
The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"


It is said that children are the hearts and minds of parents, but some parents treat their children as commodities.

A woman, since the age of 14, was arranged by her parents.

In 6 years, under the management of her parents, she married three men one after another.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

After going through a lot of hardships, she finally lived a good life.

But the parents couldn't see their daughter well, so they came to the door again to entangle with their daughter.

Unable to bear it, the daughter can only choose to sue her biological parents.


What the woman's parents did made everyone feel unbelievable.

Why do such parents still exist in the world?

Speaking of what happened to this woman, we have to start with her family situation.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

This woman's original family is very poor, and her parents' thinking is extremely feudal.

In order to continue the incense from generation to generation, I always wanted to give birth to a boy.

A total of 7 children were born, but none of them were boys.

And this woman was their first daughter.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

For these 7 daughters, their biological parents did not like it.

Except for the eldest daughter, who has been living with her parents since she was a child, the remaining daughters have been abandoned by their parents.

When the eldest daughter was 14 years old, her parents arranged a marriage for her.

Let her marry an old bachelor who is thirty years older than her, and subsidize the family by collecting a bride price.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

She had no choice but to compromise on her parents' arrangements.

Because only when she gets married, her parents will leave the second and third sisters at home.

When she got married, her parents also taught her a lesson.

asked her to listen to the other party obediently and live a good life with the old bachelor.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

Two years after getting married, she gave birth to a child for the old bachelor.

After repeatedly pleading with the old bachelor, the other party finally agreed to let her go back to her parents' house to have a look.

But when she returned home, she found that her two younger sisters were not at home.

So she asked her parents, where did the 8-year-old second sister and the 4-year-old third sister go?

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

Her parents did not respond to her inquiry.

Although her parents didn't say it, she already knew in her heart that the second and third sisters should have been sent away.

Just like the younger sisters in the back, they were given away shortly after they were born.

What her parents did also caused her anger, so she quarreled with her parents.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

This quarrel also angered her father, who, in a fit of rage, sent his eldest daughter back to the old bachelor's house.

and specially explained that the old bachelor was optimistic about her, don't let her sneak out again.

Hearing this, the old bachelor also became alert, and locked her up with chains.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

But fortunately, a year later, the old bachelor passed away unexpectedly.

She thought she was free, but her father came and took her back.

Not long after she was returned, her father gave her to a gambling drunkard in order to pay off his gambling debts.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

The second marriage was far more miserable than the first marriage.

Because her husband gambles and drinks heavily, he often abuses her, and he tortures her every time.

Living with this kind of husband makes her feel that life is worse than death, and she spends every day in fear.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

Even after she became pregnant, her gambler husband would abuse her.

When she was 8 months pregnant, she was stillborn because of her husband's domestic violence.

It was precisely because of this domestic violence that she lost her fertility.

And she was infertile, but she was also abandoned by her husband and finally sent back to her hometown in Sichuan.


When she returned to her parents, she thought that she had lost the value of use.

But before two months passed, she received a bride price from her third husband.

She was less than 20 years old, and she was remarried by her parents as a yellow flower girl.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

In order to be able to deceive her third husband, her parents let her undergo repair surgery and disguise herself as a "virgin".

Eventually, she came to Hebei and married a labor prisoner who couldn't marry a daughter-in-law.

Although she was unhappy in this third marriage, she learned the skills of doing business.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

At this point, her life has also taken a new turn, and she has the ability to live independently through business.

On her parents' side, she also chose to cut off contact.

Without the control of her parents, she finally lived a stable life.

But after the parents learned that their daughter was living a good life, they came to the door again to entangle.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

In the eyes of these parents, everything for their daughter belongs to them, and now that they can earn money, they should also be used to honor them.

Seeing that her daughter cut off contact with her and didn't listen to her own words also made the parents angry.

In order to teach their daughter a lesson, the parents even contacted their daughter's ex-husband, wanting him to come over and ruin their daughter's happy life.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

For her parents' behavior like this, it also makes the daughter who endures again and again unbearable.

In the end, she chose to find a lawyer to sue her biological parents to get an explanation for what she had suffered over the years.

From the age of 14 to 20, her parents arranged three marriages in her life in six years.

However, her daughter finally survived, but her parents came to exploit and oppress her again.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

Do they really deserve to be called parents for what they do? How can any parent hurt their child like this?

Some people also wonder why this daughter didn't resist, the first time her parents could arrange a marriage.

But the second and third time, there is a chance to escape from the hands of parents.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

Maybe she had a chance to escape, but she didn't dare to act like this when she grew up in this living environment.

All kinds of domestic violence and all kinds of beatings have already turned her into a walking corpse.

Although he resisted his parents' arranged marriage, he did not have the courage to resist.

It was only after the transformation of her third marriage that she slowly got rid of this fear and had the courage to resist.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

Some people questioned what happened to her, but some netizens firmly chose to believe her.

Because this netizen also had the same experience, when she was 14 years old, her father also sold her to Shijiazhuang.

But she mustered up the courage and ran away on the train.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

When this netizen was 18 years old, he was asked by his so-called mother to marry a gangster.

And this purpose is because her brother is too honest and needs a brutal person to protect him.

But not long after marrying the gangster, the gangster was arrested, and she could only support the children alone.

In this patriarchal family, she ended up being a victim.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

Regarding what happened to this woman, this netizen also told what happened to her friends.

Her friend was married to an old bachelor by her parents at the age of thirteen or fourteen, but she didn't live to have a son.

After that, she was abandoned by the old bachelor, but her parents didn't let go of their daughter and married her to another bachelor.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"

It seems that this is not only the case with this woman's parents, but also many parents who have arranged marriages for their daughters.

I don't know what everyone thinks about the fact that a woman was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"
The woman was 14 to 20 years old, was arranged by her parents for 3 marriages, and also had repair surgery to disguise herself as a "virgin"