
The car accidentally fell into the river, and the sixty-year-old man jumped into the river to save three people


Modern Express News (correspondent Chen Lijun, Zhang Haipeng, reporter Hua Yu) At about 9 o'clock in the morning of July 25, a thrilling scene occurred near the turning river on Fengshan South Road, Hai'an City, Nantong. When a car turned right and passed by the bank of the Turning River, it deflected its direction and rushed down the river and fell into the river. The front half of the vehicle has been plunged into the water, and the occupants of the vehicle are trapped and in critical condition. At this time, nearby citizens launched rescues. Gu Shunming, a sixty-year-old man passing by, immediately jumped into the river and successfully pulled an adult and two children trapped in the car back to the shore. "Encounter is fate, if I encounter this kind of situation again in the future, I will still save people without hesitation." Gu Shunming said.

The car accidentally fell into the river, and the sixty-year-old man jumped into the river to save three people

"At that time, I had just finished buying groceries from the supermarket and was walking from the north to the south of the road, and when I was about to turn the corner, I heard a 'bang', and when I turned around, I saw a car falling into the river from east to west." Gu Shunming recalled that after hearing the sound, he immediately ran to the bank of the river. Although there were three or four people standing by the railing, no one dared to rush down to the river to rescue them, and a passer-by was untying the rescue rope and lifebuoy by the river. He inquired only to learn that no one could swim.

The car accidentally fell into the river, and the sixty-year-old man jumped into the river to save three people

The situation was urgent, and Gu Shunming, who was familiar with water, immediately put on a lifebuoy and went down from the escalator. As soon as his feet touched the water, he jumped without hesitation, swam to the side of the car and tried to pull the door. "I saw that the driver was wearing a seat belt, and the door was still locked and couldn't be opened, so I quickly slapped the window and shouted to the driver to unlock the door." Gu Shunming said that after pulling the car door, he saw that the two children were still wearing seat belts, so he called the driver to help one of the children unbuckle the seat belt, and he helped the other child untie and pull them out of the car. "I held the two children in one hand and asked the driver to hold my lifebuoy, so I took them to the escalator and got ashore safely under the relay of everyone." Gu Shunming said.

In the process of Gu Shunming jumping into the river to save people, nearby citizens reached out one after another, some relayed people ashore, and some dialed 110 and 120, staging an emergency rescue "race against time". "With the joint efforts of everyone, they slowly walked up the iron ladder and successfully got out of danger, and the whole process took about five minutes." Cui Yilin, a citizen of Hai'an, recalled.

The car accidentally fell into the river, and the sixty-year-old man jumped into the river to save three people

The Modern Express reporter learned that the banks on both sides of the river were treated with cement materials for slope protection, almost vertical, the angle is very steep, and it is difficult for people in distress to climb ashore without others to help. The three people rescued were a citizen and his twin granddaughters, who were under the age of three. It is worth mentioning that in some rivers in Hai'an, there are rescue bamboo poles, lifebuoys, rescue ropes, and bank slope escalators, which are precautionary measures to facilitate the rescue after some accidents.

The car accidentally fell into the river, and the sixty-year-old man jumped into the river to save three people

Gu Shunming, 62 years old who jumped into the river to save people, is a retired employee of the former shipping company, and usually loves to exercise, and his water is very good. "I may have swam with three people at once, and by the time I got to the escalator on the shore, I had exhausted a lot of energy, and after making sure that they were all safe, I went home and sat in a chair at home for an hour." Gu Shunming said, "Encounter is fate, if I encounter this kind of situation again in the future, I will still save people without hesitation, at that time I just wanted to save people quickly, fortunately, everyone's goal is more consistent, can rescue people in the fastest time, and thank you to the passers-by who came down to help rescue, if they are not there, it is difficult to save me alone." He sighed.

(Photo provided by the correspondent)