called "Transformers" by CCTV. </h1>

In the end, after consulting with his family, Zhao Yiou decided to retire early and leave the air force team, but Zhao Yiou did not stop his pursuit of his dreams, in Zhao Yiou's view, this may be the arrangement of fate, giving him a new opportunity to be an actor.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

But after Zhao Yiou thought about it, his current age and body are no longer suitable for such a high-load job as an actor, so he transferred to the directing department of the play, and in the same year that he was just admitted, he directed the drama "The Death of a Black Sergeant", which won the Magnolia Drama Performance Award in one fell swoop, making Zhao Yiou famous.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

After being an air force and a director, Zhao Yiou slowly embarked on the road of the host and entered Zhao Yiou after CCTV. He has also served as a drama actor, a film company publicity officer, a drama director, a journalist, a TV drama actor, a film director, a CCTV host, etc. More than 10 kinds of work, which is called "Transformers" by CCTV. The business is booming.

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

Not only that, he also met the most important daughter in his life, Tu Rong, the two experienced a lot of twists and turns before they got together, so after marriage, Zhao Yiou cherished his wife extra much, not only did not pass out a little scandal, but also often accompanied his wife to play around, living a life like a fairy, which is really envious and hateful!

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks</h1>

Although Zhao Yiou will "seventy-two changes" in his career, he has three heads and six arms to handle various tasks, but in terms of feelings, he is consistent and loyal to his wife Tu Rong, where to find such a single-minded and single-minded good man, I hope that Zhao Yiou and Tu Rong can always be so happy!

Zhao Yiou: He has held several positions and is called "Transformers" by CCTV, and has been married for many years and has been called "Transformers" by CCTV. epilogue

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