
A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

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On July 17, 2024, a torrential rain and flash flood brought such a huge disaster to Zhashui County! The highway suddenly collapsed and 25 cars crashed into a torrent, it was a nightmare!

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

It was an ordinary day, but all of a sudden, the sky was dark, and the flood struck like a beast of prey. The two pillars that supported the denim high-speed bridge were swept away by the relentless flood, and the bridge deck collapsed with it.

11 lives were lost. More than 30 people are still missing, and 20 vehicles are missing. Behind every number, there are broken families, endless grief and tears.

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

At the time of the accident, it was frighteningly dark and the speed was so fast that the drivers had no time to react. At this critical moment, someone spotted the danger and desperately tried to intercept the car behind.

"At that time, I didn't think about anything in my head, I just thought that I could stop one and not let more people have an accident!" One of the eldest brothers involved in the interception later recalled.

The cars that were stopped, one after the other. The drivers recovered from the initial panic and spontaneously joined the interception team. They turned around and turned on their flashing lights to warn the vehicles behind them.

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

Some of the nearby villagers didn't even bother to put on their shoes, so they hurried to help. "When I heard that movement, my heart tightened, I couldn't care about anything, I just wanted to hurry up and save people!" A simple villager said.

In this life-and-death rescue, everyone is a hero. And the pain of the disaster goes far beyond that.

There was a younger brother of the family, whose voice trembled and choked several times during an interview. His sister, a family of four, fell into the river while driving through this section of the road on the evening of the 17th. There was also a worker on the car.

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece
A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

"My sister just wants to come here for a summer vacation, who would have thought that such a thing would happen!" The younger brother's words were full of despair and helplessness.

The rescue effort was swift and heartbreaking. When the hostess's younger brother learned the news of the death of his sister's family of four, the whole person collapsed.

At first, he still had a glimmer of hope, and rushed to the scene in a hurry, constantly searching, thinking that he could find his sister and them quickly, maybe there was a possibility of survival.

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

The black light blinded, he searched and searched, until he found the dawn. As a result, the first thing to be found was the body of the niece. The boy was as if he was asleep, but he would never wake up again and call him uncle.

At that moment, he felt that the sky had fallen, and he hugged his niece, feeling that his heart was broken into slag. The remains of the workers were also found under the bridge.

Later, the vehicles were salvaged one after another, but there was no news about my sister, brother-in-law and nephew. My brother has been hoping for good news, even if there is a little hope.

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

But in the end, what he was waiting for was the bad news that all four of his sister's family were killed, and at that moment, he felt that the sky had fallen.

He couldn't understand why his sister and brother-in-law, who loved life so much, were so cruel and took away the lives of all four of their family.

This family of four originally had a beautiful vision for the future, but now, everything is gone. The daily life shared by the deceased hostess on Douyin makes people feel warm to watch.

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece
A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

She has no complaints about life, she is always so positive, especially for her children, full of love and pride. They lived a plain but happy life, but their fate was so cruel, and a trip made it all come to naught.

"The victim was my father, and my father was in a car with a family of four." These are the words of the worker's child, how will the child who has lost his father live in the future!

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece
A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

This is a wake-up call for all of us. Safety is no small matter, and the slightest negligence can lead to irreparable disaster. Not only should we be careful when building roads, but we should also be careful when we usually drive on the road.

When driving on the highway at night, be sure to turn on your high beams and pay more attention to the reflective signs on the fast lanes on both sides of the road and on the ground of emergency vehicles.

Generally, there is one around 30 to 50 meters, one at about 20 meters on curves, and one at 5 to 10 meters on ramps. If the reflective sign is suddenly missing, be sure to slow down and be prepared for emergencies.

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

"Maybe that's the key to saving your life!" An old driver said earnestly. Some people think that this kind of thing is far away from them, so they don't need to worry about it. But is that really the case? Who can guarantee that they will never have an accident?

Instead of worrying about it all day long, learn to cherish the present moment and live each day well. Just like the hostess, life is not easy but she is still optimistic, and we have to be like this.

Tragedy is written for the living, and we must not only be sad and sad from this accident, but also learn to cherish it. Cherish the people around us, cherish the peace of every day, and cherish everything we have.

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

Of course, in the midst of this disaster, we also see hope. Those who stepped forward, those moments of helping each other, made us believe that the brilliance of humanity can never be overshadowed by darkness.

This is life, full of unknowns and uncertainties. Tomorrow and the unexpected, you never know which will come first. But in the face of disaster, we also see the kindness and strength of human nature.

A family of four fell off the bridge and did not survive, and the younger brother choked up: The first thing I found was the body of my niece

I hope that those who died can go all the way, and I also hope that their families can come out of their grief as soon as possible and live well. After all, life has to go on, and they have to go on bravely with the love and hope of their deceased loved ones.

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