
Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

That is the description of the relationship between Han Xianchu and Zhu Rui in Dongye, in the TV series, the two are a pair who can make any joke, Zhu Rui calls Han Xianchu "Han Daring", and Han Xianchu calls Zhu Rui "Zhu Maniac". Especially when the two met for the first time, it was Han Xianchu who caught him and went to find the artillery school's principal Zhu Rui, and after the two met, they bargained for a while because of the cannon.

If the audience does not know about history, they may be moved by the director's brotherhood of Li Yunlong and Ding Wei, but ...... Yuda-kun is going to say but.

In real history, although the relationship between Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu is not bad, it is definitely not like this.

With this, let's also take a look at how outrageous those so-called titles are wrong in some movies that reflect the Liberation War

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

Han Xianchu and Zhu Rui (stills)

Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu

Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu, the development trajectories of the two famous generals did not have much intersection at the beginning, and even before the Liberation War, the relationship between the two was very different in terms of positions and qualifications......

Zhu Rui was born in 1905, and Han Xianchu was born in 1913, the difference between the two is 8 years, don't underestimate this 8 years old, in the era when men got married as soon as they became adults, the difference in experience of 8 years old is not a little bit......

In 1925, Zhu Rui, who was still in college at the age of 20, was sent to study in the Soviet Union by the organization, and the content of learning was the artillery knowledge that Zhu Rui fought for later.

When he returned to China in 1930, Zhu Rui was already the chief of staff of the Yangtze River Bureau, and after arriving in Jiangxi, he first served as the section chief of the Red Army Headquarters, and after the establishment of the Red First Army, Zhu Rui served as the director of the Political Department, assisting Mr. Lin and Mr. Nie.

During the Long March, the 1st Red Army was always the main force of our army, undertook the heavy task of attacking the fortified positions of the First Army, and after arriving in northern Shaanxi, it was also promoted to the post of director of the Political Department of the First Army and the Second Front Army.

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

General Zhu Rui

Han Xianchu because of the age gap, only in 1929 to join our army, in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet District of the peasant association, Han Xianchu was still a teenager to join the Red Army, after joining the army, Han Xianchu fought bravely, in many battles made a lot of achievements, to 1932 Hubei-Henan-Anhui anti-encirclement and suppression, Han Xianchu was already a company commander in the army.

Although the main force was transferred, Han Xianchu's Red 25th Army continued to stay and fight as a left-behind force, and after the Red 25th Army was in the later part of the Long March, Han Xianchu was also promoted to battalion commander and regiment commander, and because of his outstanding performance during the Eastern Expedition, Han Xianchu had been promoted to the commander of the Red 76th Division.

But as Zhu Rui was already the leader of the Front Army at that time, and served as the director of the Political Department in the First and Second Front Armies, you must know that Luo Shuai was also the director of the Political Department back then, and Han Xianchu was the division commander even if he came later.

Therefore, at this time, Han Xianchu and Zhu Rui are several levels apart in terms of qualifications and positions, and there is not much intersection.

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

Han Xianchu during the Red Army period (stills)

During the Anti-Japanese War, the gap between the two positions was further widening.

In 1938, as the military head of the Northern Bureau of the Eighth Route Army, during the period of going to the First War Zone to do united front work, he successively established several guerrilla base areas in the Hebei, Shandong, and Henan regions, and after the establishment of the Shandong Column in 1939, he went to work in Shandong as a political commissar, and the commander of the Shandong Column at that time was the famous Xu Shuai.

During his stay in Shandong, Zhu Rui also served as the secretary of the Shandong Bureau, and was the direct leader of our army in Shandong at that stage, and his status in Shandong was higher than that of the two generalissimos of our army at that time, Luo Shuai and Xu Shuai.

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

Xu Shuai and Luo Shuai were weaker than Zhu Rui when they were in Shandong

On the other hand, at that time, Han Xianchu, after the start of the Anti-Japanese War, served as the deputy commander of the 344th Brigade of the 115th Division, as well as the brigade commander, and then went to the Jinlu-Henan Military Region to fight, and for a period of time, Zhu Rui also led the operation in the Jin-Lu-Henan region, and was the direct leader of Han Xianchu, although there were not many intersections. At that time, Zhu Rui was mainly in Shandong to preside over the work, while Han Xianchu was mainly in southern Hebei, not to mention the intersection and even the work was very little.

Therefore, before the two went to Yan'an to study in 1943, they were not familiar with each other, and their positions were very different......

After 1942, Han Xianchu went to Yan'an to study at the Military Academy and the Party School, and after December 1943, Zhu Rui also went to Yan'an, that is to say, before the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the time for the two to intersect was about 1 and a half years, and at this time the two began to get acquainted with each other.

So, is the relationship between the two like in the TV series Armageddon?

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

General Zhu Rui took a group photo with his family in Northeast China during the Liberation War

Han Xianchu was wrong about Zhu Rui not being big or small

Back to the TV series, in the TV series, Han Xianchu tied Zhu Rui, untied him after a misunderstanding, and brought him to his headquarters, and the two talked like old friends, and finally Zhu Rui still didn't let go of Han Xianchu to ask for artillery, and the two had a quarrel over whether the cannon returned to the artillery school or the front-line troops, and even this matter went to Yesi and Yan'an.

In the end, it was the Military Commission and Mr. Lin who came forward to teach Han Xianchu a lesson.

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

The two have been fighting until Yan'an (stills)

The military history experts of this TV series, the common sense of military history is not good at all.

His mistake was to blur the status and seniority of Han Xianchu and General Zhu Rui in our army in the northeast. mistakenly believed that General Zhu Rui was only the commander of the artillery column, and Han Xianchu was the deputy commander of the fourth column, and they all thought that it was the rank of column commander.

This view is completely wrong......

Let's take a look first, it is mentioned in the TV series that Zhu Rui did not go to be the deputy chief of general staff of our army, and it can be seen that his status in our army is not low, you must know that the chief of general staff at that time was General Peng and Xu Shuai and others, and the deputy general manager (at that time, the first deputy was always Ye Shuai, and the second vice president was Zhu Rui) was naturally not low.

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

General Zhu Rui

After giving up this position, General Zhu Rui went to work in the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army, and in October 1946, he became the commander of the artillery of our army in Northeast China.

In the eyes of many people, this position is similar to the commander of our army's later Dongye artillery column, if it is a bit like the commander of the main column in terms of importance, for example, General Chen Ruiting, the commander of the Huaye Special Forces Column (equivalent to the artillery column of the Dongye), is a major general, and the commander of the Huaye main column is a lieutenant general or above.

But don't forget, General Zhu Rui still has two identities.

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

Han Xianchu, deputy commander of the fourth column (stills)

First, General Zhu Rui is the vice president of the Northeast Military and Political University of our army, and the president is Mr. Lin, which is equivalent to the level of deputy political commissar of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army, and this level is 102 (Luo Shuai) and Minister Chen, which shows that General Zhu Rui's position is much higher than Han Xianchu.

Second, General Zhu Rui is also the artillery commander of the Northeast Military Region, the Northeast Field Army & the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army, which is also much higher than the general column commander, not to mention Han Xianchu, the deputy commander.

Therefore, General Zhu Rui's position in our army in the northeast was slightly weaker than that of 102 (Luo Shuai), while Han Xianchu was only a deputy commander of a column at that time (General Han was promoted to column commander or served as the commander of the 3rd column in September 1947), and there was a difference of several levels between the two.

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

Zhu Rui, Artillery Commander of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army (stills)

General Zhu Rui can be called "Han Daring", which expresses his appreciation for the courage of his subordinates, which is a kind of affectionate title, but Han Xianchu greets General Zhu Rui in the way of equal rank and "brother", which is really "no big and no small", which not only does not reflect Han Xianchu's "bold and careful", but also a disguised disparagement of General Han......

General Zhu Rui's age and position, whether it was during the Great Revolution, the Anti-Japanese War or the Northeast, surpassed Han Xianchu, and many of the two of them could never get along like in the TV series......

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

The camera of the two always feels that Zhu Rui's position is lower than that of Han Xianchu (stills)

In film and television dramas, those mistitles

This is not only the mistake in the handling of the relationship between the characters in the TV series "Armageddon", but also the director and screenwriter of the main character Du Yuming.

In fact, for the character portrayal of Du Yuming, the captain of the old Jiang firefighting team in the TV series, there has always been no success in the old version, the new version of Du Yuming is like a prophet, always seeing the national army from God's point of view, if this is really the case, Lao Jiang will let him command the national army in Northeast China and East China?

Every day, people are worried, saying that it is Du Yuming, and those who don't know think he is Chen Bui.

You must know that Du Yuming is a very Ao general, and without this confidence, he still dares to fight with Mr. Lin and Su Yu.

Of course, this time we will not talk about the positioning of this character, but about the role of handling colleague relationships in the TV series, or the "thunderous ......" in the title

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

Du Yuming with a bad mood (stills)

Scene 1: When Du Yuming was recuperating in North China, Chen Cheng went to the Northeast to serve as the director of the Northeast Camp, and directly seized the power of him and Xiong Shihui

"Brother Ci, Dongye Nanman has always been the most difficult to deal with, and now he has transferred another Han Xianchu to the past, he is as brave as a tiger, very difficult to deal with, Brother Ci Xiu (Chen Cheng's words, you have to plan well for the war on the front line of the west wind......"

This paragraph simply embarrassed Yutian-kun's feet to be pulled out of two bedrooms and one living room.

What are the identities of Du Yuming and Chen Chengbi?

A lieutenant general of the national army, a first-class general, with an age difference of 6 years, Chen Cheng is still Du Yuming's old commander and Huangpu instructor, Du Yuming is not too much to call people a teacher, he is actually called "Brother Cixiu"?

If it was really called like this in history, according to Chen Cheng's violent temper, he would have flown to North China to give Du Yuming a flying kick, the key is that Chen Cheng in the TV series is quite useful......

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

Du Yuming called Chen Cheng a resignation, not afraid that Chen Cheng would kick him? (Still)

Look at what Guan Linzheng, who hates Chen Cheng more than Du Yuming, calls Chen Cheng, you must know that Guan Linzheng is a big old man, even if people are incompatible with Chen Cheng, but in the face of Chen Cheng, people's polite words are

"Resign from the public and Jun Zuo (successive honorific titles) are leaders who are about to master national affairs, and they should no longer be closed in the small circle of the civil engineering department, and they refuse to let go of the position of a military commander, this is not the open-mindedness that should be done in a big career!"

Scene 2: In addition to Chen Cheng, Du Yuming also has a clip, that is, in the dialogue with Wei Lihuang, the title is directly used incorrectly, this time it is not directly called "Junru brother (Wei Lihuang's word)", but directly called - Wei Lihuang, which is also unreasonable, many people may "justify" that Du Yuming said it when he saw that Wei Lihuang did not rescue Liao Yaoxiang.

But who is Du Yuming? A strategic general who has been cautious all his life and has goods in his belly, how can he lose his temper?

In the national army, Wei Lihuang's qualifications are older than Chen Cheng, and he belongs to the same level as Zhang Fakui and Lao Jiang, have you ever seen Du Yuming call Lao Jiang "Kaishen"?

Outrageous episodes of "Armageddon": Zhu Rui and Han Xianchu are brothers? Director, please take a look at the positions of the two first

Northeast Suppression General Wei Lihuang, but also Du Yuming's old chief (stills)