
The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

First, in an ordinary family in Macau, a girl who is destined to be extraordinary falls to the ground. This Chinese-Portuguese mixed-race named Li Jiaxin seems to have been born with a gift from heaven - the appearance of Allure.

However, this gift was like a double-edged sword, leaving a deep mark on her life. At the age of three, Li Jiaxin took over the first advertisement in her life. Standing in front of the camera, her big eyes flickered, and her innocent smile seemed to indicate her destined fate with the spotlight.

However, beauty brings more than just praise and opportunity. When she was a student, Li Jiaxin's beauty turned out to be an invisible barrier. Her classmates were either envious or jealous of her, which made her feel lonely and confused at a young age.

Her excellent results are even more daunting, and under the dual halo of beauty and intelligence, Li Jiaxin has become an island. She had few friends at school and was increasingly lonely.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

The family environment did not bring much warmth to Li Jiaxin. The parents' marriage broke down, the father had a short temper and often quarreled with the mother. Eventually, the father abandoned the mother and daughter.

This experience planted a desire for a sense of security in Li Jiaxin's heart, and also made her have a strong yearning for material life. In 1988, 18-year-old Li Jiaxin stood at a turning point in his life.

At the suggestion of a friend, she participated in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant, hoping to change her fate with her appearance. In the preliminary round, she was so nervous that her legs trembled, but soon, the eyes of the judges and the audience gave her confidence.

Second, she not only won the Miss Hong Kong crown, but also won the most photogenic award in the Miss Chinese beauty pageant. At this moment, Li Jiaxin stood in the spotlight, and her beauty was finally recognized by the world.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

She began to appear in newspapers and cameras in fancy clothes and jewelry. Hong Kong media used "earth-shattering" to describe her beauty, and she quickly became a first-line star.

However, Li Jiaxin would not have thought that this beauty would not only lead her to glory, but also lead her into tragedy. Her life has embarked on a road full of temptations and traps, and her beauty will become the biggest bargaining chip and burden on this road.

Li Jiaxin's emotional world is like a drama of ups and downs, from innocent romance to secular reality, witnessing a huge change in her mentality. In Li Jiaxin's emotional resume, there is an innocent love affair that is talked about.

That was her encounter with the talented Ni Zhen, a beautiful love that can be called a talented and beautiful woman. Ni Zhen's father is one of the four great talents in Hong Kong, and he has inherited his father's talent and wealth.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

Ni Zhen, who was deeply attracted by Li Jiaxin's beauty, touched her heart with a letter full of affection. At that time, Li Jiaxin would still be moved by sincere feelings, and would be moved by talented words.

Third, this relationship came to an end with Li Jiaxin's entry into the entertainment industry. Ni Zhen didn't want her to squeeze into Vanity Fair, and there were impurities in their pure feelings, and in the end they chose to break up peacefully.

Immediately afterwards, a man named Liu Luanxiong broke into Li Jiaxin's life. This rich tycoon conquered Li Jiaxin with his pride and favor. Luxury houses, jewelry, brand-name bags, Liu Luanxiong spared no expense for a smile for Pomeranian.

In front of him, Li Jiaxin became like a queen, calling for wind and rain. Liu Luanxiong's love for Li Jiaxin can be described as extremely powerful. When Li Jiaxin is in a bad mood, he will comfort her like a big brother; When she is in trouble, he will use his resources to help her; Even in the middle of the night, Li Jiaxin wanted to eat rice rolls, Liu Luanxiong would personally go to the store to buy it, and climbed more than 20 floors to deliver the rice to her.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

However, this relationship also exposes the dark side of Li Jiaxin's character. She began to "commit murder", calling Liu Luanxiong's original partner in the middle of the night to abuse him, obstructing Liu Luanxiong's kindness to other women.

Once, she scolded on the other end of the phone, and Liu Luanxiong was submissive on the other end, which shows her strong position in this relationship. These actions have earned her the label of "femme fatale".

Li Jiaxin's goal is clear: she wants to marry into a wealthy family. However, although Liu Luanxiong doted on her, he never mentioned marriage. Even after ending his marriage to his original partner, Liu Luanxiong did not have the idea of marrying Li Jiaxin to enter the door.

This made Li Jiaxin gradually see the reality: in the eyes of the rich, she may be just one of many female companions. This experience made Li Jiaxin's heart harder. She began to realize that in this Vanity Fair, beauty was her biggest bargaining chip, and her goal was to exchange this bargaining chip for the status of a wealthy lady.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

Since then, she no longer pinned her hopes on Liu Luanxiong, but began a new journey of searching. After ending her relationship with Liu Luanxiong, Li Jiaxin did not stop there.

She understands that to gain a foothold in this circle of temptations and pitfalls, beauty alone is not enough. So, we saw a hard-working Li Jiaxin. She began to take her acting career seriously, and successively starred in film and television works such as "Sea Flower" and "Oiran Du Shi Niang".

In front of the camera, Li Jiaxin showed good acting skills, and her alluring face seemed to be able to speak, which could easily arouse the audience's emotional resonance. However, Li Jiaxin's mind is not entirely focused on her acting career.

In her opinion, these roles are nothing more than stepping stones to the wealthy. Her eyes are always looking for the man who can bring her glory and wealth. During this time, Li Jiaxin never lacked suitors around her.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

Fourth, all of her dates are either rich or expensive, and some even have families. Li Jiaxin is like this, circling between one rich man after another, like a beautiful butterfly, constantly looking for the most fragrant and beautiful one among the flowers.

However, the road has not been easy. Li Jiaxin has rubbed shoulders with giants many times, and every failure has made her feel anxious and uneasy. The years are unforgiving, and she clearly knows that her biggest capital, beauty, is fading little by little with the passage of time.

In 2006, the opportunity finally came. The 36-year-old met Xu Jinheng, a wealthy son from a prominent background. Xu Jinheng's grandfather has a nickname called "Boat King", and his family is rich and wealthy, and he is a first-class wealthy family.

At that time, Xu Jinheng was in a marriage crisis, and Li Jiaxin saw the opportunity and launched her "forced marriage" offensive. She boldly announced to the media: "We are dating on the premise of marriage.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

Not only that, but she also used an ingenious strategy. On Li Jiaxin's birthday in the same year, Liu Luanxiong named the commercial building under his name "theone", which looked like a high-profile confession to Li Jiaxin.

Li Jiaxin took the opportunity to hint to the media that this was Liu Luanxiong's doing, creating a sensational "show of love" incident that caused a sensation in the city. This trick did work, and Xu Jinheng felt a sense of crisis.

Two years later, he finally proposed to Li Jiaxin. In 2008, Li Jiaxin got her wish and married into the Xu family, a top wealthy family in Hong Kong. After getting married, she also completed the task of giving birth to a child and lived the life of a rich and idle lady who did not have to work in the entertainment industry.

On this road to a wealthy family, we see a Li Jiaxin who is unwilling to be mediocre and persistently pursued. She used all means to realize her dream of becoming a wealthy family.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

However, she may not realize that the cost of this dream is much higher than she imagined. In 2008, 38-year-old Li Jiaxin finally got her wish and married into the Xu family, a top wealthy family in Hong Kong.

At the wedding scene, Li Jiaxin was wearing a valuable wedding dress, with a happy smile on her face. At this moment, she seems to be a real-life version of Cinderella, exchanging her beauty for a fairytale ending.

However, reality is always more cruel than a fairy tale. Li Jiaxin soon discovered that the life of a wealthy family was not as glamorous as she imagined. First of all, the property arrangement of the Xu family gave her a blow to the head.

Fifth, although Xu Jinheng's father left tens of billions of assets, the money was not directly handed over to his son, but to the trust management. Xu Jinheng can only receive a fixed 2 million Hong Kong dollars from the trust every month, which is undoubtedly a huge gap for Li Jiaxin, who is accustomed to a luxurious life.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

Secondly, Xu Jinheng's personality also disappointed Li Jiaxin. This rich boy lacks self-motivation in his bones, and is more like a rich second generation who is willing to enjoy the status quo than an ambitious entrepreneur.

Xu Jinheng's ex-wife He Chaoqiong once commented: "He is a person who does not like to fight, and I am very ambitious." This difference in personality has also become a major problem in Li Jiaxin's married life.

Li Jiaxin once thought that marrying into a wealthy family meant that she would have no worries about food and clothing from now on, and she could live a pampered life. However, the reality tells her that even in the wealthy, there are many helplessness and compromises.

It is rumored that Li Jiaxin once asked his ex-predecessor Liu Luanxiong for luxury goods after marriage. Although this rumor cannot be confirmed, it may reflect Li Jiaxin's dissatisfaction with the status quo.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

At a press conference in early 2023, Liu Luanxiong mentioned that one of his ex-girlfriends came to him to ask for a bag after marriage, which immediately sparked speculation about Li Jiaxin.

These details show that Li Jiaxin may be experiencing a transformation from a proud daughter to a wealthy daughter-in-law, a process full of struggles and discomfort. She may be facing financial pressures, lifestyle changes, and uncertainty about the future.

Sixth, Li Jiaxin's wealthy marriage seems to be the result of her years of pursuit, but it may also become a new challenge in her life. This once glamorous Hong Kong sister now seems to be adapting to a new role, and this role may not be as perfect as she imagined.

As time passed, the truth about Li Jiaxin's wealthy life gradually surfaced. The once glamorous and beautiful Hong Kong sister seems to have faded out of the public's sight.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

Some attentive netizens found that Li Jiaxin's situation is somewhat similar to Mo Lan in the TV series "Do You Know". Mo Lan is not from a high background, but she is arrogant because of her beauty, and she wants to cling to the powerful.

In the end, she married into a wealthy family as she wished, but found that her husband was just an idle gentleman. Isn't this a true portrayal of Li Jiaxin? Li Jiaxin once thought that as long as she became a wealthy family, she could live a worry-free life.

However, reality gave her a slap in the face. The shackles of a wealthy family are sometimes more suffocating than the lives of ordinary people. She may be experiencing a huge gap in identity, from a high-profile star to a wealthy daughter-in-law who needs to be careful about her budget.

What's even more embarrassing is that Li Jiaxin seems to have fallen into a cage woven by herself. The dream of a wealthy family that she has pursued with all her life's hard work may become her biggest regret in the end.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

Seventh, the Hong Kong sister who used to be dominant, can now only be within the high walls of a wealthy family, silently remembering the glory of the past. Li Jiaxin's story is like a mirror, reflecting the difficulties that many women who pursue their dreams of being wealthy may face.

Her experience tells us that beauty is certainly a kind of capital, but if it is used as the only bargaining chip, it will eventually make itself passive. Marrying into a wealthy family is not the same as being happy.

On the contrary, it can mean more bondage and stress. Within the high walls of the wealthy family, there are rules and restrictions that are unimaginable to ordinary people. If you don't have your own career and pursuit, even if you are in a wealthy family, you may feel empty and lost.

Li Jiaxin's story may be a warning to women who want to marry into wealthy families. Her experience silently speaks that true happiness should not be built on external aura and wealth.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

Li Jiaxin's story undoubtedly sounded the alarm for women who want to marry into wealthy families. Her experience tells us that beauty is certainly a kind of capital, but if it is used as the only bargaining chip, it will eventually make itself passive.

As Li Jiaxin experienced, beauty can become a double-edged sword of "success and failure". It helped her win the Miss Hong Kong championship and attract the attention of the rich, but in the end it also led her into a seemingly brilliant but actually difficult wealthy marriage.

Marrying into a wealthy family is not the same as being happy. On the contrary, it can mean more bondage and stress. Within the high walls of the wealthy family, there are rules and restrictions that are unimaginable to ordinary people.

If you don't have your own career and pursuit, even if you are in a wealthy family, you may feel empty and lost. Li Jiaxin's story teaches us that true happiness should not depend on others, but should be pursued and created by one's own efforts.

The misery of "Sister Hong Kong" Li Jiaxin has reminded women who want to marry into wealthy families

Instead of pinning your hopes on marrying into a wealthy family, it is better to improve your abilities and have an independent life. Li Jiaxin's experience has taught us a vivid life lesson, making us rethink what is truly worth pursuing in life.

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