
looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71
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looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

In the long history of Chinese film, there is a once bright but rapidly declining star - Cao Ying. Her beauty is not inferior to that of the film star Wang Xiaotang at that time, and she is fortunate to partner with the famous actor Wang Xingang.

Surprisingly, however, her screen career came to an abrupt end with only two productions.

Cao Ying, who was born in 1930, should have shined in her most brilliant years, but passed away quietly at the age of 71, leaving countless unsolved mysteries. Her life is like a wonderful but short movie, and the screen has gone dark while the audience is still immersed in her charm.

What is it that makes this actress with unlimited potential leave the mark of only two works on the screen? Let's uncover this long-sealed past and explore Cao Ying's short and legendary acting life.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

The impressive name of Cao Ying originally belonged to a Sichuan girl named Zhang Yuanrui. In 1930, she fell to the ground in Chengdu, as if she was destined to become associated with art.

She has had a strong interest in acting since she was a child, and with her natural beauty and love for the stage, she took the first step to chase her dream at the age of 17 - she was admitted to the Drama Department of Chengdu Nanhong Art School.

After graduating, Cao Ying did not stop. She first made a name for herself at the Chengdu Chinese Art Theater, and then joined the Combat Drama Club of the Southwest Military Region to sharpen her acting skills in military life.

In the mid-fifties of the last century, the opportunity came to her and she joined the Chongqing Repertory Drama Society, and soon became a pillar.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

On the stage, Cao Ying seems to have endless energy and talent. She has created one unforgettable character after another for the audience: the stubborn Hua Jin in "The Wilderness", the complex Si Feng in "Thunderstorm", the glamorous Xi Shi in "Brave Sword", and the strong Jane Eyre in "Jane Eyre".

Every role seems to be tailor-made for her, and she uses superb acting skills to interpret these characters vividly, winning the applause and praise of the audience.

However, Cao Ying's talent is not limited to the stage. When the opportunity came in 1957, she ushered in her screen debut "Five Colders". This work, produced by Bayi Film Studio and directed by Yan Jizhou, became an important turning point in Cao Ying's acting career.

In "Five Colds", Cao Ying played a character with a rich personality and full of contradictions - Qiaofeng. The image of the little widow of the landlord's family is both bold and spicy and infatuated and melancholy, and Cao Ying perfectly shows the complex heart of the character with her delicate performance, which leaves a deep impression on the audience.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

The success of "Five Colds" seems to indicate that Cao Ying's acting career is about to take off. However, fate often makes people. This work that made her an instant hit, but it also laid hidden dangers for her future acting career.

Cao Ying's talent is undoubted, but the torrent of the times has pushed her in an unexpected direction.

In this way, Cao Ying's acting career extended from the stage to the screen, although it was short-lived, it bloomed with dazzling light. Her story is like an unfinished symphony, leaving endless reverie and regret for future generations.

The release of "Five Colders" in 1957 was like a bright meteor, crossing the night sky of Chinese films, and also left an indelible mark on Cao Ying's acting career.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

This work, directed by Yan Jizhou, explores the complex emotional entanglement between the revolutionary soldier and the little widow of the landlord in a bold and innovative way, which caused quite a stir in the social environment of the time.

In the film, Qiao Feng played by Cao Ying is a charismatic but contradictory character. She is beautiful and moving on the outside, but she carries unspeakable pain and struggle on the inside.

With her keen insight and delicate performance, Cao Ying vividly shows Qiaofeng's complex psychological world. Whether it is the infatuation and loss when facing her sweetheart Luo Wenchuan, or the pretending frivolous posture when she is misunderstood, Cao Ying has just the right handle, so that the audience seems to be able to touch the ups and downs of the character's heart.

There are several scenes in the film that are particularly noteworthy. When Qiaofeng said goodbye to Luo Wenchuan with tears, Cao Ying had tears in her eyes, but she forced a smiling expression on her face, portraying the contradictions and pain in the characters' hearts very well.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

In the face of Luo Wenchuan's indifference, the vulnerability hidden under Qiaofeng's pretended tough posture was also interpreted by Cao Ying as distressing. Her every look and every micro-expression appropriately conveys the emotions of the characters, allowing the audience to be involuntarily drawn into this complex emotional whirlpool.

Cao Ying's performance not only shows her excellent acting skills, but also reflects her deep understanding of the role. She has succeeded in creating an image that is not only in line with the characteristics of the times, but also full of human brilliance.

The reason why the character of Qiaofeng was able to impress the audience was largely due to Cao Ying's wonderful interpretation. She allows the audience to see a living person, not just a symbolic character.

However, it was the success of this role that brought unexpected trouble to Cao Ying. The film's sympathetic depiction of the landlord's widow sparked fierce controversy in the social environment of the time.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

Some commentators have suggested that this depiction is suspected of glorifying the landlord class and is a "big poisonous weed." This controversy was like a sudden storm that directly affected Cao Ying's acting career.

Although her performance was recognized by the audience, the controversial nature of the role itself caused her to fall into the whirlpool of public opinion. This undoubtedly brought a heavy blow to Cao Ying, who was on the rise.

was supposed to be a new starting point for her acting career, but it became the source of her future setbacks.

"Five Colds" has thus become a double-edged sword in Cao Ying's acting career. It made Cao Ying famous overnight, showing her extraordinary acting charm, but it also made her development road bumpy because of the controversy.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

This movie is not only the starting point of Cao Ying's star career, but also the key to the turning point of her future fate.

Looking back on "Five Watches", we can't help but sigh at the contradiction between Cao Ying's talent and the times. She interprets a complex character with a delicate and profound performance, but pays a heavy price because of the controversial nature of the role.

This may be the eternal tension between art and reality, and Cao Ying has become a victim of this tension.

The release of the movie "Mengyuan Sha" in 1960 opened a new page in Cao Ying's acting career. This work, directed by Wang Ping, a female director of Bayi Factory, not only gave Cao Ying the opportunity to show different acting paths, but also gave her the honor to cooperate with Wang Xingang, a hot actor at the time, and became his little-known screen partner.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

In "Mengyuan Sha", Cao Ying played a completely different role from "Five Colds" - the female spy Dao Ailing. The setting of this character is full of elements of female spies common on screens at the time: bewitching appearance, treacherous scheming, and dangerous charm.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Cao Ying, but with her excellent plasticity, she perfectly interprets this challenging role.

Cao Ying's image of Dao Ailing is very visually impactful. Her shiny curly hair, slender eyebrows, bright red lips, and colorful costumes all show the enchanting charm of this character.

Cao Ying successfully created the image of a cunning female spy through carefully designed details such as walking posture, smoking posture and crossed legs. Her every look and every movement reveals the danger and temptation of the character.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

Although compared with the performance in "Five Colders", Cao Ying's acting skills in "Mengyuan Sand" are slightly exaggerated, relying more on external expressions. But her beautiful face and graceful figure still left a deep impression on the audience.

Her Dao Ailing, like Lu Lizhu's role as Liu Nina in "The Eternal Wave", became a typical female spy image representative on the screen of that era.

However, it is a pity that "Mengyuan Sha" has become Cao Ying's screen swan song. This work, which was supposed to be a new starting point for her acting career, became her farewell to the big screen.

The reason for this is largely influenced by the previous controversy of "Five Colds".

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

Although Cao Ying showed her excellent acting skills and strong adaptability to the role in "Mengyuan Sha", this work did not bring her more performance opportunities.

In contrast, her partner Wang Xingang took this movie to the next level and became a hot actor at the time.

"Mengyuan Sha" thus became the end of Cao Ying's acting career, and also made her miss out on Wang Xingang, a potential golden partner. This is undoubtedly a big regret in the history of Chinese films.

If fate favors us, maybe we are talking about not only Wang Xingang today, but also Cao Ying, who is as famous as him.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

Looking back on "Mengyuan Sand", we can't help but sigh at Cao Ying's talent and potential. She proved her acting strength and role adaptability with two works with very different styles.

However, the trick of fate made this bright pearl that could become a superstar in the film industry, and finally had to withdraw from the stage gloomily, leaving infinite regrets and conjectures.

The end of "Mengyuan Sand" also announced the end of Cao Ying's short and brilliant screen career. Although she only has two film works, the acting skills and potential she has shown should have given her the opportunity to become a superstar like Wang Xiaotang.

However, fate made Cao Ying's acting career come to an abrupt end at the most brilliant moment.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

The main reason for this situation is the role of Qiaofeng she played in "Five Colds". This controversial role has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life, and has even been publicly criticized by some people.

Some people think that the sympathetic depiction of the little widow of the landlord's family in the film is suspected of beautifying the landlord class and is a "big poisonous weed". Cao Ying was implicated as a result and had to face public criticism.

This turmoil seriously affected her acting career and caused her to miss her golden creative period as an actress.

In that special era, Cao Ying's talent was buried, and her acting dream was forced to be shelved. It wasn't until the end of the special era that Cao Ying was able to restore her reputation.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

However, at this time, she has missed the best age to perform, and it is difficult for her to return to the big screen. Time flies, and the once glamorous and talented screen goddess can only silently watch her youth and dreams pass away together.

In 1984, at the age of 55, Cao Ying resolutely decided to quit the entertainment industry, ending her short but brilliant acting career. After retirement, Cao Ying and her husband Chen Guangyu (the eldest brother of the famous literary critic and dramatist Chen Huangmei) lived a simple life.

The once dazzling star quietly withdrew from the public's sight, as if a meteor crossed the night sky for a brief but brilliant moment, and then disappeared into the vast night.

In 2001, a piece of news quietly spread: Cao Ying, the former goddess of the screen, died of illness at the age of 71. , an actress who was once as famous as Wang Xiaotang and was known as "not inferior to Wang Xiaotang in appearance", finally left only two works on the screen.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

Her departure makes people sigh at the impermanence of fate.

Looking back on Cao Ying's life, it is not difficult for us to find that she is a talented actor who has been delayed by the times. She has outstanding appearance, superb acting skills, and strong character shaping ability.

Whether it is the moving Qiaofeng in "Five Colds", or the enchanting and cunning Dao Ailing in "Mengyuan Sand", they all show her amazing acting skills and strong plasticity.

However, it was precisely because she created a highly controversial role in "Five Colds" that her acting career came to an abrupt end. This is undoubtedly a big regret in the history of Chinese films.

looks as good as Wang Xiaotang, Wang Xingang's old partner, who only acted in two movies, died at the age of 71

If it weren't for that turmoil, maybe we would be talking about not only Wang Xiaotang today, but also Cao Ying, who is as famous as him.

Although Cao Ying's screen career was short, the two works she left behind still have a place in the history of Chinese cinema. Her story has also become a microcosm of that special era, allowing us to see the profound impact of the changes of the times on personal destiny.

Cao Ying's legend is like an unfinished song, leaving endless reverie and regret for future generations.

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