
63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

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63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes
63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes


A few days ago, a group of recent photos of Li Zhi suddenly appeared on the Internet, which shocked everyone! Is this still the big beauty who swept the film industry back then? Thin as a bamboo pole, with a wrinkled face, wearing reading glasses, and living like an ordinary old lady. People shouted: These years are too unforgiving!

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

The past is gone

I remember that Li Zhike was the top beauty in the Hong Kong entertainment industry back then, with a delicate melon seed face, big eyes, a tall nose bridge, and a graceful figure, she was simply the darling of God. In 1986, she won the "Miss Asia" championship with an absolute advantage, and since then she has become an instant hit. Later, with movies such as "Hardcover Brothers" and "Supreme", he became a hot movie star.

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

At that time, Lizhi was the focus of the spotlight wherever he went. I remember one time she went to the awards ceremony and wore a low-cut dress, which was called a stunning four! Even the Hong Kong entertainment industry, which has always been known for its beautiful women, was impressed by her beauty. At that time, newspapers and magazines were full of photos of her, and everyone said that she was "born beautiful and difficult to give up".

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

But now looking at Lizhi's appearance, it's really embarrassing. That once thrillingly beautiful face is now full of traces of time. The crow's feet at the corners of the eyes are obvious, the cheeks are no longer full, and the whole person is so thin that he is almost out of shape. Although the dress is quite decent, the sense of vicissitudes cannot be concealed.

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

Life has its ups and downs

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Lizhi's life is also full of ups and downs and drama. She was born into an artistic family in Shanghai and has lived in a privileged environment since she was a child. But the good times didn't last long, after her parents divorced, she followed her mother to Hong Kong. When he first arrived in Hong Kong, Li Zhi did not suffer less. At that time, the Hong Kong entertainment industry was not as open as it is now, and there was a lot of discrimination against artists from the mainland. In order to get ahead, Li Zhi was wronged.

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

Fortunately, God appreciates food, and with her extraordinary beauty and temperament, she finally stood out in the "Miss Asia" beauty pageant and became famous in one fell swoop. Everyone knows what happened later, Li Zhi became a hot star in the entertainment industry. But who would have thought that she would eventually choose to quit the entertainment industry and marry kung fu superstar Jet Li?

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

In 1999, Li Zhi and Jet Li held a grand wedding in Los Angeles. After marriage, Li Zhi completely became a good wife and mother who taught her husband and children. She gave birth to two daughters for Jet Li and devoted all her energy to the family. Speaking of which, the turning point in Lizhi's life began with the terrible India Ocean tsunami in 2004. That Christmas, Li Zhi and Jet Li's family were on vacation in the Maldives. Unexpectedly, he suddenly encountered a tsunami that he had not encountered in a century, and he was almost buried in the sea.

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

This experience of escaping death completely changed Lizhi's outlook on life. She began to think deeply about the meaning of life, and she looked at fame and fortune more lightly. Later, she followed Jet Li to convert to Buddhism and began to pursue a higher level of spiritual life. Since then, Lizhi has rarely been seen in public. is occasionally photographed, but they are all plain-faced, looking like an ordinary woman. She devotes more time and energy to her family and public welfare.

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

The extraordinary in the ordinary

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Lizhi's choice is not easy. You must know that from a high-profile star to an ordinary housewife, this kind of gap is not something that ordinary people can bear. Many people may say, was Li Zhi "imprisoned" by Jet Li? In fact, this kind of thinking is too one-sided. Li Zhi's choice to return to her family was entirely her own decision. She once said in a rare interview: "I think being a good wife and mother is more meaningful than being a star." "

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

Moreover, although Li Zhi quit the entertainment industry, he did not waste himself. She is always learning new things, such as painting, yoga, etc. She also often participates in charity activities with Jet Li to contribute to those in need. So, although Li Zhi looks a lot of vicissitudes now, her inner world may be more colorful than before. In her own way, she interprets what it means to be "extraordinary in the ordinary".

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

Time does not spare others, but people must spare themselves

Seeing the current appearance of Lizhi, it is inevitable that people will be full of emotion. Yes, time is unforgiving, and no one can escape the clutches of time. However, instead of lamenting the mercilessness of the years, we should learn to be kind to ourselves. Just like Lizhi, she chose the lifestyle she wanted. Although the appearance has become ordinary, the heart is still abundant. Isn't that what we should be aiming for?

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

In fact, beauty is not only about the appearance, but more importantly, on the inside. Li Zhi's current life, although it looks ordinary, she lives a full and happy life. Isn't that the most precious thing? Recalling those actresses who were as famous as Li Zhi back then, such as Wang Zuxian, Zhou Huimin, etc., some of them chose to continue to work hard in the entertainment industry, and some chose to retire. Everyone has their own choice, and there is no right or wrong. The important thing is to live the way you want to be.

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

Seeing the current appearance of Lizhi, some people may feel sorry and feel pity. But why not think about it from a different perspective: the fact that she made a choice for her life and persevered with it is a remarkable courage in itself. From a high-profile star to an unknown housewife, Lizhi has spent more than 20 years giving himself a perfect explanation. She proves that women are not only in the spotlight to shine, but can live a wonderful life just as well in ordinary life.

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

So, instead of feeling sorry for the way Lizhi is now, it is better to bless her. I wish her to keep her peace of mind and joy all the time and continue to live the life she wants. Finally, I want to say: The years are ruthless, and people are affectionate, I hope that time will treat her well. I hope that Li Zhizhi will always stay healthy and spend every day happily. I also wish everyone can find their own direction in life and live the way they want to be, just like Lizhi.

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

Because of this, Lizhi's experience tells us that in this fast-paced era, inner peace and family happiness are the driving force for us to move forward. Perhaps, this is the real reason why she and Jet Li have been able to go through so many years together. They don't care what others say, they just firmly choose to be with each other, work hard for the life they want, and show a strong heart that can live a wonderful life without the approval of others.

63-year-old Li Zhi's recent photos exposed: Thin and old, wearing reading glasses like an ordinary old woman, why are they so vicissitudes

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