
Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

In a corner of the Tianshou Mountain Cemetery in Beijing's Changping District, two unique cemeteries quietly depend on each other. In front of one of the tombs, a lifelike bronze bust stands, as if talking about a witty cross talk; In front of another tomb, a white marble sculpture sits quietly, like a fairy descending from the sky.

The two artists never knew each other during their lifetimes, but at the end of their lives they became eternal neighbors. Who are they? Why is fate so close to them? Let's unravel the mysteries of these two cultural giants and discover their storied lives and the legacy they left behind in the Chinese art scene.

Hou Yaowen's cross talk began when he was 12 years old. In front of a mahogany lacquered wood table, the young man made a stunning appearance with a "drunk" cross talk, showing his extraordinary talent.

However, this talent did not make his father Hou Baolin feel gratified. As a leader in the cross talk industry, Hou Baolin knows the hardships of this road, especially in that era when cross talk was relegated to the "lower ninth rate".

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

He didn't want his son to repeat the mistakes he had made and suffer from the pain he had suffered.

In the face of his father's opposition, Hou Yaowen did not give up. He gave himself the pseudonym "Little Brother" and secretly insisted on his love for cross talk. Although this name failed to make him officially on stage, it quietly circulated in the cross talk circle and became a testimony of his persistence in his dream.

At the age of 18, the opportunity came. The China Railway Art Troupe is open to recruitment, and Hou Yaowen mustered up the courage to participate in the selection. With his exquisite skills, he successfully joined the art troupe and officially embarked on the road of cross talk.

Here he met his future golden partner Shi Fukuan, and the two started their cross talk acting careers together.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

The first years of the industry were not easy. Although his father is a master of cross talk, Hou Yaowen has never relied on this relationship. He worked diligently every day, constantly creating new works and honing his skills.

The hard work of this period laid a solid foundation for his future success.

At the age of 32, Hou Yaowen ushered in a turning point in his career. He collaborated with his partner Shi Fukuan in "Wealth Fans" and became an instant hit, making the two famous. Immediately afterwards, "Righteousness and Courage" swept the country, pushing Hou Yaowen to the top of the cross talk industry.

In 1983, Hou Yaowen made his debut on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and since then has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for 12 consecutive years, setting an insurmountable record. His performance not only won the applause of the audience, but also won high recognition from the industry.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

Honors such as "Virtue and Art" artist and "China's Top Ten Laughing Stars" have followed, and awards such as "Hou Baolin Golden Image Award" and "International Artistic Achievement Certificate" have witnessed his brilliant achievements.

After becoming famous, Hou Yaowen did not rest on his laurels. He served as the deputy head of the China Railway Art Troupe and the vice chairman of the China Quyi Artists Association, and actively promoted the development of cross talk art.

He boldly innovated and integrated elements such as drama and opera into cross talk, enriching the expression of traditional cross talk.

Hou Yaowen not only has his own achievements, but also has a discerning eye. In a national cross talk competition, he discovered the young Guo Degang and tried his best to accept him as an apprentice. This decision cultivated another outstanding talent in the Chinese cross talk industry, and the Deyun Club founded by Guo Degang later became a banner in the cross talk industry.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

In 2007, fate ruthlessly interrupted Hou Yaowen's artistic career. He suddenly felt unwell at home and was rushed to the hospital but could not save his life at the age of 59.

Sadly, after the death of this highly respected artist, his body has not been buried for various reasons.

It was not until March 2011, after nearly four years of waiting, that Mr. Hou Yaowen's burial ceremony was held at the Tianshoushan Cemetery in Changping District, Beijing. On one side of his tombstone, there are cross talk props such as waking wood and fans, and there is also a railway track pattern at the bottom, symbolizing his lifelong artistic pursuit and the starting point of his career.

Hou Yaowen dedicated more than three-quarters of his life to the cause of cross talk. His departure has left an unfillable gap in the Chinese cross talk industry, and has also left countless hilarious classics and profound artistic inspiration for the audience.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

Chen Xiaoxu was born in a family with a strong artistic atmosphere. Her parents are both literary and artistic workers, specializing in the field of Peking Opera. However, the young Chen Xiaoxu was not attracted by the charm of Peking Opera, but developed a strong interest in ballet.

As a child, Chen Xiaoxu wore two bow pigtails on his head and red dancing shoes on his feet, and often practiced spinning and stretching his toes alone in the corner. Despite her weak physique, she persevered in training with remarkable perseverance and strived to perfection in every move.

Her inverted kick is particularly good, and she has appeared on the stage many times because of it.

However, fate tricked people. In a ballet audition, Chen Xiaoxu unfortunately failed. Although this blow temporarily made her lose her direction, it also opened another door to art for her.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

Losing the sustenance of ballet, Chen Xiaoxu turned his attention to the sea of books. She voraciously reads classic Chinese and foreign literature, especially "Dream of the Red Chamber" by the Qing Dynasty writer Cao Xueqin.

Lin Daiyu's image deeply moved her, and she even copied almost all the poems made by Lin Daiyu in the book, and tasted and studied them repeatedly.

In addition to reading, Chen Xiaoxu is also passionate about writing. She spent pen and ink in her diary and wrote poems to record her thoughts and feelings. When she was 14 years old, she created "I Am a Catkins", which revealed a faint melancholy atmosphere between the lines, as if to indicate the similarity of her fate with Lin Daiyu.

By chance, Chen Xiaoxu learned that the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions" was being cast. She boldly wrote her photos, poems, and understanding of Lin Daiyu's role as a cover letter and sent it out.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

Just a week later, she received a handwritten reply from director Wang Fulin, inviting her to participate in the interview.

After layers of selection, Chen Xiaoxu finally stood out and successfully won the role of Lin Daiyu. The filming of "Dream of Red Mansions" lasted for three years, and these three years also became Chen Xiaoxu's "Dream of Red Mansions".

She devoted herself to the role, repeatedly studied the original book and deeply figured out Lin Daiyu's psychological state. In her opinion, she shoulders a sacred mission - she is both Chen Xiaoxu and Lin Daiyu.

After the broadcast of "Dream of Red Mansions", Chen Xiaoxu's image of Lin Daiyu immediately won warm praise from the audience. She brought Sister Lin in the book to the screen vividly, and was known as the "out-of-print Sister Lin", which is undoubtedly the highest praise for her acting skills.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

However, behind the success lies also troubles. Chen Xiaoxu's in-depth portrayal of Lin Daiyu's role makes this image deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience. Whenever she appears in public, people always call her "Lin Daiyu" instead of her real name.

This phenomenon has caused trouble for Chen Xiaoxu, and when she tries other types of film and television works, it often causes discomfort among the audience.

Faced with such a predicament, Chen Xiaoxu was not discouraged. She knows that one "Lin Daiyu" is enough to make her acting career reach its peak. Instead of reluctantly trying other roles, find a new direction in life.

By chance, Chen Xiaoxu resolutely chose to transform. She bid farewell to the entertainment industry and joined the business world, showing amazing business talent. From the advertising industry to the investment field, her career has continued to expand, showing a strong woman image who is completely different from Lin Daiyu.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

However, fate played a joke on her again. In 2006, Chen Xiaoxu was diagnosed with breast cancer. Faced with this bad news, she did not choose the conventional treatment method, but decided to take refuge in Buddhism and face life and death with a detached attitude.

In May 2007, Chen Xiaoxu passed away suddenly. In accordance with her last wishes, the Chen Xiaoxu Charity Foundation came into being, becoming a continuation of her great love for the world. Until the last moment of her life, she still didn't mind people calling her "Lin Daiyu", because that experience brought her endless joy and satisfaction.

Chen Xiaoxu's life is like a wonderful performance. From dance to literature, from Lin Daiyu to a strong woman in the business world, she interprets the diversity of life and the eternal charm of art in her own way.

In 2007, an ordinary day suddenly became extraordinary. Cross talk master Hou Yaowen suddenly felt unwell at home and was rushed to the hospital. Despite the best efforts of the medical staff to save his life, his precious life could not be saved.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

Hou Yaowen, who died at the age of 59, passed away in a hurry, leaving countless viewers and fans stunned in grief.

Hou Yaowen's death was like a bolt from the blue, shocking the entire literary and art world. Nearly three-quarters of his life has been dedicated to the cause of cross talk, and he has healed the hearts of countless people with laughter.

However, fate did not give him enough time to continue his artistic career. One could not accept that such a dynamic and talented artist had quietly passed away.

Regrettably, the road to Hou Yaowen's burial was not smooth. Due to various reasons, his body has not been buried for a long time. The fact that this highly respected artist did not get the peace he deserved after his death makes people sigh.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

In the same year that Hou Yaowen passed away, "Sister Lin" Chen Xiaoxu also completed her life journey. However, unlike Hou Yaowen's sudden death, Chen Xiaoxu's farewell was extraordinarily calm.

In 2006, Chen Xiaoxu was diagnosed with breast cancer. Faced with this brutal diagnosis, most people would probably choose to treat aggressively, but Chen Xiaoxu made a surprising decision – she chose to forgo conventional treatment.

This decision was not made out of despair or financial hardship, but out of her unique pursuit of beauty.

Chen Xiaoxu chose to take refuge in Buddhism and face life and death with a detached attitude. Her decision has puzzled many people, but for her, it is a kind of respect for life and an insistence on beauty.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

Under the influence of Buddhism, her state of mind became more and more peaceful, as if she had seen through the red dust and transcended life and death.

After nearly four years of waiting, Mr. Hou Yaowen finally rested in Tianshoushan Cemetery in Changping District, Beijing in March 2011. His tombstone is unique, with cross talk props such as waking wood and fans carved on one side, and a railway track pattern at the bottom, symbolizing the starting point of his artistic career and career.

This well-designed cemetery became Mr. Hou Yaowen's last stage.

In accordance with his last wishes, Chen Xiaoxu set up a charitable foundation after his death to leave his love in the world forever. Her cemetery is near Hou Yaowen's cemetery, and a white marble statue stands quietly, as if Lin Daiyu's spirit is still guarding this land.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

The arrangement of fate is always amazing. These two artists, whom they never knew each other during their lifetimes, became eternal neighbors in the final journey of their lives. Their cemeteries stand next to each other, as if telling the eternity of art and the impermanence of life.

The stories of Hou Yaowen and Chen Xiaoxu in Tianshou Mountain Cemetery will always be passed on, and their artistic spirit will always inspire future generations.

After Hou Yaowen's death, his cross talk works became a priceless cultural heritage. Classics such as "The Lost Fortune" and "Righteousness and Courage" are still widely praised today, and the humorous wisdom and life philosophy contained in them have endured.

Hou Yaowen's unique performance style integrates various art forms such as drama and opera into cross talk, creating a new era of cross talk art. This innovative spirit not only enriches the expression of cross talk, but also provides valuable reference for later generations.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

In addition, Hou Yaowen had a discerning eye and made the decision to accept Guo Degang as an apprentice, cultivating a new generation of outstanding talents for the cross talk industry. Deyun Club, which Guo Degang later founded, has become an important platform for the inheritance and innovation of cross talk art, which is also the precious wealth left by Mr. Hou Yaowen to the cross talk industry.

The image of "Lin Daiyu" created by Chen Xiaoxu can be called a model of film and television of classic literary works. She vividly presented Sister Lin in the book in front of the audience, not only perfectly interpreting this role, but also making important contributions to the spread of traditional Chinese culture.

The title of "Out-of-print Sister Lin" is not only an affirmation of Chen Xiaoxu's acting skills, but also a common cultural memory of a generation.

Chen Xiaoxu's life trajectory has also left a profound inspiration for the world. From actress to businesswoman, to finally to Buddhism, her experience illustrates the multiple possibilities of life.

Next to Hou Yaowen's cemetery, the tomb of "Sister Lin" is surrounded by flowers, and the white marble statue is pitiful

Her dedication to art and her successful transition into business have provided many with valuable life lessons.

These two artists have enriched China's cultural and artistic treasure trove in different ways, and their contributions will always be remembered and passed on.

In the Tianshou Mountain Cemetery in Beijing's Changping District, the graves of Hou Yaowen and Chen Xiaoxu are quietly attached to each other. The bronze statue in front of Hou Yaowen's tomb seems to be still talking about interesting cross talk, while the white marble statue in front of Chen Xiaoxu's tomb reminds people of the touching sister Lin.

Although the two artists have passed away, their artistic spirit and contributions to traditional Chinese culture are still alive. Hou Yaowen uses humor and humor to convey the wisdom of life, while Chen Xiaoxu interprets classic literature with delicate interpretation.

Their life trajectories are different, but they have all left a deep mark on the path of art. In this tranquil land, life, art and eternity seem to be in silent dialogue, inspiring us to think about the value of art and the meaning of life.

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