
Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng
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Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

In 2004, a shocking news sounded like thunder in the cross talk industry: Yuan Yin, the wife of the famous cross talk artist Hou Yaowen, tied the knot with his nephew Dai Zhicheng.

The combination of this couple is like a bombshell, casting a huge shadow in the music industry. People have speculated about what made Yuan Yin resolutely leave Hou Yaowen, who once loved her deeply? Why did she choose to spend the rest of her life with Dai Zhicheng, who was much younger than her? What kind of secrets are hidden behind this love story that transcends ages and breaks the norm? Let's step into the inner world of this controversial couple and uncover the mystery of this twisted relationship.

In 1990, Hou Yaowen, who was famous in the cross talk industry, just ended his marriage to his first wife Liu Yan. With a little loss and confusion, he devoted all his energy to the preparation of the new play "Special Police".

However, fate always likes to joke, and during the filming of this drama, he met the young and beautiful newcomer actor Yuan Yin.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

Yuan Yin, a girl from Heilongjiang, just graduated from Beijing Film Academy. Her youthful vitality and love for acting instantly ignited a spark in Hou Yaowen's heart.

The two got along day and night on the set, and gradually sparked a spark of love. Hou Yaowen was attracted by Yuan Yin's innocence, while Yuan Yin was moved by Hou Yaowen's maturity and stability.

However, their path to love was not all smooth sailing. The 20-year age gap has become a gulf between the two. Yuan Yin's family, especially her father, was strongly opposed to the relationship.

They are worried that their daughter will be deceived by this divorced man who is nearly half a hundred years old. But sincere love eventually triumphed over all obstacles. After three years of passionate love, Hou Yaowen and Yuan Yin decided to spend the rest of their lives together.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

In 1993, they held a grand wedding in Beijing and became the center of attention. Life after marriage is as beautiful as a fairy tale, Hou Yaowen takes good care of Yuan Yin and creates a carefree living environment for her.

Yuan Yin no longer needs to run between various crews, but stays at home with peace of mind and enjoys the happy time of being pampered.

Five years later, they ushered in the crystallization of love - their lovely daughter Niuniu. Hou Yaowen put all his thoughts on his wife and daughter, dutifully playing the role of husband and father.

Before and after Niuniu was born, he even turned down a lot of work, just to be able to accompany Yuan Yin.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

However, the unpredictable world is that under the seemingly perfect married life, there are hidden seeds of future changes. As Hou Yaowen's career flourished, he had to frequently travel to perform in various places.

The long-term separation began to quietly erode the feelings of the loving couple. Despite Hou's efforts to balance work and family, the alienation brought about by the distance has deepened.

It was at this moment that fate intervened again, bringing an unexpected twist to this marriage......

As Hou Yaowen's career was in full swing, he had to frequently travel to perform all over the country. As a leader in the cross talk industry, his footprints are all over the country, from the Nankun Cultural Train to the celebrations in Tianjin, Hou Yaowen's schedule is always full.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

However, the success of his career left him with no time to take care of his family, and he was deeply disturbed by the long-term separation of life.

Every time he leaves home, Hou Yaowen worries about the lives of Yuan Yin and his daughter Niuniu. He fears that they will be left unattended in case of an emergency, and this anxiety is growing.

In order to solve this problem, he came up with a seemingly perfect solution - asking his nephew Dai Zhicheng and his wife Yang Lei to help take care of it.

Mr. and Mrs. Dai Zhicheng live next to Hou Yaowen's family and have a close relationship. Out of respect and trust for his uncle, Dai Zhicheng gladly accepted the task and promised Hou Yaowen that he would take good care of his "aunt" and "little sister".

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

At first, Dai Zhicheng would deliberately wait for his wife Yang Lei to go to Hou Yaowen's house together. However, as time went on, he began to go to help alone.

Yuan Yin was initially a little restrained about Dai Zhicheng's arrival, but gradually she let down her guard. In the days when she was not accompanied by her husband, Dai Zhicheng became the object of her confiding in her.

She began to pour out her inner sorrow and loneliness to Dai Zhicheng, telling the bitterness and helplessness of being a "star wife".

In frequent contact, Dai Zhicheng gradually discovered Yuan Yin's weak side. He saw her confusion and longing as an ordinary woman, which was very different from the glamorous image of "Mrs. Hou" in the eyes of the outside world.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

Dai Zhicheng had deep sympathy for Yuan Yin, and the frequency of going to Hou Yaowen's house became more and more frequent.

At the same time, Yuan Yin also found spiritual sustenance in Dai Zhicheng. Dai Zhicheng's thoughtfulness and understanding filled the void left by Hou Yaowen's long-term absence. The communication between them is getting deeper and deeper, from the parents to the ideals of life, there is nothing to talk about.

The relationship between the two grows closer, and finally at some point they realize that they have developed feelings for each other that go beyond friendship. This realization plunged Yuan Yin into a huge panic and guilt.

However, when she calms down and re-examines her marriage, she realizes that although Hou Yaowen cares about her materially, he ignores her innermost emotional needs.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

In contrast, Dai Zhicheng has always been by her side, listening to her troubles and solving her problems. This kind of selfless care made Yuan Yin feel warm.

Dai Zhicheng is in the same predicament. He and Yang Lei have been married for many years, and although they have no children, their relationship has always been very good. If you rashly propose to break up, it will undoubtedly bring great harm to Yang Lei.

However, whenever he saw Yuan Yin's lonely figure, a strong desire to protect would swell in his heart.

In this way, under the seemingly calm surface, a storm of feelings is quietly brewing.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

On an ordinary day in 2004, Hou Yaowen was busy performing in other places. The sudden ringing of the phone broke his work rhythm, and the news on the other end of the phone was like a bolt from the blue - Yuan Yin proposed for divorce.

This decision caused Hou Yaowen to instantly fall into a whirlpool of sadness and anger. He couldn't believe that his beloved wife would make such a decision.

Hou Yaowen immediately interrupted all work and hurried back to Beijing. He tried to save the marriage, told Yuan Yin about his love, and promised to be by her side more.

However, in the face of Hou Yaowen's bitter pleading, Yuan Yin was extremely resolute. She had already thought it through and decided that the marriage could not continue.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

After many fierce quarrels and long talks, Hou Yaowen finally realized that it was impossible to redeem himself. With deep reluctance and regret, he agreed to the divorce. In order to make up for the debt to his wife over the years, Hou Yaowen gave Yuan Yin a lot of compensation financially.

At the same time, Dai Zhicheng also began to deal with his marriage. He chose a special moment - during the 2004 Spring Festival Gala. At that time, his wife Yang Lei was busy preparing for the sketch performance of the Spring Festival Gala and devoted herself to work.

At this juncture, Dai Zhicheng filed for divorce from Yang Lei through a brief text message.

This decision brought a huge blow to Yang Lei, who was preparing for the Spring Festival Gala. She stared at her phone screen in disbelief, repeatedly confirming the cold message: "Let's get a divorce."

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

Yang Lei's world collapsed at that moment, and she couldn't understand why her husband would make such a decision at such a time.

After the Spring Festival Gala, Yang Lei rushed home immediately, hoping to get an explanation from her husband. However, in the face of his wife's questioning, Dai Zhicheng simply stated the facts, and then quickly packed up and left the home where they had lived together for many years.

Looking at her husband's resolute back, Yang Lei understood that this marriage was irretrievable.

The divorce of the two couples has sparked a huge controversy in society. Many people expressed their incomprehension and condemnation of Yuan Yin and Dai Zhicheng's actions. Colleagues in the cross talk industry persuaded Dai Zhicheng one after another, thinking that he not only messed up his seniority by doing so, but also slapped Hou Yaowen in the face.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

However, in the face of all kinds of criticism, Yuan Yin and Dai Zhicheng were extremely determined.

For them, this decision was painful, but necessary. They firmly believe that only in this way can true happiness be pursued. Despite the huge price and the world's eyes, they chose to follow their hearts bravely.

In this storm of feelings, everyone is a victim. Hou Yaowen lost his beloved wife, and Yang Lei lost her husband who had been with her for many years. However, for Yuan Yin and Dai Zhicheng, this may be the only path to happiness.

They knew that this decision would bring harm to the people around them, but they still chose to stick to their choice and bravely shoulder this heavy responsibility for love.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

got rid of the shackles of the original marriage, Yuan Yin and Dai Zhicheng can finally be together openly. In 2004 they had a simple and heartwarming wedding.

There is no luxury hotel, no grand pomp, just inviting both parents to have a home-cooked meal. This decision stems from Dai Zhicheng's desire to protect his new wife, and it also reflects their cherishing of this relationship.

Despite the small scale of the wedding, their union still attracted the attention of the entire music industry. In the face of criticism and doubts from the outside world, Dai Zhicheng chose to prove his sincerity with practical actions.

He cares for Yuan Yin meticulously, even during the performance, he will always keep his mobile phone open and keep in touch with his family at any time. Every time he took a break, he would send a heartwarming text message to Yuan Yin, making her feel her husband's love.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

Not only that, Dai Zhicheng also did his best to take care of his stepdaughter Niuniu. He personally picks up and drops Niuniu to and from school as if he were his own, and actively participates in various school activities.

Niuniu also quickly accepted this new dad and sweetly called him "daddy". The warm picture of this reorganized family can't help but be moved.

Yuan Yin also devoted herself wholeheartedly to her new family life. She chose to take a break from the entertainment industry and focus on taking care of her family. Occasionally, she will return to the screen, such as the TV series "Big Family" in 2012, which shows her profound acting skills.

But more often than not, she enjoys a plain and happy life with Dai Zhicheng.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

Today's Dai Zhicheng is over the age of six, but he is still active on the cross talk stage. In the 2022 Spring Festival Gala, his cooperation with his old friend Jiang Kun once again proved his strength.

In his spare time, his favorite thing is to accompany Yuan Yin, or share the joy of family at home, or stroll the streets to enjoy the sweet time of the two of them. This hard-won happiness makes them cherish it doubly.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Yuan Yin and Dai Zhicheng have gone through eighteen spring and autumn together. Looking back, they couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Their choices, while hurting others, have also allowed them to find true happiness.

This experience made them realize that love is precious, but it should also be based on being responsible for others.

Many years later, I understood why Yuan Yin resolutely left Hou Yaowen and married her nephew Dai Zhicheng

Today, they still maintain a low-key attitude to life. They rarely talk about their emotional experiences in public, but interpret their sincere feelings with practical actions.

This hard-won happiness made them cherish each other more, and also gave them a deeper understanding of life and love.

Eighteen years of companionship not only proved the strength of their relationship, but also drew a successful end to their former choice. Although the turmoil of the past has subsided, they always remember the lessons of this experience and strive to become better people.

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