
Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

Ruby Lin's story began when she was on campus, when she was outstanding, recognized as a great beauty in the school, and surrounded by countless suitors. As an adolescent, however, she had an unsettling "fetish": she liked to post the love letters she received on school bulletin boards, boldly showing the hearts of her admirers, and causing her classmates to laugh.

Although her actions make her own happy, she unintentionally hurts those suitors who have the courage to express their love. Ruby Lin doesn't seem to value the feelings of others, a character trait that has manifested itself many times in her later life.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

She also stole from friends' meals, played a prank on her teacher and locked her teacher out, and even caused a teacher to be forced to leave her job, even though she recalled the events years later, she still showed an attitude of indifference, believing that these things were "not a big deal".

Ruby Lin's fate turned when she was discovered by a talent scout, in order to be able to shoot an advertisement, she did not hesitate to make up the lie about her grandmother's death to ask for leave, although this decision opened the door to the entertainment industry for her, but also revealed her unscrupulous side to achieve her goals.

Then, she got the opportunity to work with Lin Zhiying to shoot "Campus Expendables". The beauty and talent of the two immediately attracted the attention of the audience, which also brought them together.

However, due to the long-distance relationship, this relationship quietly ended when Lin Zhiying went to serve in the military.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

At this time, the opportunity once again came to Ruby Lin. She received an invitation that was enough to change her life - to participate in Qiong Yao's TV series "Huanzhu Gege". Although among the many experienced "old drama bones", Ruby Lin's acting skills are still young, and she was almost replaced, but with the support of Qiong Yao, she finally kept the role of "Ziwei".

This decision not only brought Ruby Lin great success, but also laid the groundwork for her future controversy.

With the broadcast of "Huanzhu Gege", Ruby Lin has become a well-known star from a little-known newcomer with the role of crape myrtle. Her innocent image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the audience's love for her has skyrocketed.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

However, just when Ruby Lin's career was at its peak, a storm that was enough to shake her public image quietly came.

In an interview, Ruby Lin unabashedly expressed her dissatisfaction when talking about the filming experience of partnering with Zhou Jie. She said bluntly: "Zhou Jie has bad breath, and he sticks out his tongue when filming kissing scenes." And said that he deliberately changed positions and forced a kiss, and he had to hide, which really endured a lot of suffering.

After this remark was released, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

The public's support for Ruby Lin has led many to condemn Zhou Jie's misconduct. But Zhou Jie tried his best to defend himself and raised a key question: "Why didn't she resist at that time?" It's a pity that angry netizens no longer care about the truth, and Zhou Jie's words have no time to take care of it.

This turmoil dealt a fatal blow to Zhou Jie, while the other actors of "Huanzhu Gege" ushered in a rising period of their careers, he entered a trough that lasted for more than ten years. Not only did he suffer a heavy blow in his career, but he couldn't even get rid of the troubles in his daily life, so he had to cover his face tightly to avoid being attacked again.

Since then, Zhou Jie has resolutely refused to play too intimate scenes, such as bed scenes, kiss scenes, etc.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

Although the incident has not had a big impact on Ruby Lin's popularity, it has invisibly laid hidden dangers for her future public image. She doesn't seem to realize that as a public figure, her words and actions can have a huge impact.

Her remarks not only hurt her colleagues, but also caused the public to question her as a person.

As time went on, more and more of the public began to calmly reflect on the ins and outs of the matter. Some people questioned the veracity of Ruby Lin's remarks, while others thought her approach was inappropriate.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

The turmoil became the starting point for Ruby Lin's public image to begin to crumble, revealing some of the problems in her personality, such as her flippantness, irresponsibility, and possible tendency to exaggerate facts to gain sympathy, which continued to manifest later in life, eventually leading to a huge gap between her and the public.

After successfully starring in "Huanzhu Gege", Ruby Lin made an unexpected decision - to go abroad for further study. This choice kept her out of the public eye for a while, and when people mentioned "Ziwei", they couldn't remember which actor played it for a while.

However, this brief fade out did not affect the development of Ruby Lin's star path.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

After returning to her homeland, Ruby Lin's acting career ushered in a second spring. She was invited by director Yu Zheng to participate in "Beauty Scheming", and once again became the focus of the audience's attention with her superb acting skills and stunning appearance.

However, just when people were deeply relieved that the cooperation between Ruby Lin and Yu Zheng had continued, a sudden controversy quietly emerged.

Yu Zheng publicly satirized Ruby Lin in a show that "grace will take revenge and dig up the foot of the wall", and said that the "misunderstanding" between him and her will not be solved in his life. This remark immediately sparked widespread public attention.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

It is rumored that after the cooperation of "Beauty Scheming" ended, Ruby Lin was not satisfied with continuing to be a "worker", but took away most of the backbone of Yu Zheng's team and set up her own door to prepare for the filming of "The Princess of the World".

This incident once again highlighted Ruby Lin's character flaws. She always seems to have her own interests first, not caring for the feelings of others, and not hesitating to hurt her partners to achieve her goals.

This behavior not only affected her reputation in the industry, but also worsened the public's impression of her.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

During the filming of "The Princess of the World", Ruby Lin chose Huo Jianhua, who was handsome and famous at the time, to play the leading role. Although the two did not make their relationship public at that time, the repeated lace news laid the groundwork for their future relationship development.

Some of Ruby Lin's actions seem to be ruining her public image step by step. She seems to have forgotten that in this age of transparency, every move of public figures is scrutinized.

Her words and deeds are shaping the public's impression of her, and these controversies have also had an impact on her future career and life.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

In 2016, Huo Jianhua and Ruby Lin announced their relationship, which shocked the entire entertainment industry. This former on-screen couple finally came to fruition, which should have been an enviable story. However, Ruby Lin's controversy accumulated over the years cast a shadow over the relationship.

Many netizens think that Ruby Lin is not worthy of Huo Jianhua, who is known as "white tofu", and they have dug up many controversies about Ruby Lin, and some people even broke the news that she played with a macho man at the birthday party.

The Internet is full of accusations and questions about Ruby Lin, and many people persuade Huo Jianhua, hoping to awaken his senses.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

However, these voices did not have any effect on the lovers. Not only did they not break up, but they held a grand wedding half a year later. Huo Jianhua's fans were heartbroken by this decision, and some even turned from pink to black or even took off their fans directly.

After getting married, Huo Jianhua's career development was greatly affected. He once said frankly in a show: "After getting married, my fans ran out. In the past, he was a traffic male god and loved by everyone, but after marriage, he became an existence of "everyone shouting and beating".

His drama appointments in the mainland are getting fewer and fewer, and he has almost lost his foothold, and rarely has the opportunity to appear on the screen.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

Ruby Lin is well aware of the impact of the deterioration of her public image on her and her husband, so she tries her best to save it. She and her husband have participated in several Charity Bazaar Nights in an attempt to increase their exposure and public goodwill in this way.

However, these efforts did not have the desired effect, and there were reports that they did not actually make a donation but occupied an important position, which caused even greater public discontent.

At the same time, netizens found that Ruby Lin had attended 65 charity events, but only donated 300,000 yuan, which was in stark contrast to her star status and luxurious life, causing more questions and criticism.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

Ruby Lin's married life was supposed to be a new chapter in her life, but it was overshadowed by a negative image of her past. She seems to be caught in a strange circle, and the more she tries to save her image, the more likely she is to make mistakes, which makes one wonder if she really understands what the public expects of her, and that as a public figure, her every word and action will be magnified and scrutinized.

Now, there are a lot of rumors about their marriage change, and neither of them has come forward to respond. But in the entertainment industry, there is a default rule: if you don't deny the rumors, it means that you have acquiesced.

It seems that the relationship between Ruby Lin and Huo Jianhua is facing a severe test.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

Ruby Lin's public popularity crisis culminated in a series of charity-related controversies. Netizens dug deep into her charity behavior, and the results were unexpected.

Some people found that Ruby Lin participated in a total of 65 charity activities, but the cumulative donation amount was only 300,000 yuan, which formed a stark contrast with her star status and luxurious life, resulting in strong public disgust.

What's even more infuriating is that when it is rumored that she donated 1.5 million yuan to the earthquake in Japan, people's eyes can't help but compare it with her previous charitable donations. Although her official support association later came forward to clarify that the money was actually donated to a school in China, the public's doubts did not subside.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

On the contrary, this refutation of rumors has made people pay more attention to Ruby Lin's charity, and further excavated more unpleasant details.

In fact, this is in stark contrast to her investment in philanthropy and her family's thriving spending. According to reports, Ruby Lin's necklace is worth hundreds of millions, she lives in a luxury villa, drives a global limited supercar, and even her pet dog lives in a bag worth hundreds of thousands.

This lavish lifestyle contrasts sharply with her philanthropic performance, raising questions about her sense of social responsibility.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

However, what is chilling is that when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred in 2008, Lin Xinru only donated 100,000 yuan. This figure is not even as valuable as her pet dog's "nest", and far less than the value of her outfit for a single charity gala.

This contrast has made the public's impression of Ruby Lin worse.

Ruby Lin's public image has been severely damaged by the accumulation of these facts, and she seems to have forgotten who she is as a public figure, and her actions are destroying her public image step by step.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

Ruby Lin's charity turmoil makes people begin to reflect: Is the celebrity doing charity sincere or to win favor? Her actions exposed her lack of social responsibility, which may become a turning point in the entertainment industry's reflection on celebrity philanthropy.

In February 2023, Ruby Lin's celebration of her daughter's birthday once again attracted widespread attention. The birthday celebration was an intimate gathering, but unexpectedly a photo was taken by someone with a heart and uploaded to the Internet. Her reaction to this once again sparked public attention and controversy about her.

Ruby Lin made a sudden accusation against the photographer on mainland social platforms, saying that he had violated his privacy. However, the party was actually held in Taiwan, and her remarks sparked heated discussions in the mainland, and the majority of netizens expressed dissatisfaction with her behavior.

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

In the face of intensifying criticism, Ruby Lin chose to close the comment area and posted three angry emojis on her extranet account.

Ruby Lin's immaturity in handling public relations was once again exposed through this series of actions. As a public figure, she does not seem to be aware that her words and actions will be widely watched, and her reaction has not only failed to quell the controversy, but has only further intensified it.

At the same time, Ruby Lin's marital status with Huo Jianhua is often questioned. Although the two have never responded positively to the divorce rumors, there is a tacit saying in the circle: "If you don't refute some things, it is equivalent to acquiescence."

Ruby Lin, she "tore" her last decency with her own hands

This silence has intensified speculation from the outside world.

These controversies and rumors have undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on Ruby Lin. Her once-shining star path is now full of thorns. From the much-loved "crape myrtle" to the current situation where "everyone shouts and beats", Ruby Lin's image has changed to be embarrassing.

All this makes people reflect on how to be a public figure and not only maintain their true self, but also win the public's understanding and respect. Ruby Lin's experience may become a mirror in the entertainment industry, reminding every star to be cautious in their words and deeds and cherish their hard-won popularity and reputation.

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