
Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?
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Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

In 1986, "Journey to the West" was broadcast nationwide and became a household name for a while. Wang Bozhao, who played the "Little White Dragon" in the play, quickly became a new idol in the hearts of the audience with his handsome and chic image.

However, beneath this glamorous façade lies a little-known secret.

Wang Bozhao only got an astonishing salary of 1,500 yuan for only about five episodes. This number not only far exceeds that of other leading actors, but also triggers director Yang Jie's regret and anger.

You must know that the salary of Liu Xiaolingtong and Ma Dehua at that time was only 50 yuan per episode, and even in the last two years of filming, it only rose to 80 yuan. And the actors who play Tang Seng are even paid a few yuan lower than them.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

In the entire 25-episode "Journey to the West", the total salary of the other leading actors added up to be less than the remuneration of Wang Bozhao's three episodes.

It all starts with casting. At that time, after watching "Love in the Pen" starring Wang Bozhao, director Yang Jie thought that he had both the handsomeness and heroism required by "Little White Dragon", and decided to invite him to star.

However, Wang Bozhao, who has just walked out of campus, has already had the experience of starring as the male lead, and he is an actor in Beijing Film Studio, which has become the reason why he refused to play "Little White Dragon".

At this critical moment, Wang Bozhao put forward an incredible condition, which not only changed his fate, but also laid the groundwork for the future.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

With the popularity of "Journey to the West", Wang Bozhao has become a star in the limelight. However, just as he was at the pinnacle of his career, a bold decision completely changed the course of his life.

In 1986, Wang Bozhao, who had a "Hollywood dream", resolutely stepped on the plane to Los Angeles with only $300 in savings.

However, reality quickly dealt the former star a punch. Wang Bozhao, who had just arrived in the United States, found that half of his savings had been spent on rent and food alone. Once in a beautiful place, he had to succumb to the work of a restaurant helper in a foreign country, busy washing dishes and carrying heavy loads every day.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

Wang Bozhao's eyes flashed with loss, but he gritted his teeth and was determined to persevere.

Two years have passed, and he once dominated the film industry, and it is difficult to even get a supporting role. The restrictions of his visa prevented him from officially entering the entertainment industry, and he could only work quietly behind the scenes.

Whenever Wang Bozhao looks at the bustling night scene of Los Angeles in the dead of night, he can't help but feel a little lonely in his heart.

Just as he was about to give up, fate gave him a chance. He was offered an audition for Spielberg's film "Empire of the Sun". Although it is only a "passer-by" character with no lines and only one shot, for Wang Bozhao, this is undoubtedly the first step towards Hollywood.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

However, the harsh reality once again gave him a blow to the head - due to visa issues, he finally lost this hard-won opportunity.

Disheartened, Wang Bozhao left Los Angeles and came to New York. Just when he thought there was little hope, a chance encounter changed everything. While working in a restaurant, he met his former actor fellow Chen Chong.

When Chen Chong called out his name in surprise, Wang Bozhao felt a trace of warmth welling up in his heart.

This chance encounter became a turning point in Wang Bozhao's career. Chen Chong's recommendation gave him the opportunity to participate in Ang Lee's debut film "Pushing Hands". Although the role is not big, this experience opened a new door for Wang Bozhao and gave him a new hope for his development in Hollywood.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

From the popular stars in China to the obscurity of the United States, and then to the regain of opportunities, Wang Bozhao's Hollywood road is full of ups and downs. This experience not only sharpened his will, but also laid the groundwork for his future career development.

Participating in Ang Lee's "Pushing Hands" became an important turning point in Wang Bozhao's career. This film is not only a key step in Ang Lee's success, but also opens a new door for Wang Bozhao in Hollywood.

With this opportunity, Wang Bozhao successfully joined Warner and began his new journey in the United States film and television industry.

When he first joined Warner, Wang Bozhao started as a salesman at the bottom. With the experience he has accumulated in China and his love for acting, he quickly showed his talent.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

The company's leaders noticed this hard-working Chinese employee and gave him more opportunities and trust. Wang Bozhao seized every opportunity to continuously improve his ability and value.

After a period of hard work, Wang Bozhao was gradually promoted to the company's senior management. Recalling that time, Wang Bozhao's eyes flashed with pride and satisfaction.

He said: "At that time, I could say that I had a successful career and a worry-free life. Attend a variety of high-end parties every day, taste good food, live in a luxury villa, and drive a high-end car.

With an annual income of more than $100,000, I am living the life I once dreamed of.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

However, just when Wang Bozhao thought that he had finally realized the United States dream and could enjoy the fruits of success, an unexpected dream broke his comfort.

One night he dreamed of his Chinese opera teacher. In the dream, the teacher came to him with a bicycle and said earnestly: "The façade of Chinese opera needs the support of your younger generation, and we, the older generation, have worked hard to train you, but you have changed careers, which is really sad."

This dream deeply touched Wang Bozhao. Standing on the bustling streets of New York, looking at the bustling crowd, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness and emptiness. Despite his successful career, there is always a voice in his heart calling for him to return to his acting career.

He began to question his choices, wondering if he should go back to his original passion for acting.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

After careful consideration, Wang Bozhao made a decision that surprised many people: to give up his privileged life in the United States and resolutely return to China for development. This decision made his life face a huge turning point again, and it also laid the groundwork for his future career.

When Wang Bozhao submitted his resignation to the company, his colleagues were incredulous. They couldn't understand why a man who was already well established in Hollywood would choose to give up on this hard-won success.

However, for Wang Bozhao, although this decision was difficult, it was a true call in his heart.

With a vision for the future and a longing for the motherland, Wang Bozhao embarked on a flight back to China. His eyes flashed with anticipation and determination, as if he had returned to the passion he had when he first debuted.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

Little did he know, however, that a more difficult path awaited him than he had imagined.

With full of enthusiasm and love for acting, Wang Bozhao embarked on a flight back to China. His eyes flashed with anticipation and determination, as if he had returned to the passion he had when he first debuted.

However, reality soon gave him a blow in the face, making him realize that it was not easy to restart his acting career.

After returning to China, Wang Bozhao was surprised to find that he had missed the golden period of his career. was once a well-known actor, but now he has to start from the grassroots level. He took the initiative to contact his former colleagues and said that as long as there is any opportunity to perform, even if it is just a trick, he is willing to go all out.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

However, he was met with silence.

There were few opportunities, and the first performance-related job Wang Bozhao took over was as an administrative position in the factory. Standing in the office of the factory, he couldn't help but feel a little lonely as he looked out the window at the busy workers.

used to be a screen star, but now he has been pushed behind the scenes by reality. This is a far cry from his dream of returning to showbiz.

Despite this, Wang Bozhao did not give up. He still insists on participating in various auditions, hoping to find his own stage again. However, the years are not forgiving, and the once youthful face has been engraved with traces by time, and the handsome and chic "little white dragon" image has gradually faded out of people's memory.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

Every time he sees his reflection in front of the mirror, Wang Bozhao suddenly realizes the passage of time.

During this difficult time, Wang Bozhao often recalled his days in the United States. He sometimes questions whether he made the right decision. But whenever he sees a domestic drama on TV, a flame of hope ignites in his eyes.

He firmly believes that as long as he persists, there will be a day when he will return to the screen.

Wang Bozhao began to re-examine his acting career. He realized that maybe he needed to adjust his mindset and no longer limit himself to pursuing the halo of the protagonist, but to cherish every opportunity to perform.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

He began to accept a few small roles, trying to inject his own understanding and emotion into each role.

Although the process was full of challenges, Wang Bozhao never gave up his love for acting. He believes that as long as he persists, he will one day regain the recognition of the audience.

This persistence and dedication to his acting career became the driving force that sustained him through this difficult period.

In 2004, the opportunity finally came to Wang Bozhao. He received an invitation to participate in the TV series "Little Fish and Flowers". This opportunity made Wang Bozhao ecstatic, and he felt that he had finally waited for the opportunity to return to the screen.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

With full enthusiasm, he devoted himself to filming, as if he had regained the feeling of being on the set of "Journey to the West".

However, fate always seems to like to joke with him. During the filming process, Wang Bozhao had some conflicts with the crew. This was a very common thing, but it unexpectedly turned into a storm.

In a shooting, he was unfortunately injured by Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian. This accident not only affected the filming progress, but also cast a shadow on Wang Bozhao's career.

Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian had to apologize publicly to the public afterwards, which made the whole incident even more eye-catching. Wang Bozhao, who was originally looking forward to returning to the pinnacle of the entertainment industry, became a hot topic in the news because of this accident, but not in the way he expected.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

This incident brought a big blow to Wang Bozhao. He began to question whether his decision to return to China was correct, and he also began to doubt whether he was still suitable for this entertainment industry that has changed a lot.

However, an even bigger blow is yet to come. In 2008, an unexpected news came: Wang Bozhao was brought to court by his biological father for failing to fulfill his maintenance responsibilities.

The incident not only put financial pressure on him, but also raised questions from all walks of life about the rumors that he was earning as much as $100,000 a year in United States.

Wang Bozhao stood outside the courtroom, looking at the bustling crowd, feeling an unprecedented loneliness. The glory of the past seems to be just a dream, but the reality is so cruel.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

This series of events made Wang Bozhao's acting career fall into a trough again, and also made him have to rethink his life path.

Looking back on Wang Bozhao's life, people can't help but feel a lot of emotion. From the "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West" becoming a hit, to going to United States to chase his dreams, to the difficult restart after returning home, his experience can be called a wonderful life legend.

However, when we take a closer look at Wang Bozhao's career, it is not difficult to find some of these regrets. The decision to ask for 1,500 yuan in "Journey to the West" brought rich returns at the time, but it also laid hidden dangers for his future development.

Director Yang Jie's regret may be one of the chain reactions brought about by this decision.

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

Wang Bozhao's story teaches us a vivid life lesson. It teaches us that the path of life is not straightforward, and that every decision can have a profound impact on the future.

While pursuing success, we also need to maintain a humble and grateful mindset.

Perhaps Wang Bozhao's greatest success lies not in his former glory, but in his persistence and courage in the face of setbacks. His experience reminds us that there is no permanent protagonist in acting, and that every role deserves to be interpreted with heart.

As Wang Bozhao himself realized: "On the stage of life, there are no so-called small roles, only those small actors who are willing to pay and perform each role with their hearts."

Wang Bozhao played the role of "Little White Dragon" in "Journey to the West", but why did Director Yang Jie regret using him?

This sentence is not only applicable to the entertainment industry, but also a deep insight into life.

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