
From a desperate housewife to a winner in life

Life is like an unknown journey, sometimes sunny, sometimes stormy. And for me, Su Xiaoya, a 30-year-old divorced woman, this journey has just ushered in the most thrilling turn. After the divorce, I went to my beloved, but I didn't expect to have a child who was pregnant with my ex-husband......

My name is Su Xiaoya and I am 30 years old. I was tall, but slightly emaciated, as if my spine had been bent by the weight of life. A long silky hair was casually draped over her shoulders, but she had lost her former luster, and there was a trace of tiredness in her eyes that could not be concealed. The contours of my melon seed face are still exquisite, like a carefully carved work of art, but the fair skin now looks a little pale, as if it has been covered with a layer of dust by time.

From a desperate housewife to a winner in life

My husband Zhao Yifei and I used to be an enviable couple. We met in the library of the university campus, and on that sunny afternoon, Zhao Yifei's eyes accidentally fell on me who was reading carefully, and at that moment, it seemed as if time was frozen for us. The love in college was pure and beautiful, and we walked along the campus paths together, pouring out each other's dreams and hearts. After graduating, we entered the palace of marriage hand in hand with great longing, vowing to be together for the rest of our lives.

However, as time goes by, the trivialities and stresses of life gradually wear down the feelings between us. Zhao Yifei began to work overtime frequently for his career, and the time to go home was getting later and later. At first, I tried to understand him, silently took on all the affairs of the family, laundry, cooking, cleaning, and I tried to maintain the warmth of this home with my own hands. But gradually, I found that Zhao Yifei cared less and less about me, and even when I was sick and bedridden, he only gave a few perfunctory greetings and left in a hurry.

By chance, when I was helping Zhao Yifei organize his clothes, I found an ambiguous text message between him and a female colleague on his mobile phone. At that moment, my world seemed to collapse in an instant, and my whole body trembled. I clutched my phone tightly with trembling hands, my eyes filled with disbelief and despair. When I questioned Zhao Yifei with my mobile phone, he just said indifferently: "This is just a communication at work, don't think nonsense." His eyes dodged, not daring to look me in the eye.

I didn't believe his explanation and decided to investigate secretly. I found that Zhao Yifei often went in and out of various places with that female colleague, and the suspicion in my heart became more and more serious. Just when I was about to collect more evidence, Zhao Yifei suddenly became kind to me, bought me gifts, and ate with me, which made me think that I had misunderstood him.

But it didn't take long for me to find out that Zhao Yifei secretly bought expensive jewelry for that female colleague. This time, my heart was completely cold, and I knew that our marriage had come to an end, and all the vows and promises we had made had come to naught. On a quiet night, moonlight shining through the window on the cold floor, I calmly said to Zhao Yifei, "Let's get a divorce." Zhao Yifei didn't hold back too much, but said lightly: "Okay, the property will be distributed according to the law." There was no trace of guilt or reluctance in his tone, as if this marriage had long been a burden for him.

After the divorce, I sat alone in an empty room, tears streaming uncontrollably. I looked out the window at the starry sky, and my heart was full of confusion and pain. "Why is my life like this? What exactly am I doing wrong? I muttered to myself. I think of the pain and struggle of Luo Zijun when he divorced in the TV series "The First Half of My Life", and I feel that I have a similar fate with Luo Zijun. But I also told myself that I couldn't feel sorry for myself like Luo Zijun did at the beginning, and I had to stand up bravely again. I knew that life had to go on, and I couldn't just be defeated.

In the days after the divorce, it was as if I had fallen into an endless dark abyss. Every morning when I wake up and face an empty room, the loss and pain in my heart come flooding in. What was once a home full of warmth and laughter is now cold and silent. My whole being was in a deep haze.

My eyes, which had been bright, were now bloodshot, as if they had been soaked in endless tears. There was endless sadness in his eyes, it was a pain that went deep into the bone marrow, and people couldn't help but feel pity when they saw it. The originally ruddy lips also became chapped and chapped, losing their former beauty, and the whole person looked haggard, like a flower that had lost its moisture.

I shut myself in my room every day, reluctant to go out or interact with people. The curtains in the room are always drawn tightly to prevent a ray of sunlight from penetrating. Memories keep coming like a tide, and the bits and pieces of the past and Zhao Yifei linger in my mind. I remembered that we used to walk together on the beach, stepping on the soft sand, leaving a series of footprints that accompanied each other; I think of us watching the sunrise together at the top of the mountain, and when the first rays of sunlight shine on our faces, we made a vow to each other. However, those good times are now gone, leaving only endless pain and memories.

"Am I really not worthy of love?" I often ask myself that. I began to doubt my worth and felt like a failure. I feel that I have given everything in exchange for such an ending, is there something I have not done well enough? Are you not beautiful enough, gentle enough, and considerate enough? I fell into deep self-denial.

Neighbors and friends also began to talk about it. Some people say I'm too weak to keep men; Some people say that I am not smart enough to see Zhao Yifei's true face. These comments were like a sharp sword that pierced my heart. Whenever I walk in the community, I always feel that someone is pointing at me behind my back, and those strange eyes make me feel extremely depressed and painful.

One day, my best friend Lin Yue came to see me. As soon as Lin Yue entered the door, when she saw me like this, she was so distressed that tears were about to fall. There was a dreary atmosphere in the room, littered with messy laundry and untidy dishes.

Lin Yue walked up to me, hugged me gently, and said, "Xiaoya, you can't go on like this anymore. Divorce is not the end of the world, you have to cheer up! I just wept silently and didn't respond. I felt like I didn't have the strength to face it all anymore and I didn't know how to start over.

From a desperate housewife to a winner in life

Lin Yue pulled me out of the room and took me shopping and eating. In the process of shopping, I unexpectedly met Zhao Yifei and his new girlfriend, and the scene was extremely embarrassing. Zhao Yifei's new girlfriend also deliberately showed off in front of me, which made my mood fall to the bottom again.

However, this blow also made me realize that I can't go on like this. is like Jiao Yanyan in the TV series "Divorce Lawyer", who lost herself after the divorce, but finally managed to get out of the shadows. I told myself that I couldn't keep being depressed. I want to rediscover my life, the self that I used to be full of confidence and sunshine.

After that dark day, on a sunny morning, I woke up from my slumber and suddenly felt that I could no longer live in such a mess. I pulled back the curtains so hard that the warm, dazzling sunlight poured into the room without reservation. At that moment, I seemed to see a glimmer of hope in life, a weak but determined force that quietly took root in my heart.

I stared at the haggard, godless self in the mirror and secretly resolved to change completely. I am no longer the Su Xiaoya who was defeated by life and collapsed, I want to reinvent myself and let myself glow with new vitality and vitality.

I first walked into the barber shop and without hesitation cut off the long hair that had been with me for many years. When the strands of hair fell to the ground, I seemed to shake off the heaviness and restraint of the past. The new short hairstyle makes me look more capable and energetic, as if a new me is about to break out of the cocoon.

Then, I went to the mall, and instead of being as hesitant as I used to, I decisively selected a series of colorful and fashionable clothes. What I used to think was too flamboyant and too flamboyant to try has now become a symbol of my courage to challenge myself. I started to pay attention to my makeup, waking up early every morning to meticulously draw every detail and make my face glow with a glamorous glow.

"I can't be bound by the past anymore, I want to live for myself!" I said firmly to myself in the mirror. These words of self-encouragement have become a source of motivation for me every day.

I signed up for various training courses to improve my professional skills. Whether it's strategic analysis of marketing or human resource management skills, I am fully engaged in learning. Every morning, when the city is still asleep, I am already sitting at my desk, reading professional books carefully; At night, when the lights of thousands of homes are gradually extinguished, I am still reviewing the day's learning content under the desk lamp.

In this process of continuous improvement, I have made many like-minded friends. They come from different industries and have their own unique experiences and stories, but they all have a positive heart and strive for progress. Together, we exchange ideas, share experiences, encourage and support each other.

During a panel discussion at a training session, I boldly offered my unique perspective on a complex case. I articulated my point of view in a clear and coherent manner, and the arguments were strong and well-founded, which won the applause and appreciation of all the members of the group. At that moment, I felt more confident and satisfied than I had ever felt before. "It turns out that I can be so good!" A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth, a joy and pride from the bottom of my heart.

However, fate always seems to like to put up unexpected obstacles when people are just seeing hope. Just when I thought everything was going well, I suddenly received a notice from the training course that the course might be suspended due to funding issues. This sudden news sent me into a state of anxiety and unease.

I started looking around for other similar training courses, asking my friends and teachers for advice and new ways to learn. During that time, I was busy collecting information and contacting agencies almost every day, not missing a single possible opportunity.

This reminds me of Su Mingyu in "It's All Good", in the face of all kinds of difficulties and challenges in life, she always persevered, and finally changed her fate through her own efforts and hard work. I believe that I can do it myself, and I am no longer the woman who hides in the corner and cries secretly, but a warrior who bravely pursues her dreams and constantly challenges herself.

As time went on, my hard work and persistence began to pay off. Not only did I find new training courses to continue to improve my professional skills, but I also had new opportunities in my work.

From a desperate housewife to a winner in life

My hard work has finally paid off. In an internal project tender, I successfully won an important project with my excellent plan and excellent speech.

It was an extremely competitive bidding process. Among the many excellent competitors, I know that I must demonstrate unique strengths and outstanding abilities in order to stand out.

On the day of the tender, I woke up early and carefully selected a proper professional attire. I wore light makeup and looked smart and confident. The moment I walked into the conference room, I felt that everyone's eyes were on me, but I didn't have the slightest nervousness or stage fright.

On stage, I clearly explained my plan, and every detail was very thoughtful. My voice was firm and powerful, and my eyes were full of confidence and professionalism. In the face of questions and questions from the audience, I can also calmly respond to them, and give satisfactory answers in concise and clear language.

The project went smoothly and I put my leadership and expertise to good use. I led the team to overcome one challenge after another and completed all phases of the project on time and with high quality. My work ability has been highly recognized by my leaders and praised by my colleagues.

At the company's general meeting, the leader publicly praised me for my outstanding performance and announced that I would be given the opportunity to be promoted. My colleagues congratulated me, and I felt extremely proud and satisfied.

However, just as I was about to be promoted, there were rumors circulating within the company that I had obtained the project by improper means. This took a big toll on my reputation and put my promotion in jeopardy.

I knew that there must be someone behind these rumors, but I didn't choose to back down and run away. I decided to prove my innocence and ability with practical actions.

At the same time, in the painting interest class I participated in in my spare time, my work was also highly praised by the teacher. My teacher thought that I had a unique artistic talent and creativity, and suggested that I participate in some art exhibitions to show my talent.

I feel that my life is gradually becoming more fulfilling and better. This is like Andy in "Ode to Joy", with his talent and hard work, he has gained success and respect in the workplace.

I know that all this is not easy to come by, and I have paid countless sweat and hard work in exchange. But I also understand that this is just a new starting point, and there are more challenges and opportunities waiting for me in the future.

At an industry exchange meeting, I met a man named Lin Zekai. He is tall and handsome, with elegant manners, and a well-tailored suit sets off his extraordinary temperament. His deep eyes seem to be able to penetrate people's hearts, and people can't help but want to fall into them.

We met by chance at the exchange meeting, and because we had a strong interest in the same industry topic, we began to exchange ideas enthusiastically. Lin Zekai found that I was not only smart and clever, but also had a unique point of view and a deep and comprehensive understanding of the industry. And I was also attracted by Lin Zekai's maturity and profound knowledge.

After the meeting, Lin Zekai took the initiative to ask for my contact information and began to contact me frequently. We ate together, in the cozy restaurant, sharing each other's life and work experiences. Watching a movie together, in the dark movie theater, each other's hands inadvertently touched each other, and the slightest ripple appeared in their hearts. Walking together, on the tranquil park path, the breeze on our faces and the laughter of the two echoed in the air.

As time went on, our feelings gradually warmed up. Lin Zekai will bring me a warm cup of coffee in addition to my busy work; When I encounter difficulties, they will be there for me as soon as possible to give support and encouragement.

However, just as I began to slowly open my heart and prepare to accept this relationship, I unexpectedly found that Lin Zekai's mother was not satisfied with me, thinking that I was divorced and not worthy of my son.

Lin Zekai tried to maneuver between my mother and me, trying to resolve the conflict. But I still have concerns in my heart. I was afraid of being hurt again and didn't dare to get involved in the relationship easily. The failure of my previous marriage has left me with lingering palpitations, and I am afraid that this time it will be an empty joy again.

Once, Lin Zekai carefully prepared a romantic dinner and confessed to me in the flickering candlelight. I hesitated for a long time and finally said, "I'm not ready, give me a little time." Lin Zekai understood my concerns, just gently held my hand and said, "I will wait for you." ”

This reminds me of Zhao Mosheng's hesitation and entanglement in the face of He Yichen's feelings in "Why Yisheng Xiaomo". I knew that I couldn't run away from it all the time, I had to be brave enough to face my heart.

Over time, I had an important opportunity to move up the ranks, but it also meant that I needed to invest more time and energy. At this time, my relationship with Lin Zekai has also reached a critical stage.

The company decided to open up a new market and needed a competent and experienced person to take charge of the project. With my previous performances, I was the perfect choice for this project. However, this project requires me to travel a lot, and the time I spend with Lin Zekai will be greatly reduced.

I was in a dilemma and didn't know what to choose. On the one hand, I aspire to achieve more in my career, and this promotion opportunity is crucial for me and is the result of my years of hard work.

On the other hand, I don't want to miss Lin Zekai, I am afraid that I will alienate each other's feelings because of work and lose this hard-won love.

Just when I was hesitating, a competitor suddenly appeared in the company, and the other party was also eyeing this promotion opportunity, and made small moves behind the scenes, trying to destroy my image and work results.

After much deliberation, I decided to be brave enough to face my heart. I approached Lin Zekai and told him frankly about my thoughts and concerns. In a cozy café, I nervously stirred the coffee in my hand and said slowly: "Zekai, I have received a very important work task, it may be very busy, we will spend less time together, I don't know what to do." Lin Zekai looked at me with a smile, his eyes were full of understanding and support, and said, "I support your decision, whether you choose a career or me, I will always be by your side." ”

Hearing Lin Zekai's words, my heart was full of emotion and warmth. Eventually, I accepted the opportunity for promotion, and at the same time, I also established a relationship with Lin Zekai.

In the days that followed, I struggled to balance work and relationships. I gave my best in my work and showed great ability and leadership. In addition to my busy work, I also find time to get together with Lin Zekai and share our lives.

is like Li Siyu in "Dear Yourself", trying to find a balance between career and love and achieve self-growth. In the process, I became more mature and stronger.

However, fate always seems to like to make waves when it seems to be calm. I was exhausted by the ups and downs of the divorce, and at that moment, I was even more overwhelmed by the unexpected news that I found out I was pregnant.

The arrival of this little life was completely unexpected by me, and for a while, my heart was full of mixed feelings. I was pleasantly surprised, but also full of fear and confusion. I didn't know how to deal with this new life, and I didn't know if I could afford to raise him on my own. I was afraid that my child would suffer because I was not strong enough alone, and I was afraid that he would be hurt because he did not have a complete family.

However, when I felt the faint but tenacious beating of life in my belly, a maternal instinct arose in my heart. I decided to be strong for the sake of my children, no matter how difficult it was.

The news also reached Zhao Yifei, who actually proposed to get back together, saying that we should be together again for the sake of the children. But I know that our relationship has broken down and there is no way to go back to the way it was.

After Lin Zekai learned about this situation, he did not flinch in the slightest, but stayed by my side more firmly. He said that he was willing to meet this little life with me and take on the responsibility of the future together.

With the support of Lin Zekai, I have strengthened my determination. I want to work hard for my children, for myself, and for our future.

Pregnancy was not easy, and I had to deal with various challenges at work while taking care of myself and my baby. Lin Zekai always cares about me meticulously, accompanies me to prenatal checkups, and prepares nutritious food for me.

From a desperate housewife to a winner in life

But life's trials don't stop there. During a prenatal check-up, the doctor informed me that the baby might have some health problems that required further observation and examination. This made my already nervous mood even heavier, and I couldn't sleep every night.

Lin Zekai has been comforting me and encouraging me to believe that the child will be fine. Together, we consult the information, consult the experts, and let go of any possible hope.

In the days of waiting for the results of the examination, there were also some tricky problems at work. The project partners suddenly put forward some demanding requirements, which brought the whole project to an impasse. I endured both physical and psychological stress and struggled to find a solution.

Finally, the test results came back and the child was fine. At that moment, I cried tears of joy and felt that all the hard work was worth it.

In terms of work, through my unremitting efforts and teamwork, I also successfully solved the problems with my partners, and the project was successfully promoted.

As my pregnancy grew, my belly grew bigger and my mobility became more and more difficult. But I continued to work until my due date approached, and I didn't start my maternity leave.

On a quiet night, I felt the pain of labor. Lin Zekai rushed me to the hospital, and after a long and painful labor process, I finally ushered in the birth of a new life.

Looking at the child's pink little face, my heart was filled with endless tenderness and love. I know that there is still a long way to go, but I have the courage and confidence to face everything.

In the company of Lin Zekai, my child and I spent a warm confinement period. After that, I went back to work and continued to pursue my career dreams.

And Lin Zekai and I, with our children, walked together towards our happy future.

My tortuous journey from the breakdown of my marriage to my awakening, growth, and then to a new life and a new future.

My experience reflects the realities of many women in today's society. In marriage, women often give a lot for the family, but they may face emotional deterioration and betrayal. Zhao Yifei's behavior reflects the imbalance between career and family, as well as the neglect and infidelity of some people, which is a microcosm of the instability of family relationships in the fast-paced life of modern society.

My depression and self-doubt after the divorce also reflect the pressure of public opinion on divorced women, as well as the external influences that women may be affected by in their self-worth. The discussion and strange eyes of the people around her exacerbated the pain in her heart.

However, my awakening and conversion gave us hope. She has worked hard to improve herself and succeed in the workplace, demonstrating the independence and resilience of the modern woman. Her experience teaches us that women should not be defined by the failure of their marriage, but by their ability to achieve self-worth through their own efforts.

The twists and turns in my relationship with Lin Zekai, including the resistance from my family, also reflect the many tests that love faces in reality. But in the end, they overcome difficulties together and welcome a new life, which shows us the power of love and the meaning of perseverance.

Overall, the story of Shu reminds us that whether we face marital setbacks, societal pressures, or personal hardships, we must have the courage to get back on our feet and firmly pursue our own happiness and worth. At the same time, it also calls on the society to give more understanding, support and respect to women!

Finally, thank you all for your support!


From a desperate housewife to a winner in life