
Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

In 1970, Geng Weihua, who was born in an ordinary family, fell to the ground. He has been full of love for music since he was a child, and he added endless laughter to his childhood with melodious songs and charming singing.

However, his family's financial situation did not allow him to follow his heart's musical dreams, and under the expectations of his family, the young Geng Weihua had no choice but to enter the factory first and began an ordinary and busy career as a worker.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

However, the love of music is like a spark in Geng Weihua's heart, which will never be extinguished. The literary and artistic activities in the factory became a source of happiness for him. At every event, he participates in it and expresses his inner emotions with his singing.

What's even more touching is that he often secretly listens to music teachers' lessons during breaks, eager to improve his singing skills, and the teacher is moved by his talent and enthusiasm and offers to teach him for free.

Geng Weihua seized the opportunity that belonged to him, stepped out of the factory without hesitation and without hesitation, and devoted himself to his music dream. At the age of 15, he chose to enlist in the army, opening a new chapter in his life.

Two years later, Geng Weihua got his wish and became a literary soldier and officially embarked on the road of music.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

However, fate is always full of uncertainties. After the disbandment of the army, Geng Weihua was transferred to the Song and Dance Troupe of the Nanjing Military Region. In 1991, he joined the art troupe and became a soloist.

Despite the changing environment, Geng Weihua has always held on to his dream of being a singer, accumulating experience through countless stage performances and winning the love of the audience.

Finally, in 1997, Geng Weihua seized the opportunity, and he sang "Wind and Fire Once" at the Spring Festival Gala, which became a hit song at that time. His infectious and sunny appearance attracted a large audience, including his future wife Zheng Jia.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

Since then, Geng's name has often appeared in discussions. He successfully broke into the ranks of well-known military singers, and his career is booming. However, just as he was basking in the joy of success, fate was once again quietly turning behind the scenes.

This Spring Festival Gala performance is not only a watershed in his career, but also a turning point in his life, a love story that spans age, and is about to kick off when he is defenseless.

In 1998, the night sky of Xi'an was silent, but Geng Weihua's singing echoed in a wonderful performance. At this time, 14-year-old Zheng Jia stared at Geng Weihua on the stage, her hands and feet were tense, and her cheeks were slightly red.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

As the performance ended, the rest of the audience left, but Zheng Jia stayed where she was, her eyes full of anticipation and nervousness.

After plucking up her courage, Zheng Jia followed Geng Weihua into the hotel. She first asked for Geng Weihua's autograph, and then made a request for a group photo, and Geng Weihua readily agreed.

However, Zheng Jia was not satisfied with this, and then she asked Geng Weihua for a signed album When she learned that the album had been sold out, Zheng Jia blinked her big watery eyes and pitifully begged Geng Weihua to leave contact information In the face of such a persistent little fan, Geng Weihua relented and gave her contact information.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

This chance encounter became the beginning of a love story that spanned ages. Soon after, Geng Weihua received a thick letter. When he opened it, it was an 11-page love letter.

Between the lines, Zheng Jia expressed his admiration for him unreservedly, but in the face of this fiery feeling, Geng Weihua felt a little overwhelmed, he did not reply, trying to deal with this feeling coldly with silence.

Still, Zheng Jia was not discouraged by this, and she began to call Geng Weihua's phone frequently, although most of the time no one answered. However, Zheng Jia's patience seemed endless, and she tried to call the same number again and again.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

Finally one day, the phone was connected, and Zheng Jia excitedly praised Geng Weihua's singing voice and appearance, but soon, she showed a deep understanding of music, which surprised Geng Weihua.

Since then, Mr. Geng and Mr. Zheng have been on the phone more and more frequently. Geng Weihua developed the habit of singing to Zheng Jia, and every call made Zheng Jia's heart beat faster, as if he was in a dream.

However, there is always a gap between reality and ideals. Two years after the call, Zheng Jia decided to go to Beijing to meet Geng Weihua in person, and she took the train from Xi'an to Beijing alone, full of anticipation.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

However, Geng Weihua was flustered by Zheng Jia's arrival, but despite this, he still invited Zheng Jia to a meal.

After this meeting, Zheng Jia became more enthusiastic, and she began to travel back and forth between Xi'an and Beijing every two or three months. However, Geng Weihua felt overwhelmed by this enthusiasm and began to deliberately avoid Zheng Jia.

Zheng Jia came to the vicinity of Geng Weihua's house in Beijing again, but unfortunately it rained heavily. She was soaked from top to bottom, but refused to go home without hesitation. The security guard couldn't stand it and told her that Geng Weihua was actually at home, but he didn't want to see her.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

This cruel fact made Zheng Jia fall into an ice cave, and she finally decided to give up this relationship.

Still, fate always likes to joke. Just when Zheng Jia decided to give up, Geng Weihua unexpectedly knew his sincerity. As a result, the spark of love was rekindled at the moment that seemed to be extinguished.

When Zheng Jia suddenly disappeared from life, Geng Weihua's world seemed to lose its color and vitality. He realized that he had unknowingly fallen in love with this girl who was 14 years younger than him.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

The once familiar daily life has become empty and boring, and without Zheng Jia's phone calls and letters, Geng Weihua feels unprecedented loss and loneliness.

After the anxious Geng Weihua realized his feelings for Zheng Jia, he began to take the initiative and called her frequently. On the other end of the phone, Zheng Jia heard Geng Weihua's anxious voice, and was shocked and delighted in her heart.

Seeing Geng Weihua's serious and direct attitude, Zheng Jia's hanging heart could finally let go of Geng Weihua's affectionate words to her: "Let's get married, I like you."

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

However, a phone call can't completely make up for the previous damage, and Geng Weihua knows that to finally save Zheng Jia's heart, more substantive actions need to be taken. So, he resolutely went to Xi'an, hoping to express his sincerity to Zheng Jia face-to-face.

Geng Weihua's sincerity and perseverance finally moved Zheng Jia and eliminated the coldness in her heart.

The union of the two was not all smooth sailing, and due to the 14-year age gap, both parents objected. However, in the face of Geng Weihua and Zheng Jia's firm beliefs, their parents could only regretfully accept this fact in the end.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

In 2004, the two loved their daughter and established a happy family of three, Geng Weihua, a first-time father, felt full of happiness, he worked hard to play the role of a good husband and father, and gave everything for their family.

Zheng Jia is full of sweetness in her married life, but real challenges also come with it. She is young and lively, and likes to spend money to enjoy life; And her husband Geng Weihua pays more attention to frugality.

For Zheng Jia, 8,000 yuan of clothes is a natural consumption, but Geng Weihua is distressed by this figure, and this difference in lifestyle has become a big hidden danger in their married life.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

However, Geng Weihua still really loves Zheng Jia. In order to satisfy his wife, he learned to cook; To make her feel at ease, he took care of all the household chores. In his eyes, Zheng Jia is like a little princess who needs to be pampered.

No matter what kind of dish, Geng Weihua will work hard to learn to cook, and he is willing to take on all the housework in order to make Zheng Jia feel comfortable.

However, is love able to cross the age gap? Can marriage stand the test of reality? The story of Geng Weihua and Zheng Jia seems to be facing a serious challenge. Although Geng Weihua gave all his love, the triviality of life and the pressure of reality quietly eroded this hard-won relationship.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

Married life is not as beautiful as a fairy tale. With the passage of time, the difference in thinking brought about by the age gap between Geng Weihua and Zheng Jia began to appear, and the contradiction between the two gradually deepened.

Zheng Jia is young and lively, full of enthusiasm for life, she firmly believes that people should grasp the moment and enjoy life, while Geng Weihua is more pragmatic, hoping to be able to plan carefully for the future of the family.

The difference between Zheng Jia and Geng Weihua's consumption outlook often causes disputes between them. Zheng Jia likes to buy expensive clothes, she can easily spend 8,000 yuan on a piece of clothing, and there is nothing to hesitate about the price.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

Geng Weihua is very economical, he will spend a lot of time shopping around, even if the price is only a zero, he also feels that the difference in consumption concepts of expensive has become the fuse of their dispute.

What was once a harmonious and warm family full of laughter is now gradually replaced by the sound of quarrels. The couple often blurted out the word "divorce" in anger, but in fact, they were unwilling to really let go.

Geng Weihua couldn't bear to give up Zheng Jia, who had finally caught up, and Zheng Jia couldn't give up his love for Geng Weihua for many years.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

Geng Weihua worked hard to maintain this marriage, he learned to cook and take care of housework, just to make Zheng Jia happy. Whenever Zheng Jia wants to eat something, he will flip through the recipes and work hard to learn how to cook. He silently undertook all the big and small things in the family, hoping to reduce Zheng Jia's burden.

Still, these efforts do not seem to be able to mend the widening rift between the two.

Zheng Jia gradually felt disappointed, and she found that there was a huge gap between Geng Weihua in real life and the idol image in her heart. was a military singer who was radiant on the stage, but he was a middle-aged man who was calculating in life.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

This gap made Zheng Jia feel lost and uncomfortable.

As time passed, the contradictions between the two of them became more and more acute and irreconcilable. Geng Weihua hopes that Zheng Jia can change himself and adapt to the ordinary family life; Zheng Jia, however, vowed to maintain her own lifestyle and never be bound by her family.

This fundamental disagreement eventually became the fatal wound of their marriage.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

After every quarrel, Geng Weihua would fall into deep self-blame. He couldn't understand why he couldn't satisfy Zheng Jia even after he had paid so much. Zheng Jia, on the other hand, felt pain and suffocation, feeling that her youth and dreams were gradually fading away in this ordinary married life.

It's like they're trapped in an invisible cage that can't really understand each other or let go completely. This is a marriage that began with a passionate pursuit, but has gradually reached the brink of collapse under the weight of reality.

In 2015, after countless quarrels and disappointments, Zheng Jia finally firmly filed for divorce, a decision like a bolt from the blue, which caught Geng Weihua off guard. He could not accept this cruel reality, and his heart was full of pain and unwillingness.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

Geng Weihua tried to save the marriage and communicated with Zheng Jia many times, hoping to continue the relationship. He recalled the moments when the two fell in love, trying to make Zheng Jia recall the good old days.

However, Zheng Jia seems to have made up her mind, and there is only exhaustion and disappointment in her sight, and every conversation ends in an argument, and the distance between the two is getting farther and farther away.

On the day of the divorce, after Geng Weihua came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, he hurriedly went home and hid. He didn't want to face the concern and inquiries of relatives and friends, so he sat quietly in his room alone, looking at the wedding photos on the wall.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

For Geng Weihua, fifteen years of time, from the passionate relationship, to the palace of marriage, to the current parting of ways, everything flashed in his mind like a movie.

However, the silence was interrupted by the sound of her daughter sobbing outside the door. Geng Weihua and his daughter cried all afternoon through the door. The cry of her daughter was like a sharp blade, which deeply pierced Geng Weihua's heart.

He realized that the divorce was not only related to him and Zheng Jia himself, but also to his daughter's happiness.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

In the end, Geng Weihua plucked up the courage, opened the door, and chose to hug his daughter. The scene of the father and daughter hugging their heads and crying is like a vivid picture, interpreting the sentence "Divorce is a grave, and what is buried is the former mountain alliance and sea vow".

Geng Weihua deeply felt the huge impact of divorce on the family at this moment.

Geng Weihua and Zheng Jia, who met in 1998, have gone through various stages such as pursuit, sweetness, contradictions, and disappointment from the time they met to their divorce in 2015. This relationship, which surpassed the age difference of 14 years, was ultimately defeated by various challenges in real life, former lovers became strangers, and what was once sweet became bitter memories.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

Even at the time of the divorce, Geng Weihua still had a reluctant attitude towards this relationship and knew the family's sense of responsibility. Although the relationship between husband and wife ended, the father's responsibilities remained the same.

Nostalgia for the past and worry about the future together, Geng Weihua began a new life path.

After the divorce, Geng Weihua was 52 years old and became a single father. His heart is complicated and full of bitterness, but he knows that he can't give up, he must be strong and hold up for his daughter.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

His daughter is in her teenage years and is a bit rebellious, but perhaps because of her parents' divorce, she has become more sensible and often makes her father happy.

Friends felt very sorry for Geng Weihua and often persuaded him to find another partner. Some enthusiastic friends even took the initiative to introduce him to someone, hoping that he could reorganize the family. But Geng Weihua refused one by one.

He said calmly that at least until his daughter goes to college, he will not think about getting married again, not because he still has a lingering affection for Zheng Jia, but because he wants to focus all his energy on his daughter's growth.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

Although Geng Weihua and Zheng Jia divorced, he did not deprive his daughter of the right to get along with her mother. He allowed Zheng Jia to visit his daughter and hoped that she would grow up healthily in an environment of father's love and mother's love.

This mature attitude shows Geng Weihua's wisdom and gentleness as a father.

Today, Geng's life revolves around his daughter and his music career, and he is committed to maintaining his former glory on stage and acting as a loving father at home. Although life is not easy, he always maintains a positive and optimistic attitude.

Geng Weihua: was chased by fans who were 14 years younger, abandoned after 15 years, and hugged his daughter and cried when he divorced

Geng Weihua's story is not only a love fairy tale that spans ages, but also a life fable about growth, responsibility and strength. He has transformed from a high-profile singer to a single father who has been silently giving, and through his actions, he has shown the true meaning of love.

Although his marriage did not come to an end, he found a new meaning in his life in his father's love.

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