
The rainstorm is coming, have you mastered these 9 life-saving points?

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The rainstorm is coming, have you mastered these 9 life-saving points?

How can we protect ourselves when a rainstorm hits? Nine tricks, please savor

The world was changed by a torrential rain. Busy on the streets? Inexistent. In this scene, there is only an ocean, and there is a sense of desolation. In an instant, the asphalt roads and cement roads that we were proud of have all become the big rivers of the "ancient" era. Glancing out the window, and then at the "Nine Tricks", I couldn't help but sigh for a while-we, the common people, still have to recognize the "father" of natural disasters!

The rainstorm is coming, have you mastered these 9 life-saving points?

These nine tips are all from the heart. What does it mean to avoid going out? Isn't this nonsense, big brother! Those who dare to go out for a walk at this time either have a hole in their brains or are hit by arrows in their knees. When the rainstorm comes, don't go to join in the excitement when the mountain is high and the road is far away. This big floodplain is not something you can hold, there are two ways to write the word "hui", you don't have to try it with your feet.

Besides, this waterproof, in other words, just two words: cowardly! Hurry up and check in the house, and plug all the leaking holes for me! Don't talk about big men all day long, it's really windy and rainy, why are you doing it? It's not like to obediently listen to this "trick" and quickly tinker with it.

The rainstorm is coming, have you mastered these 9 life-saving points?

As for the emergency supplies, flashlights, dry food, and medicines, isn't this like the New Year? Be prepared, what if there is a power outage? You can't live in the dark. There are also clothes and quilts, there are too many of them, and when the electricity stops, you can only rely on these fabrics for warmth. Anyway, I don't have to prepare now, and I can't prepare when I look back.

The news of the officials must be paid attention to, people say that we will transfer, we will transfer, we will hide when they say to hide, and we will not fix those who have not. If you don't believe it, as soon as the rainstorm comes, it will give you a whole chill in minutes and a complete collapse!

This driving has to be more careful, the road is not familiar with the hard drive, as soon as there is more water, stop quickly, no matter how powerful your broken iron mule is, it can't be turned into amphibious, right? What do you say, it's better to rest in the house at that time.

If you live in a flood risk, you have to keep your eyes open. As soon as the official speaks, you have to slip away, what does it mean not to delay? It's still procrastinating at this time, and you don't want your life anymore? Hurry up, it's important to pack up and run away!

Smooth communication is a must, keep your phone with you, keep in touch with friends and family, and tell them that you are still alive. In the face of catastrophe, it's okay to report peace, which is not reassuring.

I won't say much about saving electricity, this time it will waste more than one kilowatt-hour of electricity, and you will have to drink the northwest wind when it is off. Listen to the advice of your predecessors, save if you can, don't fix those useless.

As for the aftermath of the disaster, hygiene is the first priority. The water in the bucket is clean, and it is still not drinkable. Every corner of the house is always right to disinfect. The shoes you wear when you go out must be waterproof, and if your feet are soaked in sewage, it will be fatal. If you're in trouble, your life is at stake.

After reading these nine tips, I don't know what you think? On a rainy day, in addition to trembling and being afraid, we are conscientious and diligent in taking precautions. However, the heavy rain was pouring down outside the window, and a few of us in the house were seriously thinking: We have paid such a price, but will natural disasters have to come? When vehicles stop in the water, when houses collapse in the torrent, when people struggle to escape from the water, I can't help but ask: Are we really just going to have to entrust our fate to God?

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