
The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China

author:Sitong moved to the national chain company

Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind

Forge ahead and build the Chinese dream together

The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China

Sitong moving party branch party building activities


Sitong moving party building activities

2024 marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, stimulate the patriotism of all employees, show the positive and progressive spirit of Sitong Moving, and present a gift to the party's birthday, on July 1, the party branch of Sitong moving held a party day activity with the theme of "not forgetting the original intention, keeping in mind the mission, forging ahead, and building the Chinese dream together" at the Beijing headquarters, aiming to enhance the cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity of the party organization, carry forward the great spirit of party building, inherit the red gene, stimulate patriotic feelings, and strengthen the mission. Enhance the sense of political responsibility and historical mission of Sitong Moving, and unswervingly feel the party's kindness, listen to the party's words, and follow the party.

The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China
The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China
The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China

At the beginning of the event, Qin Huaitao, secretary of the Party branch of Sitong Moving, delivered a speech, pointing out: "On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we will carry out a joint theme party day activity, and I hope that everyone will take this theme party day activity as an opportunity to actively transform the spiritual power demonstrated in our party's centennial journey into a powerful driving force to promote the high-quality development of various work." In the future development, the Sitong Party branch will continue to work hard, unite around, gather confidence, respond to the call of the country, assume social responsibility, lead party members and party activists, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, help Sitong cause, and create brilliance!"

The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China

Don't forget the original intention

Keep the mission in mind

The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China

Qin Huaitao, secretary of the party branch of Sitong Moving, led all party members, activists and backbone employees to actively expand the learning form of party building through a variety of activities, and stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm and sense of responsibility of party members.

With novel and entertaining game activities such as "Party History Knowledge Contest Q&A", "Revisiting the Long March Road Game", and "Sing Red Songs", we have an in-depth understanding of the party's development process and important achievements, and have witnessed the party's struggle.

The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China
The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China
The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China
The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China

A series of wonderful activities not only allowed everyone to fully appreciate the unique charm of red songs, but also profoundly enhanced the understanding of party history and party conditions, and also enhanced the communication and unity between party members, activists and key employees. The power of the red song is endless, inspiring us to always strive for the cause of communism.

President Zhang Guihe firmly said in his speech that Sitong Mobile will unswervingly develop the enterprise under the strong leadership of the party.

The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China
The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China
The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China
The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China

In the red song, time flies. Towards the end, all the cadres and workers sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", conveying their infinite love for the party and the motherland with their singing, and affectionately explaining the ideal of fighting for the party's cause for life.

Finally, Sitong Moving wishes our party prosperity, eternal youth, prosperity and prosperity, and hope for the harmony of the family and the country.

The party's kindness is deep, and the party celebrates July 1st Sitong moving party branch presents China

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