
In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

· Shanghai in the thirties and forties of the last century was full of epitome of poverty and suffering. In this context, Wei Zongwan was born into an ordinary working family. His father worked in a factory and earned a small income to support his four sons.

Wei Zongwan has developed a strong interest in Peking Opera and cross talk since he was a child. Despite his poor family, this love for art took root in his heart. In his spare time, he would join the factory's propaganda team, run tricks on stage, and get his first taste of performance.

At that time, Wei Zongwan's eyes flashed with yearning for the stage, and the corners of his mouth hung with longing for the future. In 1959, 21-year-old Wei Zongwan ushered in a turning point in his life. He plucked up the courage and took the exam at the Shanghai Theater Academy.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

With his passion and talent for acting, Wei Zongwan impressed the judges with a perfect score, was successfully admitted to this prestigious school, and officially embarked on the road of chasing his dreams. However, fate always seemed to test the young man.

In the year Wei Zongwan graduated from high school, his father was treated coldly and discriminated against in the unit because of the unfair treatment during the special period. The introverted father was depressed and unhappy all day long.

This is a conceivable blow to the family, and the economic difficulties are even worse. But Wei Zongwan was not knocked down by these difficulties. On the contrary, these hardships strengthened his determination to pursue his artistic dreams.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

He secretly made up his mind that he must change the fate of his family and realize his ideals through his own efforts. When Wei Zongwan stood in front of the gate of the Shanghai Theater Academy, his heart was full of expectations for the future and love for art.

Although the road ahead is difficult, he believes that as long as he perseveres, he will eventually have his own stage. This young man from an ordinary working family is moving towards his own acting career with firm steps and opening a new chapter in his life.

After graduating from the opera, Wei Zongwan entered the Shanghai People's Art Theater as an actor. However, with his ordinary background and ordinary appearance, he could only play some small roles and tricks in the troupe for a long time.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

Second· the burden of life was on the shoulders of this young man, and he had to make careful calculations. In order to save money, Wei Zongwan rented an attic in a family to live. The gears of fate are quietly turning.

The landlord's eldest daughter, Zhou Weiming, was a primary school teacher, and she was suffering from marital problems at the time, and her husband often pointed fingers at her. Two souls struggling in life, because of the rent involved, have more opportunities to contact.

Zhou Weiming has been living in his mother's house since the divorce, and Wei Zongwan is an unmarried young man. In the day-to-day relationship, the two developed a deeper and deeper love. Zhou Weiming is gentle and generous, full of the charm of a mature woman, while Wei Zongwan impressed her with his sincerity and kindness.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

In 1969, Wei Zongwan mustered up the courage to woo Zhou Weiming. Although the age gap between the two and Zhou Weiming's past made the outside world generally question this relationship, in the end, love overcame the obstacles of reality.

In 1970, 32-year-old Wei Zongwan and 38-year-old Zhou Weiming walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand. When he first got married, Wei Zongwan was ready to be a good stepfather. He treated his 8-year-old stepdaughter Yu Hong patiently and meticulously, served her with meals, took care of her sick, and tried his best to win her trust.

Later, the two added a biological daughter, and Wei Zongwan also gave his love to his two daughters. His wife was very busy teaching at school, so Wei Zongwan took the initiative to take on the housework.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

Whenever Zhou Weiming felt guilty for his efforts, Wei Zongwan always smiled and said, "You will give birth to the child, and I will raise it, which is very fair." This thoughtfulness and generosity moved even those who were once skeptical about their marriage.

The love between Wei Zongwan and Zhou Weiming began with the accident of life, but it became deeper because of each other's sincere feelings. They have proved with practical actions that true love can cross the age gap and can withstand the test of life.

This marriage, which began with rent and became true love, not only changed the trajectory of the lives of the two people, but also provided a solid backing for Wei Zongwan's acting career. In this family, Wei Zongwan found a sense of belonging and responsibility.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

His dedication and persistence not only warmed his wife and children, but also added more color to his life. This hard-won happiness has become the driving force that supports Wei Zongwan's continuous progress on the road of art.

Although Wei Zongwan showed outstanding acting skills when he was at the Shanghai Theater Academy, his road was not smooth after entering the Shanghai People's Art Theater. He is ordinary-looking, and he can only play some small roles and tricks in the troupe for a long time.

During this period that he jokingly called "nineteen years of career", Wei Zongwan was unknown, and was even inexplicably deducted from his salary by the troupe. However, Wei Zongwan did not give up on his dream because of this.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

Third· he always believes that as long as he perseveres, he will eventually have his own stage. In every role, big or small, he puts his heart and soul into it, constantly honing his acting skills. Finally, in 1982, the opportunity came.

A discerning director gave Wei Zongwan a chance to show his talent. Wei Zongwan, who was almost forgotten, once came to prominence, and the audience began to remember this burly and resolute actor.

After years of tempering, Wei Zongwan's acting skills have been perfected. In 1987, his outstanding performance in the drama "Thinking of Nothing" amazed the screenwriters and directors, and they invited him to star in his own works.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

After that, Wei Zongwan's fame quickly opened. He has appeared in film and television dramas such as "The Beach", "One and Eight", "Honeymoon Conspiracy" and other film and television dramas, and contributed vivid and distinctive characters as supporting roles.

Especially the bandit commander "Wei Biao" portrayed in "The Story of Bandits in Xiangxi" made him even more famous. Wei Zongwan's acting career is a long journey from obscurity to fame.

He used his strength to prove that as long as there is enough love and persistence, there will be a day when he will succeed. Every role is poured into his heart, and every performance is his interpretation of art.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

From a small role to an important supporting role, from no one to a lot of attention, Wei Zongwan's success was not achieved overnight. It is the accumulation of countless days and nights of hard training, perseverance after being ignored countless times, and countless characters who are not favored but still go all out.

This experience not only honed Wei Zongwan's acting skills, but also shaped his tenacious character, laying the foundation for him to become an artist with both virtue and art in the future. Entering the 90s, Wei Zongwan ushered in the peak of his acting career.

He has successively played important villain roles in classic costume dramas such as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin", and played each role well, making the audience hate and love. In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Sima Yi" played by Wei Zongwan is cunning and sinister, and "Zhuge Liang" played by Tang Guoqiang performed a wonderful wit duel.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

At first, Wei Zongwan refused the invitation because of his age and image. But director Zhang Jizhong's sincerity moved him, and finally Wei Zongwan took on the challenge. In order to create this role well, Wei Zongwan spent more than three months studying hard, and vividly interpreted Sima Yi's "insidious" and "cunning".

Immediately afterwards, in "Water Margin", Wei Zongwan perfectly interpreted the villain of "Gao Yu". In order to make his performance even better, Wei Zongwan even went to Beijing to meet with another actor and carefully ponder how to create the image of this cunning and treacherous thief.

He showed Gao Yu's ruthlessness and ruthlessness to the fullest, so that after watching this drama, many viewers had a feeling of "everyone shouting and beating the rats crossing the street".

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

Fourth· in 1992, Wei Zongwan created a vivid and vivid image of "Bing Youzi Old Ghost" in the movie "Sanmao in the Army". This character originally did not exist in the original book, but was specially added by the screenwriter for Wei Zongwan in order to enrich the plot.

At first, Wei Zongwan, who was over half a hundred years old, was reluctant to accept this role. But director Zhang Jianya's sincerity touched him again, and in the end, Wei Zongwan won the 13th Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor for this role.

With this series of outstanding performances, Wei Zongwan was rated as a national first-class actor. However, after becoming famous, he still maintains a humble attitude, and every time he receives a new role, he will devote himself to perfection.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

He often said: "An actor must constantly challenge himself in order to deduce more wonderful life." "Wei Zongwan's success lies not only in his superb acting skills, but also in his in-depth understanding and portrayal of each role.

He used his performances to present lifelike characters to the audience, and also contributed many classic villain images to the Chinese film and television industry. Although countless villains who are incompatible with life have been created on the screen, Wei Zongwan in life is a kind and kind elder.

He is considerate to his wife Zhou Weiming, and he also loves his children and grandchildren very much. This contrast just reflects Wei Zongwan's versatility as an excellent actor and his authenticity as an ordinary person.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

Even after achieving brilliant achievements in their careers, Wei Zongwan and his wife have always maintained a poor and simple style of life. The money earned after becoming famous, Wei Zongwan gave full authority to his wife for safekeeping.

In order not to hurt her husband's self-esteem, Zhou Weiming never mentioned in front of outsiders that the family's real estate was in the names of her and her two daughters. The two bought a house in the city and a house in the suburbs, but neither of them had Wei Zongwan's share on the real estate certificate.

This tacit understanding and understanding is the secret of their long marriage. As a well-known actor, Wei Zongwan is low-key and simple, and has never been interested in money, fame and fortune. Even at the peak of his acting career, he never accepted an advertising endorsement from any company.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

Five · When the reporter asked him why he didn't accept the advertisement, Wei Zongwan replied indifferently: "A salary of more than 4,000 a month is enough to live, why do you make so much money?" This purity of art and indifference to life allowed Wei Zongwan to maintain his authenticity in the impetuous entertainment industry.

He often said: "The most important thing for an actor is to act well, and everything else is a floating cloud." This persistence is reflected not only in his professional attitude, but also in his lifestyle.

Wei Zongwan uses his actions to explain what a true artist is. He does not pursue a luxurious life, does not indulge in vanity fair, but devotes all his passion and energy to his acting career.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

This attitude of indifference to fame and fortune and focusing on art has made him a clear stream in the entertainment industry and won the respect of his peers and audiences. Wei Zongwan, who is over the age of old, is still working hard for his family.

In 2015, his grandson planned to study in the United Kingdom, but the family was unable to handle it. The old man didn't say a word, and took the initiative to ask himself to bear the cost of his grandson's tuition. "As long as the child succeeds in learning, it is the honor of our whole family.

Wei Zongwan uses his own salary to pay more than 400,000 tuition fees every year. Although this expense stretched his wallet, he didn't care at all for the sake of the future of his juniors.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

Now 86 years old, Wei Zongwan still lives in a rented house. Although he is a national first-class actor with both virtue and art, he has always maintained his true character as an artist and does not pursue a luxurious life.

This poor living state is in stark contrast to his glamorous image on the screen, but it shows his personality charm even more. In Wei Zongwan's life history, we have seen an actor's dedication to his career, love for his family, and detachment from money and status.

He used his life to explain the weight of the eight words "Virtue and Art". In today's flashy and decadent entertainment industry, Wei Zongwan is undoubtedly a clear stream and an example for future generations to learn.

In order to save rent, marry a divorced daughter from a second marriage! Now 86 years old and still living in a rental house, how did he live like this

His story tells us that a true artist must not only have superb acting skills, but also noble character. Wei Zongwan used his life to explain what is the love of art, what is the responsibility to the family, and what is the true value of life.

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