
Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

In the history of Hong Kong cinema, the Hung family is undoubtedly a legend. In 1938, under the historical background of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Sammo Hung 's grandfather Hung Zhonghao relied on a "Fang Shiyu Fights in the Ring", which stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese nation and created the history of Hong Kong martial arts films.

At the same time, Sammo Hung grandma, Qian Yiying, with her outstanding martial arts skills, became China's most accomplished first-generation martial arts actress, and the couple's outstanding performance on the screen laid a solid foundation for Hong Kong martial arts films.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

However, Hong Zhonghao and Qian Yiying's contributions are much more than that. They have a deep understanding of the significant impact of talent training on the development of the film industry. In the 40s of the 20th century, the couple actively assumed social responsibility and generously donated money to sponsor Yu Zhanyuan, a master of Peking Opera of the Northern School, to establish the Hong Kong Chinese Theatre Academy.

In the future, this academy became the cradle of talents in Hong Kong's film and television industry, injecting a steady stream of fresh blood into the development of China's film industry.

Hung Chung-ho and Qian Yiying's outstanding achievements in film development have given them an indisputable status in the Hong Kong film industry. Sammo Hung was born from such a prominent family background.

Born in such an outstanding film family, Sammo Hung has been exposed to it since he was a child and is full of love for the film industry. The glory of the family did not make him satisfied with the status quo, but inspired him to keep moving forward.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

Sammo Hung understands that if you want to gain a foothold in a highly competitive industry, or even surpass the achievements of your predecessors, you must put in more effort than ordinary people.

Sammo Hung had a complex family environment and a unique heritage that laid a solid foundation for his success in the film industry. Sammo Hung has grown through his family's genius and precious resources, and more importantly, he has inherited the Hung's passion and dedication to the film industry.

This passion and dedication will accompany Sammo Hung throughout his brilliant film career, and will also be a key factor in his ability to maintain his original intention at the peak of his life.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

Although Sammo Hung came from a famous family, his growth path was not all smooth sailing. His family was extremely strict with him, and in order to let him inherit the family business, he was sent to Yu Zhanyuan to learn art.

As the grandson of his benefactor, Sammo Hung received special "care" – and this "care" meant more demanding requirements and more training.

During his studies in the arts, Sammo Hung's hardships in life were evident. Whether it is practicing martial arts or learning drama, as long as there is the slightest mistake, his body will suffer from swelling and pain. Compared with other juniors such as Jackie Chan and Yuan Hua, Sammo Hung, who is a "relation", has become one of the people who have suffered the most in his family.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

However, it was this grinding that made him gradually stronger.

After graduating at the age of 18, Sammo Hung entered the Dragon and Tiger Martial Arts, a derivative of Hong Kong films, according to his family's plan. Although the prospects of this type of work are not optimistic, the salary is low, and the hardships are ahead, but for the outstanding Sammo Hung Hang, this is just a new beginning.

Sammo Hung formed the Hung Family Class, saying that he went from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, from the role of a dragon and tiger martial artist to a performer and producer on a larger stage. This not only changed his own destiny, but also brought new opportunities for many members of the Hong family class.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

After this arduous training, Sammo Hung not only improved his martial arts and acting skills, but also cultivated his unwavering will and leadership to lead the team. These qualities laid a solid foundation for his later success in the film industry, and shaped his character of being eager to help others and valuing friendship.

1978 was a turning point in Sammo Hung's career. This year, he starred in "Fat Dragon Across the River" caused a sensation in the Hong Kong martial arts world, making him famous in one fell swoop. His unique performance style and superb martial arts have been well received by the audience, and the success of this work not only proves his strength, but also opens a new chapter in his acting career.

Sammo Hung, who pursued the victory, was not satisfied with a single actor, but directed and acted in a "Mr. Zan and Looking for Qianhua" in the same year. Although the name of this film is simple, the results are quite amazing.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

In 1978, the film grossed 2.86 million Hong Kong dollars, ranking sixth on the annual list, which was quite impressive at the time, especially considering that the value of Hong Kong dollars was not low at that time.

Through these two works, Sammo Hung not only consolidated his position among outstanding actors, but also became a dark horse in the directorial industry, and his talent has been widely recognized by the industry.

In order to cooperate with him, the major top investors even fought for their heads, and his star journey was bright.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

However, Sammo Hung did not lose his head in the face of sudden success. He knew very well that the "red fire" in front of him was only short-lived. Therefore, instead of indulging in false popularity, he continued to work hard to improve his acting skills and directing skills.

Sammo Hung during this period was regarded as a leading figure in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. He is not only an actor loved by the audience, but also a high-profile director.

However, just when everyone was expecting him to continue to climb to higher heights, Sammo Hung made a jaw-dropping decision that not only changed the trajectory of his own life, but also deeply affected the entire Hong Kong film industry.

At the peak of his career, Sammo Hung did not choose to continue to focus on his own development, but devoted himself to cultivating the brothers and sisters of the Hung family class. Whenever he sees the difficult life of his brothers and sisters, Sammo Hung's heart will swell with sadness.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

He secretly made up his mind to help every member of the Hong family class achieve something in the film industry.

In 1978, Sammo Hung, who was already famous, took the initiative to introduce his younger brother Jackie Chan to the famous Hong Kong director Yuan Heping, and asked Yuan Heping to arrange an important role for Jackie Chan in the next film.

Yuan Heping was moved by Sammo Hung's sincerity, and after seeing Jackie Chan's excellent martial arts skills, he did not hesitate to let Jackie Chan star in "Drunken Fist", which became a turning point in Jackie Chan's career At the end of 1978, after the release of "Drunken Fist", Jackie Chan became an instant hit, and even attracted the attention of Hong Kong's top entertainment company Golden Harvest.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

Sammo Hung did not stop after successfully becoming a popular Jackie Chan. He continued to look for opportunities for the rest of the Hung family class. From Zeng Zhiwei, Yuan Hua to Meng Hai, and then to Qian Yuesheng, Sammo Hung has helped almost every member of the Hung family class to achieve success.

However, there is a brother named Lin Zhengying, who has always given Sammo Hung a headache.

Lin Zhengying's martial arts ability is good, but he was not recognized in the martial arts films at that time. Sammo Hung pondered and finally found his own unique creative idea. In 1980, he filmed his first zombie movie called "Ghost Fight" and invited Lin Zhengying to make a cameo.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

Unexpectedly, Lin Zhengying's righteous and awe-inspiring image was deeply loved by the audience, which also made Sammo Hung see new business opportunities, so Sammo Hung began to tailor ghost films for Lin Zhengying, such as "Scary" and the classic "Mr. Zombie" After a series of efforts, Lin Zhengying finally succeeded in becoming popular and became the "first brother of zombie films" in the Hong Kong film industry.

Seeing the brothers of the Hong family class getting ahead one by one, Sammo Hung is always full of joyful smiles. Although he paid a lot for it, even sacrificing the golden years of his career, he never regretted it.

In his opinion, it is more meaningful to help his brothers realize their dreams than to be the leader himself, and this selfless spirit shows his chivalrous heart and brings a fresh breath to the entire Hong Kong film industry.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

In the entertainment industry, Sammo Hung's behavior can be described as unique, abnormal and eye-catching. He had the opportunity to use his fame and position to gain more for himself, but instead he chose a very different path.

In Sammo Hung view, as long as he can make those brothers who share his weal and woe well, as long as he can make high-quality products in the film industry, money is not so important.

According to Hong Kong media, although Sammo Hung has a net worth of more than 3 billion, he does not have too many industrial inputs except for the film industry. He sees money as an add-on to the success of cinema, and being too obsessed with it will desecrate the art of cinema.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

He once proudly said in an interview: "When we finish filming, you can take as much as you want" This sentence fully demonstrates his indifferent attitude towards money.

Although Sammo Hung is rich in a mansion, his attitude towards life is very simple, he will personally go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and cook, and he will also go to the commissary to buy snacks. If it weren't for the accidental injury he was injured in 2017, his daily life would be no different from that of an ordinary person.

Sammo Hung's low profile is not only reflected in his lifestyle, but also in his attitude towards success. At the peak of his career, he never indulged in fame, but always maintained his love and dedication to film art, and constantly pursued improvement.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

In the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, Sammo Hung has kept a clear head and an independent stance by his indifferent fame and fortune, and he does not blindly pursue trends or cater to the market, but focuses on creating works that he deems valuable.

This persistence has allowed him to achieve great achievements in his art, and he has also won the respect of the industry and the audience.

Sammo Hung's philosophy of life reveals to us that true success is not the accumulation of great wealth, but the persistence and pursuit of the cause of one's passion. He explained the life concept of "indifferent and ambitious, quiet and far-reaching" with practical actions.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

"If I cared about money back then, I'm half a Li Ka-shing now." This sentence is not a joke by Sammo Hung , but his deep reflection on the fact that he missed the opportunity to make a fortune.

As a legend in the Hong Kong film industry, Sammo Hung once had many opportunities to become a billionaire, such as Li Ka-shing, whose assets of $29.4 billion are enough to make him firmly at the top of the world's richest list, as long as Sammo Hung has more vision and courage at that time, his current wealth may be half of Li Ka-shing's, or even more.

However, Sammo Hung chose a different path. He did not use his influence and network to make a big impact in the business field, but firmly stuck to the film industry, selflessly helping others, and indifferent to fame and fortune.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

This choice cost him the opportunity to become a wealthy man, but he gained more intangible wealth.

In Sammo Hung Hung's eyes, true wealth is not the number on the bank account, but the ability to create excellent works and help those around him realize their dreams. When he sees the juniors he brings with him shining on the screen, he will feel a sense of satisfaction that cannot be described in words.

This kind of satisfaction cannot be measured by money.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

Although Sammo Hung is in a wheelchair due to physical reasons, his spirit is still strong. He often looks back on his life, and he is proud of his choice and has no regrets.

He firmly believes that his value is not only reflected in his personal achievements, but also in his great contribution to the Hong Kong film industry.

"Money is like a cloud of smoke," Sammo Hung often sighs, "what is really remembered is the contribution you have made to the world." This is his philosophy of life, and it is an important inspiration that we can take from him.

Sammo Hung : I don't care about money, if I had the financial resources back then, I might be half of Li Ka-shing now!

In this materialistic era, Sammo Hung's experience has taught us a vivid lesson: real success is not about how much you have, but only how much you pay, and whether you can leave value for the world.

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