
The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

As a classic TV series, "Mansion Gate" has attracted the attention of countless audiences since it was broadcast. However, in the process of appreciating this work, the audience's likes and dislikes for the characters in the play also followed. The most annoying character is undoubtedly Xiangxiu, the dog girl. Xiangxiu, as a humble little maid in the play, her selfishness and scheming often make people gnash their teeth. She not only sowed discord inside and outside the White Mansion, but also used her cleverness to obtain improper benefits, which eventually aroused the disgust of many audiences.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

Secondly, Bai Jingqi and Yang Jiuhong's daughter Bai Jiali is also the target of public criticism. Carrie has an arrogant personality and reckless behavior, often causing trouble at home. Her ignorance and willfulness not only strained the family relationship, but also often caused chaos at critical moments, leaving a very bad impression on the audience.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

The third character to be hated is Bai Jingqi's sister, Bai Yuting. Although Bai Yuting does not have many roles in the play, her willfulness and selfishness are enough to disgust the audience. She often ignores the overall interests of the family because of her own selfish interests, which undoubtedly touches the audience's bottom line.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

In "Mansion Gate", there are characters who, despite their ill-fated fate, have won the sympathy of the audience. The first is Yang Jiuhong. As an abandoned concubine, Yang Jiuhong's life was full of ups and downs and suffering. She gave a lot for her children and family, but in the end she didn't get the rewards she deserved. This tragic character image deeply touched the hearts of the audience.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

Secondly, Bai Jingqi's aunt Bai Yaping also makes people feel sympathetic. Bai Yaping has never married all her life, and has been paying for her family in obscurity. Her kindness and tenacity are moving, but her fate is not satisfactory, and this contrast makes the audience feel sympathy for her.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

Finally, Bai Jingqi's first daughter-in-law, Huang Chun'er, is also the object of sympathy from the audience. Huang Chun'er endured a lot of pain and grievances for love and family. Although her gentleness and tenacity won Bai Jingqi's heart, her early death was embarrassing.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

"Mansion Gate" can become a classic, which is inseparable from the wonderful performances of the actors. In the minds of the audience, the most outstanding performance is Bai Jingqi's mother and second grandmother played by Siqin Gaowa. Through her delicate performance, Siqin Gaowa vividly expressed the wisdom, tenacity and maternal love of the role of the second grandmother, which was deeply loved by the audience.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

Secondly, Bai Jingqi played by Chen Baoguo is also a highlight. Chen Baoguo portrayed the complex character of Bai Jingqi vividly through his superb acting skills. He has both the shrewdness of a businessman and a sense of responsibility to his family, and this multi-layered persona impresses the audience.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

The third commendable actor is the third master of the Bai family played by Liu Peiqi. Liu Peiqi showed the boldness and chivalrous spirit of the third master vividly through accurate performances. His performance not only adds to the dramatic tension in the play, but also gives the audience more understanding and love for the character.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

On the Internet, the character evaluation of "Mansion Gate" has also sparked heated discussions. Netizens generally believe that the behavior of the three characters Xiangxiu, Bai Jiali and Bai Yuting is unbearable, while Yang Jiuhong, Bai Yaping and Huang Chuner have won everyone's sympathy because of their tragic fate. At the same time, the superb acting skills of Siqin Gaowa, Chen Baoguo and Liu Peiqi have also been unanimously recognized by the audience.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

Experts suggest that for such a TV series full of complex characters, the audience should not only enjoy it, but also think more about the human nature and social issues contained in it. Through the evaluation and discussion of the characters, they can better understand the deep meaning behind the play and improve their aesthetic and critical thinking skills.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

To sum up, "Mansion Gate" not only attracts the audience with its ups and downs of the plot, but also arouses the audience's deep thinking about human nature by creating complex and diverse characters. Whether it is the annoying Xiangxiu, Bai Jiali and Bai Yuting, or the sympathetic Yang Jiuhong, Bai Yaping and Huang Chun'er, every character plays an indispensable role in the play. And the wonderful performances of Siqin Gaowa, Chen Baoguo and Liu Peiqi have added a lot of color to this drama.

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

Who is the person you hate and sympathize with the most? And who is your favorite actor? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section and let's explore the charm of "Mansion Gate".

The most hated person in "Mansion Gate": No. 2, Yang Jiuhong's daughter. The third, Bai Yuting, the sister of the seventh child

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