
Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

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History repeats itself

History repeats itself

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92


He is the actor on the screen and the hero in reality.

Wang Xingang, the once popular movie superstar, used his life to interpret what true responsibility and love are.

For 64 years, he took care of his sick wife without regrets, and silently dedicated himself outside the spotlight.

What kind of twists and turns has his legendary life experienced? And what made him just want to return to his homeland in his old age?

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

Emerging edge: The pride of the sky stepped into the film industry

At the end of the 40s of the 20th century, a young man named Wang Xingang entered the palace of performing arts with a dream.

At that time, he was handsome and chic, and his aura was magnificent, as if he was born to belong to the screen.

His appearance, like a rising star, illuminated the film industry at that time and attracted the attention of countless fans.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

Who would have thought that Wang Xingang's original ideal was not acting.

His father paved the way for him to become a financier, and the future was smooth.

However, the fire in my heart, the love for performing arts, can never be extinguished.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

The throbbing of his heart drove him to make the first important decision in his life - at the age of 17, he resolutely enlisted in the army, joined the repertory troupe, and began his legendary acting career.

The two years in the repertory theatre are the prologue of Wang Xingang's acting career, and it is also a critical period for him to sharpen his skills.

He studied hard, watered his talent with sweat, and absorbed the nutrients of acting like a sponge.

His talent took root like a seed in this fertile soil and quickly grew into an excellent actor.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

When he was photographed by the director and invited to appear in the movie, a new stage beckoned to him, and an era that belonged to him was slowly kicking off.

However, in the face of the temptation of fame and fortune, Wang Xingang was not moved.

"Making movies is not the same as making dramas, if it's just for money, then I won't go."

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

His answer shows an actor's ethics and awe for art.

In his heart, acting is a sacred and noble cause that cannot be tarnished just for money.

In the end, under the orders of the leader, he embarked on the road to the male god of the screen, but his original intention has never changed.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

Legend of Light and Shadow: Interpreting "Male God" and "Villain"

In the fifties and sixties of the last century, Wang Xingang quickly became a well-known screen idol with his handsome appearance and superb acting skills.

Every character he portrayed left a deep impression on the audience and became a lingering memory in the hearts of a generation.

A heroic soldier, an elegant scholar...... He seems to be able to perfectly control all positive images, and every frame is condensed with his sweat and hard work.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

However, a bold attempt brought Wang Xingang to another peak of his acting career, and also added a different color to his acting career.

In the movie "The Eternal Wave", he played a villain role who is very different from his previous image - the traitor Yao Wei.

In order to interpret this role, he completely subverted his screen image: with a back head, a mustache, oily head and a powdery face, all of his gestures reveal hypocrisy and insidiousness.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

He is like a multi-faceted Rubik's Cube, showing his diverse performance aspects.

This outrageous interpretation was resisted and misunderstood by some audiences at first.

After all, in those days, the audience was more accustomed to his positive, glossy image.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

But Wang Xingang faced it calmly, he knew that the mission of actors is to explore, break through, and explore the complexity and diversity of human nature.

"Being able to play different types of roles and be recognized, that's enough for me."

Many years later, when people mentioned the role of Yao Wei again, they all praised Wang Xingang's courage and talent.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

The vivid and three-dimensional villain image has become an indelible classic in Chinese film history.

See the sun through the clouds: hand in hand, the willows and flowers are bright

Just when Wang Xingang's career was in full swing and thousands of favors were gathered in one, his life ushered in a huge test.

His beloved wife Yang Zhaocai suddenly fell seriously ill and was unable to take care of herself, which was undoubtedly a blow to the couple.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

Faced with the sudden blow of fate, they fell into despair and confusion for a while.

But in the face of his wife's illness, Wang Xingang made another major choice in his life - he resolutely bid farewell to the spotlight, returned to the family, and took care of his wife wholeheartedly.

This care is a full five years.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

In the past five years, he has put down all his work and his career, just to be able to be by his wife's side and give her the most solid support and care.

In the past five years, he has led his wife out of the haze of pain with meticulous care and unwavering love.

He was like a beacon that illuminated his wife's path; He is like a mountain, sheltering his wife from the wind and rain.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

When Yang Zhaocai finally recovered, Wang Xingang returned to the familiar film and television circle.

This time, he is more mature, more intelligent, and his acting skills are more sophisticated.

And behind this is his perception of life, his understanding of love, and his insight into human nature.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

Twilight Fluorescent: The curtain call for a palace-level artist

In the years after returning to the film and television industry, Wang Xingang once again created countless classic roles, and he was also known as a "palace-level artist" and won numerous honors.

His name, like a monument, stands in the long history of the Chinese film industry.

However, at the other peak of his career, at the age of 55, he once again chose to retire and faded out of the public eye.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

This time, he chose to dedicate all his time and energy to his family.

He taught his children with great care, and passed on his life experience and wisdom to the next generation without reservation.

And his children have lived up to expectations and grown into outstanding young people with successful careers, breaking out of the world in their respective fields.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

When the children took him and his wife to United States to live in the old age, Wang Xingang made another surprising decision - after living in the United States for a few years and helping to take care of his grandchildren, he chose to return to his homeland with his wife and enjoy his old age in peace on the land of the motherland.

Because in his heart, the roots are always in the motherland, in this hot land that raised him.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92


Today, Wang Xingang, who is 92 years old, is still with his wife and has gone through 65 spring and autumn together.

Looking back on his life, it is the countless choices that have created this legend.

He chose the road of acting, and achieved a generation of "male gods" with talent and sweat.

Drama bone Wang Xingang: He has taken care of his sick wife for 64 years, his children have become billionaires, and he just wants to return to China for the elderly at the age of 92

He chose to break through himself and interpret the classic villain that is praised.

He chose his family and wrote a chapter of love that is stronger than gold with persistent and loyal love.

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