
Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him
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Text丨Ye Xiaoqi

Editor丨Ye Xiaoqi

Looking at the celebrities who have passed away in the past few years, from Wu Mengda to Zhou Haimei, from Coco Li to Zheng Peipei, they seem to tell us that the memories of the older generation are gradually fading.

Even those who are still alive are mostly no longer as glorious they once were.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are so old that people can't recognize them, but Fei Xiang is still so handsome that he is scum, probably only Hu Bing can compare with him!

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Next, the editor will take you to see the current situation of several of them!

Jackie Chan: Old?

In April this year, Jackie Chan just celebrated his 70th birthday.

On this day, celebrities from all walks of life at home and abroad, as well as actors and friends who have worked together, have sent birthday wishes to Jackie Chan, which is enough to see the status of Jackie Chan's big brother.

But the reason why Jackie Chan has such a status is all because of his hard work.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him
When Jackie Chan was filming a movie, he never used a stand-in, and all the dangerous actions were done by him himself, which also caused him countless injuries.

But it was precisely because of his hard work that he had his current status.

In the face of the blessings of fans and friends, Jackie Chan also replied on Weibo.

However, the title at the beginning of Jackie Chan, "my dearest movie fans and friends all over the world", is really a bit domineering.

Let's just say, such a title, except for Jackie Chan, who dares to say that!

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Regarding the fact that he is 70 years old, Jackie Chan was surprised when he was reminded by others at first, but then he felt that he was lucky.

Because Sammo Hung once said, "It is a lucky thing to be old".

Indeed, judging from Jackie Chan's previous experience of filming and dying, it is indeed a very lucky thing for a martial arts star to be old.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

However, before Jackie Chan's 70th birthday, an oolong incident happened.

At that time, Jackie Chan's big brother with a white beard and white hair was leaked on the Internet, and the whole person was so old that it was almost unrecognizable.

When everyone was lamenting the aging of the kung fu superstar, Jackie Chan responded by saying that this was his appearance in the movie.

Although he has entered the age of 7, he still insists on making movies.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

"Legend" and "Dragon Horse Spirit" have been released, and "Strange Family" with Peng Yuchang and others has also been completed.

All this seems to show that he is still the "desperate Saburo" he used to be!

In addition to Jackie Chan, the current situation of another martial arts superstar Jet Li is also quite embarrassing!

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Let's just say, why did Jet Li get old like this?

Jet Li: The whole body is too old to recognize

After seeing Jet Li's current situation, the editor couldn't believe it for a while.

You must know that Jet Li was not only handsome, but also had outstanding martial arts talent.

After entering the showbiz, it also quickly became popular.

As soon as "Shaolin Temple" was released, it made him popular all over the country.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

The subsequent roles such as Huang Feihong and Chen Zhen made him successfully among the ranks of martial arts superstars.

However, just when he was full of ambition, he was suddenly hit in the head by a thunderbolt from the sky, and he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.

Although he is also actively treating, his body has long been overwhelmed in the successive shootings, which has also made him think about life in a new way at a critical moment.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Because he participated in a Buddhist event in Tibet, he was completely fascinated by Buddhism.

Around May this year, Jet Li's visit to Wutai Mountain to worship Buddha was exposed.

At that time, because he was always supported by someone around him, coupled with his haggard face, rumors circulated on the Internet that he was in poor health.

And judging from the photos taken by netizens, Jet Li's skin is sallow, his eyes are blank, and the wrinkles and age spots on his face are very obvious.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

However, recently, Jet Li was exposed to go on a pilgrimage to Lhasa with his family.

Although the interval is not too long, his state is very different.

On this trip to Lhasa, he went to many temples, and he was still in a place like Lhasa at a super high altitude.

But there was no feeling of tiredness on his face, and he even took pictures with his friends with open hands.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Moreover, he seemed to be overly active during this trip to Lhasa.

As he walked, he pretended that his legs and feet were bad and needed help, and for a while he was bouncing around like a young man, as if to clarify the rumors that he was not in good health.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

is completely different from Jackie Chan and Jet Li, Fei Xiang, even if he is over 60 years old, his figure and appearance can still make people drool!

In other words, isn't Fei Xiang really a person forgotten by the years?

Fei Xiang: A person who has been forgotten by the years?

Seriously, Fei Xiang's appearance and figure are too rebellious, right? Why do you get more attractive the older you get?

More than 30 years ago, he sang a song "A Fire in Winter" on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala, which completely made him popular all over the country, and countless audiences looked at him for thousands of years.

At that time, he was really young and tender, and he was still very tall, and any photo was the existence of a small fresh meat in seconds.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Many years ago, Fei Xiang went to "Happy Camp" as a guest, and he sang a love song to Xie Na in the show.

At that time, his eyes were full of affection, making people feel that Xie Na next to him was really his lover, not too fascinating!

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Last year, "Fengshen Part 1: Chao Song Fengyun" was launched, and he also fascinated countless people in the play.

Wearing armor, he is the domineering business king, and you can feel the sense of oppression he brings through the screen.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

took off his armor, wore a thin shirt and half exposed, and indulged in wanton love with Daji in the wine pond meat forest, and anyone who saw the exposed tendon meat would be confused!

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Even if he is in the same frame as the male god Zhu Yilong in everyone's eyes, not only has he not been compared.

On the contrary, because of his outstanding height and the momentum exuded by his body, he became particularly conspicuous in the crowd, and even made people regard Zhu Yilong as the little brother next to the big guy.

After all, Fei Xiang, who is in a white shirt, black suit and black sunglasses, is really eye-catching!

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

No matter who he is taking pictures with in the same frame, no matter what he does, the first thing everyone notices must be Fei Xiang.

And he is also one of the few actors who is handsome with and without a beard.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

With a beard, he is not only not sloppy, but full of wildness, and his temperament is more prominent, which makes people easy to weaken their legs.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Without a beard, he is more like a domineering president, or a gangster.

And such Fei Xiang, even Beckham is slightly inferior in front of him, and probably only Hu Bing can compete with him.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Hu Bing is definitely a legend in the modeling circle, and his modeling career is simply terrifying.

Now 53-year-old Hu Bing, his state is not bad at all from when he was young!

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

The figure and appearance are still as good as ever, even if he walks on the same stage with young people in his early twenties, he is also the most beautiful boy in the crowd.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

Hu Bing and Fei Xiang have no meal replacement in the entire entertainment industry, which makes people dare to imagine what kind of scene will be such two top male gods in the same frame?

Although there have been no traces of the two in the same frame in recent years, many years ago, these two people really had the experience of being in the same frame, but the picture quality is not clear.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him

But what can be confirmed is that these two people are particularly conspicuous even if they stand in the last row, and it is definitely a feast for Yan Gou!


Judging from the current figure and appearance of the two, fans will most likely not see them become "bad old men".

I have to say that netizens who are fans of them are blessed!

And the reason why they can maintain it so well is inseparable from their self-discipline.

So even if there are some traces of time on their faces, their good temperament still makes them stand out from their peers.

I don't know what you think about this? Welcome to leave your thoughts in the comment area below, if you like the article, remember to like and follow us, see you next time.

Jackie Chan and Jet Li are too old to recognize, Fei Xiang is still handsome and scum, only Hu Bing can compare with him
[Disclaimer] The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.

Information sources:

Sohu Entertainment: 61-year-old Jet Li and 70-year-old Jackie Chan are too old to recognize, and 63-year-old Fei Xiang is still handsome

Sohu Entertainment: Jackie Chan responded to the white-haired style, fans were inexplicably sad, why don't you want to see Jackie Chan getting old?

Sohu Entertainment: Jet Li denied that he needed help to walk! Laughing at netizens with exaggerated behavior

Sohu Entertainment: 61-year-old Jet Li "danced" in the temple, losing the last "decency"

Sohu Entertainment: Cai Lan, whose daughter has dispersed, Fei Xiang, who retires alone

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