
Characteristic high-quality high school education to help the city of the future grow jointly!

Let the children of the people in the new district enjoy high-quality education at their doorstep

Characteristic high-quality high school education helps the city of the future to grow jointly

On June 24, the campus of Xiong'an Rongdong Branch (Xiong'an Ronghe No. 1 Senior High School) of Beijing No. 80 Middle School was filled with a festive atmosphere. As the first high school in the newly built area of Xiong'an New Area, the first batch of graduates in 2024 participated in the national college entrance examination and achieved satisfactory results.

It is reported that in 2024, the overall score of the college entrance examination in Xiong'an New Area will be greatly improved compared with previous years, and the masses will be more and more satisfied with high school education in the new area, marking the joint growth of education in Xiong'an New Area and Xiong'an New Area, and Xiong'an education is writing a new chapter of high-quality development.

Building a centralized carrying place for Beijing's non-capital functions is inseparable from the high-quality development of education. The Party Working Committee and Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area have always attached great importance to education work, adhered to a high starting point positioning, and planned the high-quality development of education with high standards, and began to implement the "Three-year Action for Building a Modern Education System" in 2023, focusing on high school education and carrying out a project to improve the quality of high schools, effectively promoting the characteristic and high-quality development of ordinary high schools in the new district, so that the children of the people in the new district can enjoy high-quality education at their doorsteps.

Take a good ideological and political course, so that students "have ideals in their hearts and goals in their hearts"

"Every year, I organize the children to study at the Xiong'an New Area Planning and Exhibition Center, so that the children can understand the beautiful blueprint of the Xiong'an New Area, stimulate their love for their hometown, establish a lofty ideal of growing up with Xiong'an, and let the children have dreams in their hearts and light in their eyes." Zhang Yanchao, principal of Anxin No. 1 Middle School, said that since she assumed the position of principal of Anxin No. 1 Middle School, she has started with students to help them broaden their horizons and establish lofty ideals.

Characteristic high-quality high school education to help the city of the future grow jointly!

On June 3, an academician campus activity was held in Ronghe No. 1 Senior High School in Xiong'an. Photo courtesy of the official website of Xiong'an, China

Cultivating people with virtue is the foundation of education. The establishment of Xiong'an New Area is a millennium plan and a major national event, so that Xiong'an children can cultivate their feelings of loving the motherland and Xiong'an from an early age. Xiong'an New Area puts moral education in the first place of education, teaches good ideological and political courses, and stimulates high school students to pursue their dreams. Over the past year, Xiong'an New Area has built a moral education brand of one district, one school, and promoted the integration of ideological and political courses in colleges, schools, and children; Jointly with Hebei University of Technology, we produced a series of videos of the "Future City · Jointing Growth" ideological and political course, telling the vivid story of Xiong'an New Area from high-standard planning "blueprint" to high-quality development "real scene", showing the magnificent picture of the jointing growth of Xiong'an New Area in the past seven years; In high school, we have created a brand of ideological and political courses of "I grow up with Xiong'an", and have successively organized theme activities such as Model United Nations and academicians entering the campus, as well as a variety of moral education and ideological and political practice activities to help guide high school students to deeply understand the overall situation of national development and the mission of the times, enhance their sense of social responsibility and historical mission, so that students can have ideals in their chests and goals in their hearts, and confidently study for the motherland and their dreams.

Characteristic high-quality high school education to help the city of the future grow jointly!

On May 9, 200,000 Xiong'an students took the same ideological and political lesson on "Future City, · and Jointed Growth". Photo courtesy of the official website of Xiong'an, China

Characteristic high-quality high school education to help the city of the future grow jointly!

On June 2, students participated in the first Primary and Secondary School Students' Simulation Comprehensive Practice Conference in Xiong'an New Area - High School Model United Nations Branch. Photo courtesy of the official website of Xiong'an, China

"Go out, please come in" to build a team of professional teachers

The coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is a major national strategy, and General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to "promote the sharing of high-quality primary and secondary school basic education resources in Beijing and Tianjin with Hebei" during his inspection in Hebei. Xiong'an New Area gives full play to the radiation and driving role of high-quality educational resources in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, adopts the method of "inviting in and going out", and effectively improves the school management ability of principals and the teaching level of teachers through famous lectures, famous school shadowing, field trips and other forms.

Characteristic high-quality high school education to help the city of the future grow jointly!

Members of the Famous Principal's Studio of Xiong'an New Area went to Tsinghua University to participate in the training. Photo courtesy of the official website of Xiong'an, China

Go out, go to advanced areas to learn, and go to the post.

Xiong'an New Area organizes principals of high schools to visit and study in advanced areas such as Beijing, Tianjin, Nantong, Nanjing, Hengshui, etc., and go to famous schools in Beijing for more than 2 weeks every year to immerse themselves in learning management experience; Give full play to the leading role of the studio of famous teachers and principals, and organize principals and teachers to visit and study in Suzhou, Guangzhou and other schools according to the direction of teaching and research topics; In line with the mature experience of advanced areas such as school running philosophy, teaching mode, campus culture construction, and teacher team management, the management level of high schools in the new district has been effectively improved.

In December 2023, the Public Service Bureau of the New District and the Beijing Institute of Education signed the "Cooperation Agreement on the Training of Xiong'an Cadre Teachers", which will provide the main class training quota for teachers in Beijing for the new district, set up a special project for the training of principals in the new district in the national training plan, and organize more than 100 teachers from the new district to go to Beijing for on-the-job study every year.

In order to improve the capacity of primary and secondary school principals in Xiong'an New Area, the Hebei Provincial Department of Education commissioned Beijing Normal University to train 100 campus principals for the new district. On July 5, 2024, a summary meeting of the "Xiong'an New Area Principal Ability Improvement Project for Primary and Secondary School Outstanding Principals" was held in the new district.

Please come in, and invite experts from Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to come to the new area for guidance and training.

The Ministry of Education held 7 basic education lectures in Xiong'an New Area, and invited well-known principals from Beijing No. 11 School and Tianjin No. 1 Middle School to give lectures in the new area, and had face-to-face exchanges with these educator-type principals, which solved the management problems that have plagued the principals and broadened their horizons and ideas.

Organized Hebei Provincial Academy of Education and Sciences, Shijiazhuang City Teaching and Research Staff, Tangshan City Teaching and Research Staff, as well as Hengshui Middle School and Shijiazhuang No. 2 Middle School principals and teachers to the new district to carry out a series of training 17 times such as the first round of senior high school review training, examination analysis training, and high school disciplines, with a total of more than 3,300 teachers. It has established a long-term mechanism for high school teaching and scientific research diagnosis with the Beijing Municipal Academy of Education and Sciences, and regularly carried out subject lectures, course evaluation, teaching and research guidance activities in the new district, which has improved the principal's ability to prepare for exams and the ability of teachers to study test questions, and broadened the idea of hierarchical training of top students and students.

Wu Yanan, the grade director of Xiongxian No. 3 Senior High School, who has just finished her third year of high school, said that the method of "please come in and go out" is particularly helpful to our teachers, so that our teachers realize the lack of their own teaching experience in the learning process, absorb a lot of nutrients in the training activities, and be able to better teach and help students grow.

The education authorities and schools in Beijing and Tianjin have given great support to Xiong'an education, and organized the best experts and teachers to come to Xiong'an for guidance. Ronghe No. 1 Senior High School is one of the "Aid IV" projects in Beijing, relying on the high-quality educational resources of Beijing No. 80 Middle School, inheriting advanced educational concepts, reforming teaching models, strengthening teacher exchanges between the two schools, and holding annual seminars on educational reform and innovative development, which radiates and drives the development of high school education in the new district.

Characteristic high-quality high school education to help the city of the future grow jointly!

On April 27, Ronghe No. 1 Senior High School hosted the "Xiong'an · Leading Cup" Educational Reform and Innovation Development Seminar - and the Fourth National "Same Curriculum Heterogeneous" Activity. China Xiong'an official website

Carry out large-scale teaching and research of disciplines to improve the level of education and teaching

Teaching is the key to the development of education, and teaching and research is an important way to promote the improvement of teaching level. Through in-depth research on educational issues and exploration of new educational methods and models, we can provide strong support for the educational reform and development of Xiong'an New Area.

In 2024, a team of full-time and part-time teaching and research staff will be formally established, and teaching and research management systems such as "Teaching and Research Work Management Measures", "School Teaching Routine Requirements" and "Monthly Teaching and Research and Competition Theme Arrangements" will be formulated, and teaching and research activities such as daily collective lesson preparation, weekly theme teaching and research, monthly teaching competitions and classroom teaching will be carried out in high schools, so as to realize the teaching and research of high schools in the new district.

Xiong'an New Area actively promotes the integration of education, teaching and research in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, strengthens educational and scientific research cooperation with Beijing, Tianjin and other places by holding seminars and establishing a coordinated development mechanism, and prepares to establish a "Xiong'an Research Center for Basic Education" and a "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Teaching and Research Community". Relying on the Institute of Curriculum and Textbooks of the Ministry of Education and the Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences, the medium and long-term planning of teaching and scientific research in the new area is developed, and the teaching and scientific research activities of the new district are comprehensively and systematically designed.

From May 9th to 11th, 2024, the Institute of Curriculum and Textbooks of the Ministry of Education, together with the Beijing Municipal Academy of Education Sciences, the Tianjin Municipal Academy of Education Sciences, and the Hebei Provincial Academy of Education Sciences, successfully held a teaching and research activity of physics, chemistry and biology in Rongxing Senior High School in Rongxi, Xiong'an New Area. The activity takes the theoretical guidance of university experts, the heterogeneous teaching of teachers in Beijing, Tianjin and Xiong'an, the evaluation of teachers and researchers of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Academy of Education and Sciences, and the exchange and discussion of workshops as the core content, relying on the new curriculum standards and new teaching materials, focusing on the core literacy of the discipline, based on the implementation of classroom teaching, exploring new mechanisms, new platforms and new models of science teaching and research collaboration in ordinary high schools in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and Xiong'an New Area, so as to bring the teaching and research of high schools in the New District to a new level.

In the future, Xiong'an New Area will further increase investment in education and scientific research, support high-level scientific research institutions and team building, continue to explore and practice new methods and models in the field of education and scientific research, promote the in-depth development of education and scientific research, and inject new impetus into the educational reform and development of Xiong'an New Area.

Characteristic high-quality high school education to help the city of the future grow jointly!

From May 9th to 11th, about 400 teachers of physics, chemistry and biology from all high schools in the new district participated in the teaching and training activities of ordinary high schools. Photo courtesy of the official website of Xiong'an, China

Guided by the creation of good classrooms, Xiong'an New Area has improved the quality of high school classrooms, formulated the "Xiong'an New Area Good Classroom Innovation Action Plan (2024-2026)", and implemented five major actions: updating teaching ability, replacing teaching paradigms, renewing teaching resources, innovating teaching evaluation, and coordinating teaching and research in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Carry out the construction of ten major tasks, including five-level collaborative teaching and research, teaching competition, achievement condensation, information application, network teaching and research, evaluation innovation, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei teaching and research pairing, project assistance of the Provincial Academy of Education and Sciences, guidance of famous teachers entering the school, and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei teaching and research sharing.

Coordinate and organize exam preparation training to improve the level of college entrance examination preparation. There are 9 public high schools for senior high school graduates in Xiong'an New Area. The Public Service Bureau of the New District gave full play to the overall role, invited experts from the Hengshui Institute of Educational Sciences, held a college entrance examination preparation training meeting, and provided teachers with a wealth of cases through systematic guidance and targeted training, and gave detailed explanations and demonstrations one by one, so that every high school in the New District benefited. And with the brother cities in the province to carry out the normalization of the high school joint examination, organize the senior high school teachers in the new district to participate in the post-examination analysis meeting, find the gap in the joint examination, find the shortcomings in the results, clarify the direction of teaching improvement, and effectively improve the level of education and teaching.

"Experts from Hengshui Education Institute came to give us exam preparation training, which allowed us to find the shortcomings of exam preparation, effectively improve the ability level, and stimulate the motivation of teachers in the new district." Gao Zhefeng, a member of the party group of the Xiongxian County Education Bureau, said that he participated in every high school training and exam preparation training organized by the new district, and he and his teachers benefited a lot.

Coordinate the development of high schools and increase support for guarantees

In order to support the development of high schools in the new district, the new district has increased financial support for high schools - on the basis of the national per capita funding standard, each student will be increased by 600 yuan per year, and a principal fund will be set up, and 30 million yuan per year will be used for high school support for teacher training, resource introduction and performance rewards; At the high school level, 2 studios for famous principals and 9 studios for famous teachers have been set up to ensure the development of high schools in the new district from the aspects of training, teaching and research, school improvement, and characteristic development.

At the same time, Xiong'an New Area funded the unified procurement of discipline network resources for all high schools to enrich digital teaching resources; Uniformly equipped with online reading equipment and software to realize the joint reading of the new district's academic quality inspection and joint examination, and ensure the real-time analysis of the new district's high school joint examination.

Characteristic high-quality high school education to help the city of the future grow jointly!

Beijing No. 80 Middle School Xiong'an Rongdong Branch (Xiong'an Ronghe No.1 Senior High School)

At present, education in Xiong'an New Area has shown a vigorous development trend, not only this year's college entrance examination has made a breakthrough, but also the results of the high school entrance examination have also made a historic breakthrough. Universal and inclusive preschool education, high-quality and balanced compulsory education, and high-quality high school education have effectively enhanced the attractiveness and carrying capacity of the new area to Beijing's non-capital functions. In accordance with the requirements of the Party Working Committee and Management Committee of the New District, Xiong'an educators will uphold the original intention of teaching and educating people, pioneer and innovate, forge ahead, educate talents for the party and the country, promote the development of education in the new area to a new level, cultivate qualified builders for the planning and construction of the new district, and contribute to the construction of the future city of the new district.

Source: Hebei Daily client (correspondent Li Yuanchuang, Zhen Xing, Han Xiaoxu)

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