
Don't miss this dish in July, one clears the lungs, two protects the eyes, three dispels dampness, and four laxatives, it's a pity that you don't know how to eat

Summer, especially July, is the hottest season of the year with plenty of sunshine, high temperatures, and high humidity. Hot weather often makes people lose their appetite, but in reality, summer is also a great time to enjoy a good meal. At this time, a variety of fresh vegetables and wild vegetables are on the market and become a delicacy on the table. Among them, there is an often overlooked but nutritious wild vegetable - yellow mustache, which is a natural treasure not to be missed in July.

Don't miss this dish in July, one clears the lungs, two protects the eyes, three dispels dampness, and four laxatives, it's a pity that you don't know how to eat

Yellow mustache, scientific name "Suaeda salsa", grows on saline-alkali land and has strong vitality. Despite its ordinary appearance, its nutritional value is very high. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, calcium and other nutrients, and has health effects such as nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs, nourishing the liver and protecting the eyes, clearing away heat and dampness, detoxifying and laxative.

Don't miss this dish in July, one clears the lungs, two protects the eyes, three dispels dampness, and four laxatives, it's a pity that you don't know how to eat

Recommended recipe 1: Steamed yellow mustache

Ingredients: 500 grams of yellow mustache, appropriate amount of cornmeal, appropriate amount of minced garlic, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, appropriate amount of salt.

Specific steps:

1. Prepare the yellow mustache: Pick and wash the yellow mustache, remove impurities, put it in a pot of boiling water, blanch for 30 seconds, remove it to cool, drain the water, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of salt and cooking oil, stir evenly, sprinkle an appropriate amount of cornmeal, and mix well.

2. Steaming: Put the cornmeal wrapped yellow mustache into the steamer, boil the water and steam on high heat for 8 minutes until the yellow mustard is soft.

3. Seasoning: Remove the steamed yellow mustache and put it in a large bowl. Add minced garlic, light soy sauce, sesame oil and salt and stir well. Place the seasoned yellow mustard on a plate and serve.

The method of steaming yellow mustard is simple, and the nutrients of yellow mustard are retained to the greatest extent. The steaming process makes the yellow mustache soft and tender in taste. The addition of minced garlic and light soy sauce not only retains the original flavor of the yellow mustache, but also adds a delicious taste. Pay attention to the heat when steaming, steaming for too long will make the yellow mustache lose its due taste, it is recommended to master it for about 8 minutes.

Don't miss this dish in July, one clears the lungs, two protects the eyes, three dispels dampness, and four laxatives, it's a pity that you don't know how to eat

Recommended recipe 2: Garlic and chili mixed with yellow mustache

Ingredients: 500 grams of yellow mustache, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 red peppers, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, appropriate amount of salt,

Here's how:

1. Prepare the yellow mustache: Pick and wash the yellow mustache, soak it in water for 10 minutes, drain and set aside.

2. Blanching: Blanch the yellow mustache in boiling water for 1 minute, quickly remove it, and put it in ice water to cool to keep its bright green color.

3. Prepare the seasoning: Chop the garlic into minced garlic, cut the red pepper into thin rings, and mix the light soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil and salt in a bowl to make the sauce.

4. Stir the vegetables: Drain the cooled yellow mustard and place it in a large bowl. Add minced garlic and red pepper rings, pour in the prepared sauce, stir well, put the mixed yellow mustard on a plate, and serve.

Don't miss this dish in July, one clears the lungs, two protects the eyes, three dispels dampness, and four laxatives, it's a pity that you don't know how to eat

Garlic and chili peppers mixed with yellow mustache are bright in color and rich in taste. After blanching, the yellow mustache retains its tender taste, and then adds minced garlic and chili rings, which not only adds aroma, but also adds a hint of spiciness, which is very appetizing. In the choice of seasoning, the combination of light soy sauce and vinegar makes the taste more delicious, and the sesame oil adds to the aroma of the dish. When blanching yellow mustache, the time should not be too long, 1 minute is enough, so as not to affect the taste and nutrition.

Don't miss this dish in July, one clears the lungs, two protects the eyes, three dispels dampness, and four laxatives, it's a pity that you don't know how to eat

Although often overlooked, yellow mustard is a rare natural product in July. Not only is it highly nutritious, but it also has a variety of health benefits. By simply steaming or cold dressing, you can enjoy the delicious taste of yellow mustache and absorb rich nutrients, which is a delicacy on the summer table. I hope that when you meet it in July, you will try it more often, no longer treat it as a weed, but savor this gift of nature with your heart.

[Personal opinion, for reference only!] This article is original by "Show Chef Niang", the article and pictures are copyrighted, please do not plagiarize, delete, or misappropriate without permission, and infringement must be investigated! 】

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